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University is considered to be one of the most important organizations of a modern society; its social function goes beyond education and research, coming into indispensable relation with society and economy. Serving the needs of the market has become the tertiary function of the university. The actual conduction of university's function and its link with industrial sections and other social organizations exert a significant impact on a country's innovation capacity and its sustainable development. Whether an institution of higher learning can make the best of its strengths exerts even greater influence on present China when the country is undergoing industrialization and intellectualization and following the policy of peaceful rejuvenation strategy. However, this issue is lacking specific and systematic research in the Chinese academia.Starting from the status and function of the universities in national innovation system, this article makes a vertical historic analysis and finds out: the university provides education and trainning so as to become natually one of the main bodies in national innovation system; after entering into 20th century the mutual action of some internal and external factors made it logical for universities to participate in the national innovation systen in a more complicated pattern-the universities are not only the representatives of the academia as providers of basic research but also increasingly go deep into national innovation system through a complex network with industry. On the other hand a horizontal comparison is carried out on the status and role of universities among OECD countries and China, then an inductive analysis is made in terms of the function of Chinese universities and their relations with other main bodies in national innovation system.In view of the discussion focus on orientation of universities in national innovation system the article points out that the focus lies in the relation between the universities and the industry, or the degree to which and the way in which the
    universities participate in the market. On such basis the modes of commercialized technology transfer in which the boundry between the universities and the industry tends to blur is aimed at. According to the degree of importance to which all kinds of modes promote technology transfer and industry development, the cooperative research mode and the university-owned technological enterprise mode are selected for more study.The article makes a positive study On the motives, the results and the factors affecting results of the cooperative research mode using questionaire and statistical analysis, and some conclusions are drawn: the strong motives of both the university and the enterprise which participate in the cooperative research point to seeking funds; the enterprise has confidence in the university's basic research capacity but view the university's research resources as the secondary programme to solve the problem of applied research and commercialized production; the motive of university participating in the cooperative research is not related with the results; the university and the enterprise are the two main bodies in national innovation system which have different functions and close relations, it helps to promote the university's research capacity and the enterprise's technology development for university to focus on education and basic research; however, the university's need for funds makes the university to strive for balance between basic research and commercialized applied research.The study on university-owned technological enterprise mode is made with case analysis. Using Tsinghua ziguang as the example, the author explains the emergence of university-owned technological enterprise has certain historical necessity. As long as the environment in which risk capital market is not perfect and the innovation capacity of the industry is weak the university-owned technological enterprise will exist, so does the game between the university and the enterprise. The university-owned technological
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