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The research of regional industrial competitiveness and technical efficiency has been the central issues of research field in economics and management science, while the research of regional industrial competitiveness and technical efficiency each has its own system, the scholars haven't yet studied combining the two issues. On basis of the research of the domestic and foreign scholars, the author systematically and thoroughly reveals the promotion mechanism of the technical efficiency to regional industrial competitiveness from the prespective of relationship between the technical efficiency and regional industrial competitiveness and according to the sequence of posing questions, theory analysis and empirical tests in this paper, which make up the weakness of the existing studies in this field. Specifically, this paper has mainly completed the following work:
     Firstly, after discussing the research background and significance of the paper, the author reviews the relevant research at home and abroad and proposes the specific problems to be solved in this paper, then on basis of it, builds the overall framework and introduces the main research methods.
     Secondly, after defining the concept of regional industrial competitiveness, the author discusses the niche nature and features of regional industrial competitive, and on basis of it, puts forward the niche models of region industry competitiveness, which build the solid theoretical foundation to study regional industrial competitiveness.
     Thirdly, after defining the concept of the technical efficiency, the author discusses the role of the technical efficiency in the development of industry, and on basis of it, puts forward the dynamic model of promotion of technical efficiency to regional industrial competitiveness which reveals the promotion mechanism of technical efficiency to regional industry competitiveness.
     Fourthly, by taking the electronic information industry as an example, the author separately calculates the electronic information industry competition ability and technical efficiency of China's provincial regions by using unitary principal component analysis and modified differential coefficient-based SFA model, and on basis of it, empirically tests their relationship by using panel data regression and panel cointegration Analysis respectively from static and dynamic perspective.
     Fifthly, from the perspective of theoretical analysis of the factors of the industrial technical efficiency, the author empirical test the effect and direction of these factors to the improvement of electronic information industry technical efficiency, on basis of it, puts forward some countermeasures of enhancing regional industrial competitiveness through improving technical efficiency.
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