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History is like an unbroken chain of time, today’s development can only beestablished on the basis of yesterday. Since the late Qing Dynasty,China’s opening upis actually an unbroken system. After the Opium War,China began a passive andhumiliating process of opening up. In170years since China’s economic opening up tothe outside world, China has turned from a closed or semi closed country to an allsided open country,this is a significant historical turning point. Opening up is theinevitable choice of summing up historical experience,Opening up the large scalesocialized production and the objective requirements of economic globalization,Opening up is the establishment and perfection of socialist market economymechanism and the objective needs of the socialist countries absorption of all humancivilization including capitalist countries to win an important way of comparativeadvantage. it is if great significance to recall the great process of China’s economicopening up, to sum up the historical experience of China’s opening up, and to explorethe new ideas and strategies of expanding and optimizing China’s opening up,concerning the enhancing of China’s opening up to the outside world, perfecting ofChina’s opening type economic system, and the forming of new advantages inparticipating in international cooperation and competition.
     Chapter1is introduction. First, this study describes the background andsignificance, and on this basis, the relevant domestic and international researches ofopening up are reviewed,and then on the research method,content,arrangement andpossible innovations briefly summarized. Chapter2to Chapter3research the lateQing opening up. Chapter4to Chapter7research the Republic of China’s opening upperiod. Chapter8to Chapter10research the PRC’s opening up.“Going out”is a majorchallenge facing.China’s opening up, and how to “go out” is one of China,s openingup weaknesses. Chapter11is to analyze the laws,characteristics, constraints andlessons of China’s opening up from1840to2010, to summarize,refine and sublimateChina’s opening up,which has important reference value for China to further expandand deepen its opening up. where summary is made, while making prospects for thefuture research directions of China’s opening up to the outside world.
     After sketching China’s opening up,we draw the following conclusions:
     (1) Adhere to the implementation of opening up is the key for countries to seize major strategic opportunity. Qing Dynasty missed opportunity because of thelimitations of history, Qing Dynasty had resigned out the stage of history because ofloss of people’s support and trust. China have adhere to the implementation ofopening up since1978, the CPC Central Committee headed by Comrade DengXiaoping, firmly grasp the world’s great historical opportunity for industry transfer,China’s development has been won the support of the people from whole Party and thewholehearted, also won the respect and admiration of people around the world.
     (2) The characteristics of China’s opening up is: From passive and humiliationto active control; from slaughter by west countries to achieve win-win situation; Fromstudy West to form Chinese characteristics; From neglect overseas Chinese to attachimportance to overseas Chinese from; from closed-door policy to the integration intothe world.
     (3) There are several constraints China’s opening up, including internationalenvironment and domestic environment, culture, military factors, technical factors,legal factors, and so on.
     (4) There are several lessons for China’s opening up: Opening up must persevere;progress of opening up must maintain stability; Opening up must prevent thepotential risk; Opening up must develop both domestic market and international;Opening up must be designed carefully.
     (5) Opening up and domestic reform must be synchronized. Without domesticreform further opening up is difficult and can not be sustained. Qing government sentstudents to Europe and American, they ordered students only learn advancedtechnology, not learn the system and culture, when the students began to cut braidsand wearing Western style clothes, the Qing government thank those students is nolonger politics reliable and the withdraw students. Qing government even suppressedthe Hundred Days Reform movement, refused to carry out reforms, turn the clockback, eventually the history eliminated ruthlessly Qing government. The opening upfrom1978, Deng Xiaoping who has studied abroad is chief architect of the reform andopening up,he pointed out: we must also adhere to reform and opening up. opening upleading to China’s economic development and prosperity.It is difficult to maintainover30years of rapid growth for China without domestic supporting economic andpolitical reforms.
     (6)During process of opening up,we must handling relations betweentechnological learning and system learning. Long-term technology development musthave a certain social and economic, political, cultural, legal system as the fundamental guarantee. Nanjing National Government and the Qing governmentstudied Western developed countries like the same technology, too much focus ontechnology imitation, lazy to learn the system of Western countries. Nanjing NationalGovernment has established the Western constitutional system, but the essence is stillauthoritarian rule, which doomed the Nanjing national government can not escape theultimate defeat. China’s opening up from1978focus on not only learning thetechnical aspects but also learning economic, political and cultural system.Duringprocess of opening up, China transition from a socialist planned economy to asocialist market economy, China accessed to the World Trade Organization in2001. Itensure china’s opening up delevop sound and rapid.
     (7) Opening up is actually institutional arrangements and institutional changes inhistory. China learn and the introduce world advanced economic system and economicstructure by institutional arrangements and system design during opening up, through.For China, opening up go first, reform follow opening up. Content and direction ofreform often depends on the field of opening up and path design by the centralgovernment. By opening up, China has gradually changed from a self-sufficientnatural economy to commodity economy and a market economy which characterizedby the division of labor, from agricultural country to industrial country. Made inChina is famous around the world. By opening up, China is real to be distant frompoverty and backwardness, to avoid the tragedy behind beaten. In fact, the process ofopening upalso the continuous development of China’s industrialization process. Astime goes on, society changes, the productive forces develop constantly requireadjust the relations of production corresponding.Both China and world are changing,China’s opening up will inevitably need to expand and deepen. Traditionalmanufacturing and processing industries as the main economic structure existobjective such problems, the Western countries have continuously adjust and optimizeits. For China, The mode of economic development which characterized withextensive and resource-intensive can not sustainable any more,it is imperative totransform the economic development mode. We must strengthen and improve Partyleadership, maintain fast economic growth, effectively transform the mode ofeconomic development, adjust and optimize the economic structure and improving thelevel of opening up, better implementation of “going out” strategy, Activelyparticipate in international economic cooperation and competition and create newcompetitive advantages.
     There are the following four aspects of innovation in the doctoral dissertation:
     (1) Describing and summarizing the history of opening up and panoramicprocesses from1840to2010. According to chronological order, there are fourimportant stages: Qing Dynasty,the Beiyang Government, National Government, andthe People’s Republic of China. Summarizing170years history of opening up is toprovide useful exploration for the academic study of China’s opening up.
     (2) Objective evaluation of opening up of each stage from1840to2010. Atpresent, the most important thing in researching China’s opening up is to understandits basic history, and it needs both historical accumulation and new researchperspectives to make an accurate assessment.
     (3) Describing and summarizing the characteristics, constraints, experiences, andlessons of China’s opening up, which provide reference policies on how to expand anddeepen China’s opening up.
     (4) Summarizing the history of China’s sending students abroad: the dissertationanalyzes the types of students to be sent overseas, how to administer and provideservice to them, their majors, as well as the problems and challenges faced byoverseas students, while providing suggestions on how to attract more overseasstudents to return home after their graduation.
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