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Theory of fuzziness (TOF) came into being after the ineffectiveness of seeking forexactness and the value of fuzziness were realized in the history of humanrecognition . The birth of TOF breaks the monopoly status of seeking qualitativequantitative analysis in classical science and provides us a new fuzzy analysisapproach .With the influence of scientific educational outlook , the traditionallanguage reading teaching aims at seeking for exactness and ignores students' statusas teaching main body , creativity and emotions , which leads to inefficiency.Therefore , fuzzy teaching in chinese reading (FTCR) should be emphasized to makeup the insufficiency of accurate teaching approach . The paper attempts to build up aframe and system of FTCR , establish the teaching opinions of combining accurateteaching approach and fuzzy teaching approach and do away with the currentdisadvantages in FTCR.
    The paper consists of five parts.
    The first one mainly discuss the recognition to FTCR , which includes itsconnotations , theoretic base and significances.Fuzzy teaching approach is enlightenedby TOF , which makes us realize the great value of fuzzy teaching .The significanceof fuzzy teaching approach is to rebuild students' status as teaching main body , todevelop their creation and aesthetic sentiment.
    The second part mainly concerns the basis of the application of FTCR . Theobjective basis is that a large amount of fuzzy information does exist in chineseteaching and the subjective basis is the fuzziness of students' cognition and aestheticsentiment.
    The third part is the principles of the application of FTCR . Firstly , theapplication must be followed non-instruction principle . Students' individual taste forthe text should be made by themselves without teacher's instructions such as studyingaims and answers to the questions. Secondly , fuzzy teaching should be based on theintegration principle as a result of the integrity of texts and students' experience ,which help students to understand the whole thinking way and fundamental key of
    sentiment. Thirdly, the perfect condition is that students and teacher understand eachother at the same time . Fourthly , fuzzy teaching must be combined with accurateteaching so as to realize the effective teaching result .The fourth part is the methods of FTCR. Firstly , reading-sensing method.Reading texts aloud can make students immersed in the charming of arts to taste thecontents of texts. Reading-sensing method based on reading texts aloud is just one ofthe effective methods transforming fuzziness into exactness. Secondly, intuitionguessing method. Guessing in the reading process is necessary as a result of theambiguities of texts and the unsymmetrical communications between texts andstudents. Students must be encouraged to guess boldly with their intuition , animportant way to develop language sense and a necessary component of creativethinking. Thirdly, eliciting method. It is the specific embodiment of elicitationmethods of teaching and fully considers the fuzziness in Chinese reading. Theteacher's timely eliciting are capable of arousing students' imaginations andassociations . The key of the method is to master the moment and the key points.Fourthly, stimulating imagination method. This method can help students readbetween the lines and understand the connotations of the contents of the texts.The last part points out the problems which must be focused on in the teachingprocess. The purpose of the paper is to adopt fuzzy teaching approach to grasp thefuzzy information that is difficult to understand with accurate teaching approach .Fuzziness and accuracy are a pair of parallel concepts . Under certain conditions , theycan be transformed .
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