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On the issue of control circulation such as merger and acquisition of commercialbank, the existing researches were mostly limited to the facet of the management ofcommercial bank, concerning about the possible influence of control transaction onthe management performance of commercial bank. Although part of researchers hasrecognized the value of control market in the governance of commercial bank, theystill took bank control market as a kind of countermeasure and recommendation,paying no attention on the deep analysis of this issue.
     The topics of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of the present controlmarket transaction of Chinese commercial banks being increasingly active from aholistic view, and to discuss the effects and influences of bank control market inChinese commercial bank governance. On the base of summary of the theories ofcontrol market and commercial bank governance, this paper will take a comparativestudy about the situations of control markets of commercial bank in world majorcountries, and sums up the problems existing in control markets of Chinese banks andthe future possible developing directions. Besides, this paper will also offer somecountermeasures and recommendations against the problem of institutionalbottlenecks, to make the regime of control market play a more important role inChinese governance practice of commercial bank.
     In the main structure, there are four parts which are expanded actually, includingthe particularity of the commercial bank governance and the value of the controlmarket mechanism, the basic mode of commercial bank governance and the evolutionpath of the control market mechanism in variable countries, and empirical studies ofthe mechanism of the governance tool. In fact, a meticulous internal logic existsbetween the various parts above.
     The first part defines the explicit object of study, and provides the theoreticalbasis for further research. The second part furtherly clarifies the factors andmotivation which is closely correlated with the development of bank control market, through the country comparison analysis. Through the analysis of this part, the twofollowing conclusions are cleared. First, during the bank governance practices indifferent counrtries, the control market is conducive to the improvement ofgovernance performance of banks and industry as a whole; Second, in differentcountries, although there are some differences about the motivation and the focus ofthe bank control market development, the following three aspects are stillconcentrated overall, including the structure of competition in the industry, the banks'internal governancestructure, and the changes of the external institutionalenvironment. Undertaking the above, the third part combinly uses the short-andlong-term performance evaluation method to analyze and validate the control marketperformance of the Chinese banking sector. The fourth part implements a in-depthanalysis to disclose the relationship between the performance improvement and theinner governance mechanism in commeracial banks.
     The conclusions indicate that the control market mechanisms over commercialbanks governance in China does exist a significant performance boost effect. And theeffect above in joint-stock banks is overall superior to the four state-owned banks. Inaddition, the multiple regression analysis shows that the effect of the control marketmechanism depends on the necessary adjustments of internal governance structure inthe target banks, such as, management of the bureaucracy, the board of supervisors,and the fundamental ownership structure. And only through the conduction of themechanism above, the corresponding effect of the control market mechanism can berealized. Therefore, the weak governance performance of the four state-owned banks,reflects the rigid factors exist in the process of the internal governance structure
    ①詹森(Jensen,1986)于1986年正式提出“自由现金流假说”是对委托代理理论的进一步发展。他认为自由现金流量(Free Cash Flow,简称FCF)是“企业现金中超过用相关资本成本进行折现后NPV>0的所有项目所需资金之后的那部分现金流量”。
    ①“协同效应论”由伊戈尔安索夫(Igor Ansoff,1965)创立,他认为企业之间通过对资产、知识和技能的协同共享,不仅可以获得规模经济的好处,也可以实现管理和决策的改善,即“经理的协同”。
    ①蒂莫西布雷斯纳汉(Timothy Breshnahan,1989)较早注意到“行业冲击性事件”(industry shocks)的重要性。他认为对产业组织的传统研究过多地强调了市场力量的作用,实际上经济性冲击对产业结构的影响更应该被关注。
    ①这一论断主要基于以下分析得出。首先,根据美联储于2008年9月22日修订的《银行及银行控股公司资本投资政策说明》,少数股东在银行机构的董事会中可以拥有一名董事,或根据其投资总额,在该数字不超过董事会人数四分之一的前提下至多可以拥有两名董事。但是,根据美国五大银行2010公司年报披露的信息,在上述银行董事会及下属委员会中并未出现作为股东代表的外部董事。其次,参见美国银行(Bank ofAmerica)自2002年以来在董事会治理方面暴露的问题,在一定程度上也反映了美国商业银行的股东大会、董事会可能存在治理职能虚化的问题。
    ①本文重点讨论商业银行的问题,即在日本通常所称的普通银行。实际上日本广义的银行业结构不仅包括普通银行这一部分,还主要包括诸如长期信用银行、信托银行这样专职银行,旨在向农业和渔业提供资金扶持的合作银行,以及具有政府背景的邮政储蓄等金融机构。根据伊藤等人(Ito et al.,1998)所做统计,截至到1997年,全日共有长期信贷银行3家、信托银行30家以上、合作银行3000家以上、特别是邮政储蓄共有24000家分行遍布日本各地。参见Ito, T. et al.,“The Impact of the Big Bang on the Japanese FinancialSystem”, Fuji Research Paper No.9,1998, Tokyo: Fuji Institution Research Corporation.
    ①Christopher Anderson, Terry Campbell,“Corporate Governance of Japanese Banks”, Journal of CorporateFinance,2004, Vol.10, Issue3, pp.327-354.
    ①雅各布比克尔等人(Bikker and Haaf,2002)实证研究的结论,相比小银行之间较弱的竞争格局,大银行之间的竞争要更为激烈,而造成这一现象的主要原因在于大银行之间的竞争并不局限于单一的本地市场,来自于国际市场的竞争也是其必须考虑的重要因素。参见Jacob Bikker and Katharina Haaf,“Competition,Concentration and Their Relationship: an Empirical Analysis of the Banking Industry”, Journal of Banking andFinance,2002, Vol.26, pp.2191-2214.
    ①Gleb Lanine, and Rudi Vander Vennet,“Failure Prediction in the Russian Bank Sector with Logit and TraitRecognition Models”, Expert Systems with Applications,2006, Vol.30, Issue3, pp.463–478.
    ②World Saving Banks Institute and European Saving Banks Group,“The Russian Banking Sector and the leadingRole of Sberbank”, Perspectives,45,14-11-2003, p.19.
    ①Groyunov, Y.,“The Russian Banking Sector in2000”, BIS Paper No4,2001, pp.123-127.
    ②有关内部人的界定,吕克莱文(laeven,2001)认为诸如银行的大股东、分支机构、关联企业、经理及其他管理者、董事会成员都应属于内部人的范畴。参见Luc Laeven,“Insider Lending and Bank Ownership: theCase of Russia”, Journal of Comparative Economics,2001, Vol.29, Issue2, pp.207–229.
    ①Rozinskiy I.,“Mechanisms of Profit Generation and Corporate Governance in a Market Economy”, RussianCompanies: Corporate Governance and Market Transactions,2002, pp.168-181.
    ②William Tompson,“Banking Reform in Russia: Problems and Prospects”, Economics Department WorkingPapers No.410,2003, p.6.
    ①Colin Mayer,“Corporate Governance, Competition and Performance,” OECD Economics Department WorkingPaper164,1996.
    ②原文参见Thorstein Veblen,“Absentee Ownership and Business Enterprise in Recent Times”, New York, B. W.Huebsch, l923.转引自武志文:《中国银行体系脆弱性状况及其成因实证分析》,《金融研究》2002年第12期,第21-37页。
    ①Stewart Myers and Nicholas Majluf,“Corporate Financing and Investment Decisions: When Firms HaveInformation That Investors Do Not Have”, Journal of Financial Economics,1984, Vol.13, Issue2, pp.187–221.
    ①Evenett, S. J.,“The Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Wave of the Late1990s”, National Bureau ofEconomic Research Working paper No.9655,2003.
    ①Sigler K. J., Porterfield R.,“CEO Compensation: Its Link to Bank Performance”, American Business Review,2001, Vol.19, pp.110-114.
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