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With a clue of the social relationship between science-technology and politics in the United States of America, this dissertation aims to explore the origin and the development of the social contractual relationship between the two factors mentioned above. It reveals that under the market economy and democratic politics in the United States, the material and economic relationship between science-technology and politics takes the form of contract, i.e. the relationship between the principal and the agent. The political subjects are usually the principals and supporters of the science-technology activities, while scientific and technological subjects are agents, who undertake the research program and science-technology activities given by the political subjects. And the pluralistic relationship between science and technology resulted in the fact that politics deals with the science and technology differently.
     Late in 1944, a year before the end of World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Vannevar Bush, director of the wartime Office of Scientific Research and Development, to predict what the role of science will be in peacetime. Half a decade late, he expressed his views on the basic science and its relation to technological innovation in a report to the President, which became the foundation of the nation's science policy for the postwar decades. Bush compressed these premises into two aphorisms. The first was that "basic research is performed without thought of practical ends." This expressed such a belief that the creativity of basic science will be lost if it is constrained by premature thought of practical use. Bush saw an inherent tension, and by extension, an inherent separation between basic and applied research in terms of the research goals. If Bush's first aphorism laid the foundation for the static version of the postwar paradigm, then we may say that the second one, "Basic research is the pacemaker of technological progress", laid the foundation for the dynamic version. In the second aphorism, he expressed such a belief that if basic research is appropriately insulated from short-circuiting by premature considerations of use, it will prove to be a remote but powerful dynamo to technological progress as applied research may convert the discoveries of basic science into technological innovations to meet the full range needs of the society's economy, defense, health, and so on. The one-dimensional image that represents this dynamic version of the postwar paradigm is a "linear model," with basic research leading to applied research and development. Then according to whether the innovation is of a product or a process, applied research can be converted into production or operation. And Bush's view of the relationship between fundamental science and technological innovation contains an additional element, i.e. those who invest in basic science research will capture its return in technology as the achievements in scientific research are converted into technological innovation by the processes of technology transfer.
     But in recent years this postwar framework has come under intense pressure. The contract between science and the government reached in the early years of the cold war has become unstuck. At a deeper level the postwar bargain has been undermined by the weaknesses in the postwar beliefs about the relationship between science and technology. We need a more realistic view of the relationship between basic science and technological innovation. Donald E. Stokes makes a challenge to Bush's view. He maintains that we can rebuild the relationship between government and the scientific community only when we understand what is wrong with Bush's view. Beginning with an analysis of understanding and use in scientific research, Stokes recasts the widely accepted view that tension exists between understanding and use, citing as a model case the fundamental yet use-inspired studies by which Louis Pasteur laid the foundations of microbiology a century ago. From then on, technology has been increasingly science-based——with the choice of problems and the conduct of research often inspired by societal needs. Based on this revised, interactive views of science and technology, Stokes builds a convincing mode that by recognizing the importance of use-inspired basic research we can frame a new compact between science and government.
     D. H. Guston presented a model of principal-agent theory between science-technology and politics, which provides us with a good theory tool to analyze this kind of contractual relationship. He contends that research activities are complemented by depending on integrity and productivity. After World War II, the theory of "social contract for science" assumed that integrity and productivity were the automatic products of unfettered scientific inquiry which has undergone the requirements of loyalty, financial-monetary duty and scientist's technology aims. Until 1980s, kinds of scientific research misconducts and the falling economic achievements have broken up the trust between politics and science. In order to reconstruct this trust and solve the problems of delegation, scientists and non-scientists must collaborate in new boundary organizations. And flexible system design can create steady partnerships between politics and science. Guston's principal-agent theory is of great significance to clarify the interactive relationship between science-technology and politics. Yet there are still some defects in his theory.
     In the end of this paper, the author discusses how to construct the interactive relationship between science-technology and politics based on the current situation in China. Constrained with the scope of the subject, the author just made an analysis of the contractual relationship between science-technology and politics, which is surely insufficient for constructing the bright future of science-technology and the human being. In the author's view, currently the government should make the policy to promote independent technology innovation based on scientific research. And also great efforts should be made to deal with scientific misconduct and improve the administration and monitor. It is essential for both the industry and the public to participate these activities. For that politics as the agent of the public should represent the public's opinion. And the industry is an important factor to propel the development of science and technology, so it is impossible for science-technology and the human being to develop without the participation of the industry. To sum it up, the harmonious development of science-technology and politics depends on the following four factors: science-technology, politics, the industry and the public. With these four factors, contractual relationship between science-technology and politics can be assured.
1 刘文海:技术的政治价值[M],北京:人民出版社,1996,序言.
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    3 对于science studies的翻译,学界颇有争议,盛晓明主张“科学论”,刘华杰主张“科学元勘”,方舟子又提出“科学之研究”,还有科学学、科学研究等不同译法,文中统一为“科学论”.
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    1 这一名称最早指的是在英国皇家学会成立之前,罗伯特·波义耳和他身边的一些对科学感兴趣的医生、牧师等朋友们组成的交流科学观点的小团体,他们怀着强烈的社会责任感和怜悯众生的宗教感情,想通过科学知识的传播,来促进和推动人类社会的发展。他们定期在不同的地点集会,进行讨论,由于没有固定的教室,没有校园,没有围墙,当然也不收学费,所以叫看不见的学院。1662年英王正式恩准将“无形学院”命名为“皇家学会”,这表明科学的社会意义得到了公认。
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    1 Thomas F.Gieryn.,Cultual Boundaries of Science.Chicago & London:University of Chicago Press,1999,ⅷ.
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    2 Joseph Rouse,Knowledge and Power,Ithaca,N.Y.:Cornell University Press,1987,p.53.
    1 John Horgan.,The End of Science:Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age,Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,Inc.First printing,May 1996.
    2 B Latour.,Science in Action:How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1987.
    3 Sheila Jasanoff,Gerald E Markle,James C Petersen,et al.,Handbook of Science and Technology Studies.Part Ⅶ.Science,technology and the state.Sage Publications.Inc.1995.pp.527-532.
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    2 刘华杰:反击科学相对主义,www.newmind40.com,2002-9-11.
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    1 Lubcheneo,I.J.,"Enter the Century of the Environment:ANew Social Contract for Science",Science,Vol.23.January,p.491.
    2 有关事件,可参见“震惊世界的20大科学欺骗”,http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/4821118.html.
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    2 参考了蒋卫东:科学发现与技术发明的区别[J],发明与创造,2004(8).
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    3 Vannevar Bush.,Science:The Endless Frontier,Washington:The National Science Foundation,1990,p.2.
    1 Bush,Vannevar.(1945),Science:The Endless Frontier,Washington DC:U.S.Government Printing Office,P.44.
    2 Bush,Vannevar.(1945),Science:The Endless Frontier,Washington DC:U.S.Government Printing Office,P.1.
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    2 Stewart,I.(1948),Organizing Scientific Research for War:the Administrative History of the Office of Scientific Research and Development,Boston:Little,Brown,p.6.
    2 本部分参考了樊春良对美国战后科技政策的分析,详见樊春良:战后美国科学政策的形成[J],科学文化评论,2006(3).
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    1 Greenberg,D.S.,The Politics of Pure Science,New American Library.1967,pp.51-52.
    2 Kevles,D.J.,The Physicists:The history of a Scientific Community in Modern America,New York:Alfred A.Knopf.1978,pp.287-289.
    3 Kevles,D.J.,The Physicists:The history of a Scientific Community in Modern America,New York:Alfred A.Knopf.1978,pp.287-289.
    1 当然布什时代对科技进步的社会意义的探讨在今天看来还是非常有限的.
    2 Pencik J.L.Jr.etc.(eds.)(1972 ),The Politics of American Science:1939 to the Present,Revised Edition,Cambridge:The MIT Press.pp.114-115.
    1 Proctor,R.,Value-free Science? Purity and Power in Modern Knowledge,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,p.254.
    2 李正风:塑造二十世纪科学的重要文献--万尼瓦尔·布什与《科学--无尽的前沿》[N],科技日报:2000-08-02
    3 Guston,David H.,Between politics and science:Assuring the Integrity and Productivity of Research,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000,p.3.
    1 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,p.10.
    1 http://www.nsf.gov/odl/pa/news/02/pr0284.htm。
    1 Kevles,D.J.(1978),The Physicists:The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America,New York:Alfred A.Knopf.p.341.
    2 Greenberg,Daniel(1999),The politics of pure science,Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press.P.87.
    3 魏屹东,科学活动中的利益冲突及其控制,北京:科学出版社,2006:81.
    1 Price,Don K.,Government and science:Their dynamic relation in American democracy,New York:New York University Press,1954,p.65,pp,67-68.
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    1 Hachett,Edward.,"Science as a vocation in the 1990",Journal of Higher Education,Vol.61,pp.241-279.
    2 Greenberg,Daniel(1999),The politics of pure science,Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,p.60.
    3 这也是许多科学家的见解,布什的医学委员会报告这样写道:“战争期间,医学上的这些巨大进步是发展研究而不是基础研究的结果,是战前若干年通过精心研究起来的科学资料的大量储备应用于战时重要问题的结果.”中译本第108页.
    1 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,p.17.
    2 Morton,Robert.K.1970[1983],Science,Technology and Society in Seventeenth-Century England,New York:Harper & Row.
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    1 Greenberg,Daniel S.(2001),Science,money,and politics:politics triumph and ethical erosion.Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press.
    2 有关事件,可参见“震惊世界的20大科学欺骗”,http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/4821118.html.
    1 樊春良:巴斯德象限:新科学观的启示[N],中华读书报:2000-02-16.
    1 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,p.13.
    2 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,pp.13-14.
    1 Thomas S.Kuhn,The Essential Tension:Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change,The University of Chicago Press.1977.143
    2 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,p.44.
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    1 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,p.44.
    1 NSF,First Annual Report,1950-1951(Washington D.C.:GPO,1951),P.ⅤⅢ.
    2 Gerald Holton,Science and Anti-Science,Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.1993,p.115.
    3 Stokes,Donald E.(1997),Pasteur's quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Washington,DC:The Brookings Institution,p.62.
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    2 Frascati Manual,1970,p.13.
    3 Frascati Manual,1970,pp 13-15.
    4 Frascati Manual,1970,p 15.
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    2 The measurement of scientific and technological activities:proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development:Frascati manual 2002.Paris:Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,2002.
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    1 Lubchenco,I.J.," Enter the Century of the Environment:ANew Social Contract for Science",Science,Vol.23,January,p.491.
    2 有关事件.可参见“震惊世界的20大科学欺骗”:http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/4821118.html.
    1 Lubchenco,I.J.,"Enter the Century of the Environment:ANew Social Contract for Science",Science,Vol.23,January,p.495.
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    1 Guston,David H.,Between politics and science:Assuring the Integrity and Productivity of Research,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000,p.81.
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    1 Guston,David H.,Between politics and science:Assuring the Integrity and Productivity of Research,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000,p.149.
    2 这是戈斯顿借鉴科学社会建构论的理论,并对先前委托--代理理论中的“两道街”(the Two-way Street)思想进行扬弃提出的.
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    2 http://ori.dhhs.gov/html/about/function.asp。
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