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Scientific fraud is analyzed and discussed in this paper by combining method of philosophy of science, scientific sociology and history of science, which also combine theory and practice. We discuss the issue from the following and perspectives:
     Firstly, we described the meaning of scientific fraud, not only through the method of surveying the various information from domestic and overseas, but also using the contrast method, by comparing the scientific deviant, scientific dishonorable, scientific anomie and scientific errors and so on, we concluded the exact meaning of the scientific fraud and its scope. On the basis of the meaning of the scientific fraud, and according to different classification and criteria, the scientific fraud can be divided into different types, base on difference of the process of the research activities, subjects of the research, methods of the research activities and different owner of the research activities and so on, for example, base on the difference of the process of the research activities, the scientific fraud can be divided into six types:the fraud in project application stage, in project review, in the research phase, in the process of appraisal of the scientific research achievements, research results publication phase and the application stage, and so on, especially the hardest hit areas of the scientific fraud——laboratory fraud are analyzed, which including the stage of experimental design, experimental observation, the statements of experimental facts and the interpretation of experimental results, and so on.
     Secondly, through the analysis of trends about the history of domestic and overseas scientific fraud, we concluded that the scientific fraud has come to be getting worse, and base on this, we analyzed the endanger of the scientific fraud to different subjects and objects, including the essential harm to the scientific activities, to the participants of the research activities, to the scientific community and social mass, etc., and this also lay a good foundation for the analysis of reason and way to prevent of the science fraud.
     Thirdly, analyzing the internal and external causes of the scientific fraud, we adopted case study. For the analysis of the internal causes, we studied the case of Schon fraud in the Bell Labs in America, by analyzing interviews and narrative by Schon himself, his colleagues, partner, journal editors and reviewers, so as to deeply analyze the internal causes of scientific fraud of Schon, including Schon's distinctive personality, abnormal performance in the laboratory and its reverse research methods, etc., which all together lead to the science fraud; for the external causes analysis of the scientific fraud, we have analyzed the basic features of the interaction between science and society, we also described the reasons of political and economic, cultural and the social system, to describe and classify the different social motivation, we deep dived into four case studies-fraud of ancient fossil of Piltdown man in British, the discovery of N-rays in France, in order to illustrate the excessive interests of the country will catalyze the fraud of the scientists; Hwang fraud case in Republic of Korea to illustrate the urgency of model of investment-payback contributes to the scientific fraud, on the analysis of the cold fusion experiment occurred in the U.S., we indicate the urgent expectations of the media and social public of scientific miracle will also lead to scientific fraud. Meanwhile, from the perspective of philosophy of science—conflict of interests—to analyze the causes of a rational scientist frauds, and classify the expression of conflict of interests in the scientific activities, and finally concluded to way to prevent science fraud by resolving the conflict of interests, and come up with three principles and solution, including the public policies with preventive function, management policies with guidance function and clear policies with corrective function, and so on.
     Finally, the article described the mechanisms of exposure and prevention of the scientific fraud. In the analysis of the mechanisms of exposure, we used the disclosure process of the case of cold fusion experiment in America, which was tracked by the media and the newspaper, and deductive this process as a generalized mechanism of exposure, such as the disclosure from the peer and the social level, and so on. And at last, we concluded with a warning of the scientific fraud, the false is more "true", the exposure is more miserable. The prevention and control system of the scientific fraud proposed in this article is base on the internal and external causes of scientific fraud, therefore, the corresponding countermeasures of the scientific fraud are divided into the internal and external mechanism of the scientific community, the former including the academic standards, evaluation mechanisms, review mechanisms and reward and punishment mechanisms to improve and perfect, the latter including the aspects of social environment, legal policies and the government administrative management.
     Discussion and analysis the definition, classification, harms, causes, exposure mechanisms, prevention and control measures of meaning of the scientific fraud constructed the main content of this paper.
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