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Nowadays, along with the development of human society, the importance of popularization of science arises remarkably. It has become strategetic commonsense that developing science popularizing affairs and promoting civilian science culture actively are indispensable for all the nations around the world. There are intrinsic relationship between social hot events and the popularization of science. The reason of some social problems becoming social hot events is related to the civilian science level. Then, social hot events can reflect civilian science level in most extent. In present China, the number of social hat events is largely increasing, while the civilian science level are low. The contradiction calls for creative methods in the popularization of science urgently. To begin the science popularizing affairs by taking advantage of the social hot events related to science popularization is a significant and efficient way.
     The content is divided into four parts:
     The first part is the qualitative analysis of the interactive relationship between social hot events and the popularization of science. This part includes the chapters talking about how the hot events reshape science popularization systematic function, and the effects of the mode that science popularization embedded into social hot events. From the point of view of social hot events and science popularization, those chapters elucidate the opinions that social hot events can provide fresh materials and good science opportunities for the science popularization, and improve science effect in extent and depth. Through "political embedding", "relationship embedding", "recognition embedding", science popularization makes a comprehensively impact on social hot events, which includes regulating the occurence rate of social hot events, guiding the conformation and evolutionary process of hot events, and specify the diffusion of hot events' effect,etc.
     The second part is the interactive mechanism of social hot events and science popularization. The interactive mechanism aims to generate practical effect through specific process and regulations, according to the supply of science popularization education and public demand for science popularization. The generation of interactive mechanism involves three steps, at first, a frame about the interaction of social hot events and science popularization should be built, and the relative subjects and fields should be cleared. On the basis of it, using the concept of flexibility to analysis the influence the public knowledge level makes on interactive mechanism, and to discuss the sensitivity of the change of public knowledge level caused by the supply of science popularization education and public demand for science popularization. Then, by analyzing science popularization balance state which is formed through the combined action of science education supply and public science demands, the ideas of the ultimate goal and the actual effectiveness of interactive mechanisms on social hot events and science popularization should be proposed.
     The third part is the quantitative analysis of the correlation between social hot events and science popularization. The "first hand" data could be collected by the way of questionnaires and interviews, etc. Then, after the random spot—check on the sample data, the demonstration about the correlation between social hot events and science popularization will be made with the methods of PCA and DEA. The conclusion mainly includes two aspects:first, social hot events contains abundant of science information. It is not only the main "information base" of contemporary science popularization, but also to some extent solve the passivity of the public participation in science. Second, science popularization can contribute to the orderly spread of the positive effect of the social hot events, and effectively inhibit the inappropriate proliferation of the negative effects of the social hot events.
     The fourth part is the optimization for the logical path of the interactive relationship between social hot events and science popularization. From the point of view of logical basis, important fields, and feasible path,etc, the feasible path to optimize the interactive relationship would be advanced, combined with disembodying mechanism theory. This paper is mainly based on the theories of public administration, public policy, science and technology intermediary organizations management and sociology, and scientific use the methods of literature analysis, and interpretation of the induction, case analysis, comparative analysis, quantitative analysis etc, in order to obtain a more rigorous and scientific research findings and conclusions.
     This thesis is innovative in the research areas and perspectives, and make a newer elucidation to the current social hot events, which provides useful references for the research in multi—dimensional perspective.
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