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The party and the state and the community pay attention for this special group of migrant workers,because they paid a lot of sweat to socialist modernization and they practice their duties and obligations with practical action as a Chinese citizen. Now, China is in a period of social transformation and the human transformation is particularly important that all of us are also developed for the people's interests in order to achieve the desired benefits of different groups. In recent years, the migrant workers appeared intergenerational differentiation, so the now generation of migrant workers has become the subject of migrant workers. The central document clearly said that the government should use targeted measures in order to solve the problem of generation of migrant workers in2010. The new generation of migrant workers have the completely different upbringing and social environment with their parents. With the right to appeal and rights awareness growing, the main problem is that how to achieve the aspirations and interests of safeguarding the interests of security. Finally, they positioned themselves as the industry workers and the public. How to realize the interest demands of the new generation of migrant workers flow and protect the legitimate interests of the implementation and enhance their confidence to the party and the government and raise their awareness of rights, the political participation consciousness, the awareness and the consciousness into the city civilized society.Not only related to success or failure of new socialist countryside construction, but also related to the country's reform, development and stability in the transition period of China. The formation of the new generation of migrant workers will have a profound impact on the social development strategy of China's cities, which will also decide what kind of attitude to deal with China's new generation of migrant workers. Therefore, the demands and interests of the new generation of migrant workers and the rights protection study has very important significance.
     In this paper, we should ues the Marx's justice theory as a guide and put to the social transformation of China as the background.Then we analyzes the causes and effects of the new generation of migrant workers to produce realistic and discusses the new generation of migrant workers to protect their interests and rights of appeal that can not be achieved.At last,we should try to explore the a reasonable path with the government and the business and the new generation of migrant workers and the social multi efforts. he author believes that China should comply with changes in social transformation through innovative government functions to adjust and related policies, strict implementation of the law enforcement agencies, personal rights means enhanced business and social obligations to fulfill to gradually resolve the problem.
     The paper is composed of two parts such as introduction and body.
     Chapter1mainly illustrates a brief description of the reasons for and significance of the topic and the relevant research literature has combed and reviewed and the paper describes the research methodology and the concepts of related papers were analyzed to define.
     Body parts:Chapter2to Chapter6.
     Chapter2introduces a special group of contemporary chinese social transformation that is the new generation of migrant workers. This chapter describes the historical background of the new generation of migrant workers and the resulting social significance and fully affirmed the great contributions of the new generation of migrant workers in China's social development.Meanwhile it analyzes two attributes to the new generation of migrant workers and the old and new generations of migrant workers were compared and summed up the population difference between the two generations of migrant workers and it comes to some characteristics with a new generation of migrant workers.
     Chapter3introduces the premise and guarantee of rights and interests about the new generation of migrant workers:the expression of the full benefit. This chapter describes the expression of the full benefit about the new generation of migrant workers and the demands of the new generation of migrant workers that includes interests of political, economic, cultural and educational aspects.The rights demands of the new generation of migrant workers cuts into institutionalized and non-institutionalized in order to arrive at the new features of the new generation of migrant workers.Finally, the analysis of the new generation of migrant workers benefit expression such as state reasons, social reasons, hindered enterprise reasons and the new generation of migrant workers themselves.
     Chapter4introduces the protection of the rights and interests of the new generation of migrant workers that is the connotation,the form and the present situation. This chapter describes the meaning of the new generation of the status and content of the protection of migrant workers rights, rights protection features, in the form of equity security, protect the interests of the missing in order to establish the new generation of migrant workers' protection system so urgently.
     Chapter5describes the main factors why we can't protect the interests of the new generation of migrant workers.Lacking of institutional mechanisms involved, changing in market mechanisms, lacking of institutional mechanisms,other mechanisms of social disharmony the the new generation of migrant workers of their rights and other aspects of limitations. At last,it finds out a reason of lacking of appropriate safeguards what the specific reasons are with the new generation of migrant workers.
     Chapter6is the general idea how to rais the interest demands and rights protection of the new generation of migrant workers. This chapter introduces the construction of the new generation of migrant workers rights and interests protection mechanism of the basic principles, main force, support system, the system and construction of the new generation of migrant workers rights protection mechanism of the concrete path, relates to the social state, enterprise, individual, plays in the establishment of safeguard mechanism of rights and interests of responsibility.
     Based on the demands and interests of migrant workers rights protection in the evolution of the new generation of migrant workers,it is deeply study and explorate.One hand,it can help readers have a new understanding of this new group from a new perspective and enrich the academic study of migrant workers space to provide a reference for the field of study. In another hand, the interest demands and rights protection of the new generation of migrant workers link on the basic theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.It bases on the basis of empirical research to explore a set of measures with country, companies, individuals and social different space and to promote Chinese socialist urbanization in order to promote the development of a socialist harmonious society.
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