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The credit rating agencies play an important role in the financial system of all countries and regions. However, the credit rating agencies have not performed its functions on transmissing the information, revealing risk and auxiliary regulation, but have become a major force to cause financial crisis or greatly magnify the destructive impact of the crisis on the global economy. Therefore, the credit rating agencies received extensive attention and have been heavily criticized. With the deepening of understanding function of credit rating agencies, various countries or economies choose to strengthen the supervision of credit rating agencies. The United States and the European Union are the representatives of developed countries or regions which have strengthen the supervision of securities credit rating as an important part of financial regulatory reform. In China, the securities credit rating industry is lagging and still lack international competitiveness. Therefore, for our country, it is undoubtedly of great practical significance to improve the development of credit rating industry, draw lessons from foreigen mature experience and strengthen the supervision of securities credit rating. After analyzing the regulatory legal system of the credit rating in the United States and European Union, the author put some recommendations to improve the regulatory legal system of secueities credit rating in China. The full text is divided into five parts:
     Chapter I is the theoretical basis of the dissertation. The author explores the concept of credit rating, analyzes the characteristics of the securities credit rating and its impact on different subjects, analyzes the legal property of industry Association and the credit rating agencies, the function of credit rating agencies, and analyzes legitimacy of credit rating agencies in economic theory. The author deems that credit rating agencies are public property, but they are usually market participants that are for profit. As an intermediary, credit rating agencies assume the functions that the other "gatekeepers" do not have. Government regulation and industry self-regulation are two different forms of regulation, which complement each other and regulate credit rating agencies from external and internal. Theoretical analysis of the legitimacy of the credit rating agencies further illustrates that though there are many problems, the credit rating agencies are important and indispensable in the development of financial market of all countries and regions.
     Chapter Ⅱ forces on credit rating regulatory evolution of the law in the United States and European Union. In this chapter, the author summarizes the history and Status quo of the securities credit rating industry in the United States. Subsequently, the chapter studies the sequence and content of the regulatory law of the United States and European Union. Additional, the chapter explains the nature characteristics and content of regulatory rules of credit rating of the International Organization of Securities Commission Organization. Finally, the chapter compares the regulatory reform of credit rating of the United States and European Union from reform motivation and path, intensity and content and discusses the controversial issues. After discussing the legislative history of credit rating of the United States and the European Union, the author deems that with the development of financial markets and the credit rating results more being widely used as a basis for regulation, credit rating agencies virtually have a public authority, which will inevitably lead to conflict on its functions. Thus, we should regulate a credit rating agency, which leads to government regulators from scratch, and gradually strengthen.
     Chapter III mainly forces on illustrating the development and the characteristics of domestic securities credit rating industry, the process of supervision legislation and its characteristics, the main contents of laws and regulations and its problems. Compared with the United States and European Union, domestic credit rating agencies are numerous but lacking of the accumulation of reputation capital, business has been expanded but rating performance is limited, internationalization process accelerates but competitiveness is insufficient. The regulatory legislation of domestic securities credit rating has some characteristics, which are the motive and goal closely related to the development of the capital market, laws and regulations respectively formulated by different mechanisms and mainly include normative documents and indirect regulation.The same as the United States and European Union, the credit rating agencies have been given the regulatory concessions in China. After financial crisis, China also has started to reduce reliance on rating agencies. Currently, domestic credit rating agencies system has taken shape. Nevertheless, there are still some problems, including low legal status, lack of authority, the content being simple or lack of specificity, conflicts of norms or blind, lack of integrity.
     Chapter IV discusses the legitimacy of the government supervision and limitations, the theoretical basis of the development of industry association in securities credit rating, and explains the characteristics of the American market-based securities credit rating management system and European Union government-based securities credit rating of the regulatory system, and the domestic securities credit rating supervisor system and its perfects. At present, Chinese "One industry and three association"-type government-based credit rating securities regulatory system has basically completed, and industry associations have taken effect in securities credit rating supervision. Research shows that, although our country and the European Union have the same government-based securities credit rating of regulatory system, the neglect of European Union to the self-discipline and the influence to the development of securities credit rating industry are worth reflection. Although the United States has market-based regulation system, in recent years, it gradually strengthens the government supervision, and thd regulations it adopts have several common grounds with European Union's, which shows that the two kinds of regulation system are not definitely deferent, but merely varies on highlights. In addition, the marketing operation model of the United States credit rating industry association also has great reference value. Based on it, the author proposed a securities credit rating supervision system which puts equal importance on both the government regulation and self-discipline, at meantime, draws its realization. The government supervision should regard the degree of market failure and regulatory failure as boundaries, adheres to the fair justice supervision, combines micro-prudent supervision and macro-prudent supervision with effective supervision principle, further perfects legal laws and regulations, and clears regulation subject, implements classification of supervision. At last, after analyzing the function of securities credit rating industry associations,the obstacles of industrial self-discipline, this paper puts forward the actual method to improve industry association organization model and promote self-discipline.
     Chapter V puts some sound recommendations on improving the securities credit rating system, such as, improving market access and exit system of credit rating agencies, maintaining the credit rating agency independence, clearing legal responsibility. After researching the related systems, analyzing advantages and disadvantages of increasing number of credit rating agencies from theory and practice, the author thinks that we should improve rating agencies market access and exit system by clearing authority, thinning the entry access and exit conditions and clearing application procedure. Secondly, the author analyzes the factors that affect the independence of credit rating agencies, draws on the practices of the United States and European Union, and thinks that we should maintain the independence of credit rating agencies by optimizing the payment mode, preventing conflicts of interest, enhance transparency of information disclosure and establishing a sound internal control mechanism. Thirdly, the author clarifies the legal relationship between tthe credit rating agency and the rating results users, regulators and other stakeholders. The author thinks that we should clear the liability of credit rating agencies by the establishing civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability.
    2 Technical Committee of IOSCO, Consultation Report on Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies(May 2010), p15, http://www.iosco.orglibrarypubdocspdfIOSCOPD319.pdf,visited at July 5,2011.
    2 David Ellis,Rating the Rating Agencies,http://money.cnn.com/2009/04/14/news/companies/rat ing agencies/,visited at March 2,2011.
    1 Report of the Staff to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Financial Oversight of Enron:The SEC and Private-Sector Watchdogs,Oct.8,2002, pp.76-99, http://www.hsgac.senate.gov/ download/enron-sec-private-sector-watchdogs, visited at March 2,2011.
    2 Frank Partnoy, The Siskel and Ebert of Financial Markets:Two Thumbs Down for the Credit Rating Agencies, Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol.77, No.3,1999, pp.681-686.
    2 President's Working Group on Financial Markets,Policy Statement on Financial Market Developments, March 2008, pp.3-4, pp.12-14, http://www.docin.com/p-190711180.html,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    3 SEC, Summary Report of Issues Identified in the Commission Staff's Examinations of Select Credit Rating Agencies, July 8,2008, http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/2008/craexamination070808.pdf, visited at March 2,2011.
    4 SEC, Proposed Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (June 25, 2008),17 CFR Parts 240 and 249b, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2008/34-57967fr.pdf. Proposed Rules for References to Ratings of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations(July 11,2008),17 CFR Parts 270 and 275, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2008/ic-28327fr.pdf,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    6 Philip Alexiou, Who's Rating the Raters? May 26,2010, http://www.voanews.com/content/whos-rating-the-raters--95016274/168763.html,visited at May 2,2011.
    1 Excerpts of G20 Lladers'Statement Issued at London Summit, http://news.xinhuanet.com/english /2009-04/03/content_11122775.htm,visited at April 16,2011.
    2 The G20 Toronto Summit Declaration, http://ish.are.iask.sina.com.cn/f/8463936. html?from=isnom, visited at April 16,2011.
    3《后危机时代信用评级行业的监管趋势及启示》,ht tp://www.bond.hexun.comupload565645.pdf,访问日期:2011年12月20日。
    4 SEC, Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations(Feb.9, 2009),17 CFR Parts 240 and 249b, http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2009/34-59342fr.pdf.Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Dec.4,2009),17 CFR Parts 240 and 243, http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2009/34-61050fr.pdf,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    1中国债券信息网:《债券发行量》、《债券市场业务总览(一)》http://www.chinabond.com.cn/jsp/include/EJB/document.jsp?sLmId=137&sId=0201&sBbly=201112&sM imeType=4, http://www.chinabond.com.cn/jsp/includ/EJB/document.jsp?sLmId=137&sId=0101&sBbly= 201112&sMimeType=4,访问日期:2011年10月2日。
    Bryan A. Gamer(editor), Black's Law Dietionary,West Publishing Co.6th edition,1990, p.196.
    4 Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006, section 3(a) (60), http://www.glin. gov/view.action?glinID=190699#,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    5 Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies,art
    3.1 (a), http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri= CELEX:32009R1060:EN:NOT, visited at July 15,2011.
    1《穆迪投资者服务公司社监管格局变化下的展望》,第11页,http://www.moodys.com/researchdocument contentpage.aspx?docid=PBC..135623,访问日期:2012年1月12日。
    2 Standard & Poor's Ratings Definitions & FAQs, http://www.standardandpoors.com/ratings/definitions-and-faqs/en/ap,visited at Sept.18,2011.
    3 Fitch Ratings,Definitions of Ratings and Other Forms of Opinion (January 2011),p.6, http://wenku.baidu.com/view/fa83d4a7f524ccbff1218498.html,visited at Sept.18,2011.
    1根据美国《1933年证券交易法》,证券的定义十分广泛,包括票据、股票、库存股票、债券以及被告普遍认为是“证券”的任何权益和票据等。Securities Act of 1933. §77b(a)(1).
    1 Steven L.Schwarcz,Private Ordering of Public Markets:The Rating Agency Paradox, University of Illinois Law Review, Vol.2002, No.1,2002, pp.21-22.
    1《穆迪投资者服务公司在监管格局变化下的展望》,第9页,http://www.moodys.com/researchdocument contentpage.aspx?docid=PBC 135623,访问日期:2012年1月2日.
    3 SEC,Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets,January 2003,p.5,http://ww.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf,visited at July 12.2010.
    1 Bryan A. Gamer (editor), Black's Law Dict ionary. West Publishing Co.6th edition,1990, p.1156, p.1290.
    1陈新权:《金融业的他律、自律》,http://wwwv.laomu.cn/wxzp/ydzx/wenxueqikan/Xhwz/xhwz2001/ xhwz20011205.html,访问日期:2011年10月15日。
    2 Andrew A.King,Michael J.lenox,lndusty Self-regulationg without Sactions:The Chemical Industy's Responsible Care Program,Academy of Management Journal,Vol.43,No.4,2004,pp.698.
    4 Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies,art
    3.1 (b), http://eur-lex. europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri= CEI.EX:32009R1060:EN:NOT, visited at July 15,2011.
    5 Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006, set.3, http://www.glin.gov/view.action?glinID=190699#,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    1 Investment Advisers Act of 1940(As Amended Through P. L.112-90,Approved Jan.3,2012), Sec.202. (a) (11) (16), http://www.sec.gov/about/laws/iaa40.pdf,vistited at May 2,2011.
    1 David Brookfield,Phillip Ormrod, Credit Agency Regulation and the Impact of Credit Ratings in the International Bond Market, European Journal of Finance, Vol.6, No.4,2000, p.311.
    1报告还从以下几个方面论述了信用评级的使用:(a)决定资本要求;(b)通常对合格的投资或获得准许的资产集合进行鉴别或分类;(c)对作为证券或抵押债券的一部分买进的资产信用风险进行信用评估;(d)决定披露要求;(e)确定募资资格。Joint Forum Report,Stocktaking on the use of credit ratings(June 2009), pp.3-4, http://www.bis.org/publ/joint22.pdf?noframes=1,visited at Oct.2, 2010.
    2杨小凯、黄有光著: 《专业化与经济组织——种新兴古典微观经济学框架》,张玉纲译,经济科学出版社2000年版,第102—103页。
    R. H. Coase, The Nature of the Firm, Economica,New Series,Vol.4,No.16,1937, pp.386-405.
    1 R. H. Coase, The problem of social cost, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.3,1960, pp.1-44.
    3 H.A.Simon.A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice, Quarterly Journal of Ecnomics, Vol.69, No.1. 1955, pp.99-118.
    4 K.J.Arrow, The Organization of Economic Activity:Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market
    versus Non-amarket Allocation, p.1, http://msuweb.montclair.edu/lebelp/PSC643Int PolEcon/ArrowNonMkt Activity1969.pdf, vistited at Sept.1,2011.
    1[南]斯韦扎尔·平乔维奇著:《产权经济学——一种关十体制比较的理论》,蒋琳琦译,经济科学出版社1999版。R. C. Merton, On the Application of the Continuous Tine Theory off Finance to Financial Intermediation and Insure, Geneva Paper on Risk and Insurance Theory, Vol.4,1989.转引冯斌星:《中国金融中介机构发展的效率研究》,西北大学博士学位论文,2006年,第5页。
    4 Marcia H. Millon, Anjan V. Thakor,Moral Hazard and Information Sharing a Model of Financial Information Kating Agencies, Journal of Finance, Vol.40, No.5,1985, pp.1403-1422.
    1 S.Ross,The Economic Theory of Agency:The Principal's Problem, American Economic Review 63, 1973, pp.134-139.
    1 Richard Cantor,Frank Packer,The Credit Rating Industry,Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review,Vol.19,No.2,1994,pp.1.
    2受经济大萧条影响,Dun和Bradstreet于1933年合并,现已发展成为世界上最大的个人信用评级公司邓白氏(Dun and Bradstreet,Ine.)。See D&B,The History, http://www.dnb.com/about-dnb/historv/14909191-1.html#,visited at Sept.1,2010.
    3 Moody's History:A Century of Market Leadership, http://www.moodys.com/Pages/atc001.aspx,visited at Sept.1.2010.
    41941年标准统计与普尔出版合并,成立标准普尔公司(Standard & Pool's Corp.).See A History of Standard & Poor's,http://www.standardandpoors.com/about-sp/timeline/en/us/,visited at Sept.1.2010.
    1惠誉出版公司成立于1913年,由John Knowles Fitch创设。See FitchRatings,Our Organization, http://www.fitchratings.com/web/en/dynamic/about-us/about-us.jsp,visited at Sept.1,2010.
    2 Frank Partnoy, The Siskel and Ebert of Financial Markets:Two Thumbs Down for the Credit Rating Agencies, Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol.77, No.3,1999, pp.639-640.
    3 Richard Sylla, A Historical Primer on the Business of Credit Rating, Prepared for Conference on'The Role of Credit Reporting Systems in the International Economy', The World Bank, Washington DC, March 1-2,2001.转引袁敏:《美国评级业监管发展动向及述评》,载《证券市场导报》2008年第1期,第19-20页。
    4 Gilbert Harold, Accuracy in Reading the Investment Spectrum, Bankers ASSOC,27(32),1934.
    1 Frank Partnoy, The Siskel and Ebert of Financial Markets:Two Thumbs Down for the Credit Rating Agencies, Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol.77, No.3,1999, pp.640-641, pp.646.
    3 Arthur R. Pinto, Control And Responsibility Of Credit Rating Agencies in The United States, American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.54,2006, pp.347.
    4 Richard Cantor, Frank Packer,The Credit Rating Industry, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, Vol.19, No.2,1994, pp.4.
    1 SEC,Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations,Januar 2011,p.13, http://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf,visited at Nov.11, 2011.
    3 Arturo Estrella, Credit Ratings and Complementary Sources of Credit Quality Information,Bank for International Settlements, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Working Papers No.3, Aug. 2000.
    1 Arturo Estrella, Credit Ratings and Complementary Sources of Credit Quality Information, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Working Papers No.3, Aug.2000.
    2我国大公国际信用评级公司、上海远东信用评级公司与中国诚信国际信用评级公司为协会会员http://acraa.com/acraamembers.asp,visited at March 2,2011.
    4 SEC,Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, January 2011, pp.3-4, http:/www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf, visited at May 11,2011.
    Adoption of Amendments to Rule 15e3-1 and Adoption of Alternative Net Capital Requirement for Certain Brlkders and Dealers, Release No.34-11497(June 26,1975),40 FR29795(July 16,1975). See SEC, Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets, January 2003, p.6, http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf, visited at July 12,2010.
    2 SEC, Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets, January 2003, pp.9-10, http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf, visited at July 12,2010.
    3 SEC, Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets, January 2003, p.11, http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    是否需要正式化及其如何完成:(4)NRSRO向发行人收费的做法(特别是根据评级业务的规模收费)是否合适;(5)足否应当限制评级使用范围;(6)是否应当采取进一步的行动以增强SEC的监管作用,包括在必要时寻求另外的立法机构,以及是否应当采用登记制度或其他适当的、必要的监管措施以满足联邦证券法的目的。SEC, Concept Release on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Aug.31,1994), pp.11-12, http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/34-34616.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    1 SEC, Proposed Rule for Definition of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Dec.17,1997),17 CFR Part 240, pp.12-13, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/34-39457.txt,visited at July 12,2010.
    2SEC收到25封评论回函,普遍支持继续使用NRSRO概念并通过正式的程序指定NRSRO。也有个别评论者提出了认定NRSRO的客观标准(如实收资本额至少达到5000万美元、已经对至少100家以上发行人进行评级、至少有30位以上专职分析师),或建议停止使用NRSRO概念并以数据模型或历史延伸来代替。此外,评论者普遍反对对NRSRO进行正式监管,认为其可能干扰评级过程或判断。SEC, Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets, January 2003, pp.10-11, http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    3 SEC, Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets, January 2003,http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    4拟议规则针对NRSRO替代,认定标准,检查和监管,利益冲突,反竞争的、滥用的和不公平的做法以及信息流等6个方面,提出了56个问题。SEC,Concept Release on Rating Agencies and the Use of Credit Ratings under the Federal Securities Laws(June 4,2003), http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/33-8 236. htm, visited at July 12,2010.
    5在对拟议规则评论的46人中,绝大多数支持保留NRSRO并提高认定NRSRO的过程的透明度,只有4人主张取消NRSRO;对于NRSRO的认定标准,有两种相反的总见,一方认为该标准造成了进入壁垒,应r以降低,另一方则认为不能降低;评论者普遍认为应对NRSRO进行周期性检查,并对其NRSRO资格进行持续性的监管。SEC,Proposed Rule for Definition of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (April 25,2005),17 CFR Part 240, pp.21309-21317, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/33-8570fr.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    12003年4月10月,众议院金融服务委员会资本市场小组委员会主席理查德·贝克尔(Richard Baker)致信SEC新任主席威廉·唐纳森(William Donaldson),提出了21项问题,如NRSRO是否接受审查?对于竞争或法律责任,是否给予NRSRO《1933年证券法》436(g)规定的豁免权?SEC如何消除准入障碍,创造和培育一个竞争环境?为什么不听取司法部门的意见,后者认为NRSRO造成了不可逾越的准入障碍?针对这些问题,贝克尔探讨了废止NRSRO的可能性,同时提出,即使保留NRSRO,也应加强监管。Letter from Representative Richard H. Baker, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises, to Willian Donaldson, Chairman of SEC, April 10,2003.6月4日,唐纳森致信贝克,对上述问题作了回应。Letter from Willian Donaldson, Chairman of SEC, to Willian Donaldson, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises, June
    4,2003, http://www.sec.gov/spotlight/ratingagency/baker060403.pdf, visited at July 12,2010.
    2 SEC, Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets, January 2003, p.6, http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/credratingreport0103.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    3 Brian Carroll, Enron Scandals Spur Proposed Credit Rating Legislation,Legal Intelligencer, Sept.25,2005, p.5.
    4 Frank Partnoy, Historical Perspectives on the Financial Crisis:Ivar Kreuger, the Credit-Rating Agencies, and Two Theories About the Function, and Dysfunction, of Markets, Vol.26, Yale Journal on Regulation,2009, p.431, p.432, pp.438-440.
    2 Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006, http://www.glin.gov/view.action?glinID=190699#,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    3 SEC, Proposed Rule for Oversight of Credit Rating Agencies Registered as Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Feb.9,2007), http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2007/34-55231fr.pdf,visited Sept.23,2010.
    4从2月5月,SEC以书信、面谈、邮件、电话等方式,广泛听取了专家学者、参议员、信用评级机构高管等对拟议规则的意见。See Comments on Oversight of Credit Rating Agencies Registered as Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, http://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-04-07/s70407.shtml,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    1 SEC, Final Rule for Oversight of Credit Rating Agencies Registered as Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations(June 5,2007),17 CFR Parts 240 and 249b, http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2007/34-55857fr.pdf,visited Sept.23,2010.
    2 President's Working Group on Financial Markets, Policy Statement on Financial Market Developments, March 2008, pp.12-14, http://www.docin.com/p-190711180.html,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    1 SEC, Proposed Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (June 16,2008),17 CFR Parts 240 and 249b, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2008/34-57967.pdf. Proposed Rule for References to Ratings of NRSRO(July 1,2008),17 CFR Parts 240,242, and 249, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2008/34-58070.pdf. Proposed Rule for Security Ratings(July 1,2008),17 CFR Parts 229,230,239, and 240, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2008/33-8940.pdf. Proposed Rule for References to Ratings of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (July 1,2008),17 CFR Parts 270 and 275, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2008/ic-28327.pdf. Re-Proposed Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Feb.2,2009),17 CFR Parts 240 and 243, http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2009/34-59343.pdf,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    2 SEC,Final Rule for Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Feb.2,2009), http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2009/34-59342.pdf,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    3 SEC, Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Feb.9, 2009),17 CFR Parts 240 and 249b, http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2009/34-59342fr.pdf. Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (Dec.4,2009),17 CFR Parts 240 and 243, http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2009/34-61050fr.pdf,visited Sept.23,2010.
    4 SEC,Concept Release on Possible Rescission of Rule under the Securities Act of 1933(Oct.7, 2009), http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/2009/33-9071.pdf,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    1 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, http://banki.ng.senate.gov/public/_files/Rept111517DoddFrankWallStreetReformandConsumerProtectionAct.pdf,visited at July 5,2011.
    2 SEC, Final Rule for Removal From Regulation FD of the Exemption for Credit Rating Agencies (Sept. 29,2010), http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2010/33-9146.pdf,visited at July 5,2011.
    3 SEC, Proposed rule for Disclosure for Asset-backed Securities Required by Required by Section 943 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act(Oct.4,2010), http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2010/33-9148.pdf. Final rule for Disclosure for Asset-backed Securities Required by Required by Section 943 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act(Jan.20,2011), http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2011/33-9175.pdf,visited at July 5,2011.
    1 SEC, Proposed rule for Security Ratings (Feb.9,2011), http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2011/33-9186.pdf. Proposed rule for References to Credit Ratings in Certain Investment Company Act Rules and forms (March 3,2011), http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2011/33-9193.pdf. Proposed rule for Removal of Certain References to Credit to Rating under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934(April 27,2011), http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2011/34-64352.pdf. Proposed Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (May 18,2011), http://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2011/34-64514.pdf. Final rule for Security Ratings (July 27,2011), http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2011/33-9245.pdf,visited at Feb.1,2012.
    2《最终规则》提出消除条例1.49针对合格的国外存储机构的评级要求;消除条例4.24针对期货经理人的参考信用等级的部分,改为“信誉度”。CFTC, Final Rule for Removing Any Reference to or Reliance on Credit Ratings in Commission Regulation;Proposing Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings(July 25,2011), http://www.eftc.gov/ucm/groups/public/@lrfederalregister/documents /file/2011-W8777a.pdf, visited at Feb.1,2012.
    1 Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 on insider dealing and market manipulation (market abuse), http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ. do? uri=CELEX:32003L0006:EN:NOT, visited at July 15,2011.
    2 Commission Directive 2003/125/EC of 22 December 2003 implementing Directive2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regard as the fair presentation of investment recommendations and the disclosure of conflicts of interest(Text with EEA relevance), http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32003L0125:EN:NOT,visited at July 15,2011.
    3 Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions, http://eur-lex.europa.eu /LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32006L0048:EN:NOT,visited at July 15,2011.
    4 Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions(recast) (Text with EEA relevance), http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32006L0049:EN:NOT,visited at July 15,2011.
    5 EC, Call to CESR for Technical Advice on Possible Measure Concerning Credit Rating Agencies, http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/securities/docs/agencies/2004-07-27-advice_en.pdf,visit ed at July 15,2011.
    1 IOSCO Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies (Sept.25,2003), http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD151.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    2 CESR's Report to the European Commission on the Compliance of Credit Rating Agencies with the IOSCO Code(December 2006), http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/securities/does/agencies/rep ort_en.pdf,visite at July 15,2011.
    3 IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamental for Credit Rating Agencies (Dec.2004), http://ww.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD180.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    1 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Credit Rating Agencies (Nov.12,2008), http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/securities/docs/agencies/proposal_en. pdf, visited at July 15,2011.
    4 CESR's Guidelines for the Implementation of the Central Repository(CEREP), http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/10331.pdf,visited at July 15,2011.
    1 CESR's Guidance on Registration Process, Functioning of Colleges, Mediation Protocol, Information set out in Annex Ⅱ, Information set for the application for Certification and for the assessment of CRAs systemic importance(June 4,2010), http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/1-10_347.pdf,visited at July 15,2011.
    6 CESR's Guidance on common standards for assessment of compliance of credit rating methodologies with the requirements set out in Article 8.3 (Aug.30,2010), http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/10_945.pdf,visited at July 15,2011.
    1 Final advice-ESMA's Technical Advice to the Commission on Fees for CRAs, http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/2011_144.pdf,visited at Nov.17,2011.
    2 ESMA's Guidelines on the application of the endorsement regime under Article 4 (3) of the Credit Rating Agencies Regulation No 1060/2009, http://www. esma. europa. eu/system/files/ESMA_2011_139. pdf, visited at Nov.17,2011.
    3 Final report-Regulatory Technical Standards on the presentation of the information that credit rating agencies shall disclose in accordance with Article 11 (2) and point 1 of Part Ⅱ of Section E of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009, http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/2011_461.pdf. Final report-Draft RTS on the assessment of compliance of credit rating methodologies with CRA Regulation, http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/f iles/2011462.pdf. Final report-Regulatory technical standards on the information for registration and certification of credit rating agencies, http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/2011_463.pdf. Final report-Draft RTS on the content and format of ratings data periodic reporting to be requested from credit ratings agencies for the purpose of on-going supervision by ESMA, http://www.esma.europa.eu/system/files/2011_464.pdf,visited at Feb.22,2012.
    4 Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies, (8), http://eur-lex.europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:320 09R1060:EN:NOT, visited at July 15,2011.
    5 IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamental for Credit Rating Agencies,revise May 2008, http:/www.iosco.orglibrarypubdocspdfIOSCOPD271.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    1 Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32009R 1060:EN:NOT, visited at July 15,2011.
    2 Regulation (EU) No 513/2011 of the European Parliament and the Counci 1 of 11 May 2011 on amending Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 on credit rating agencies, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/ LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:145:0030:0056:EN:PDF,visited at Nov.17,2011.
    1 IOSCO目前有正式会员(ordinary member)115个(中国是其中一员)、准会员(Associate Member) 11个、附属会员(Affiliate Member)77个,设有主席委员会(Presidents Commitee)、执委会(Executive Committee)、技术委员会(Technical Committee)、新兴市场委员会(Emerging Market Committee)、自律机构咨询委员会(SRO Consultative Committee)、新兴市场委员会咨询委员会(Emerging Markets Committee Advisory Board)、地区委员会(Regional Committee)。2009年5月,1OSCO将技术委员会下设评级机构工作小组(Credit Rating Agencies Task Force)变更为信用评级机构常设委员会(Technical Committee Standing Committee on Credit Rating Agencies,简称TCSC6),负责制定信用评级机构监管行为准则,定期开展各国信用评级机构监管的评估活动。http://www. iosco. org/lists/、http://www.iosco.org/lists/display_committees.cfm?cmt id=10. IOSCO的宗旨是合作开发,实施和促进遵守国际公认的符合标准的规定,以保护投资者为目的进行监督和执法,维护市场的公平、有效和透明,并寻求解决系统性风险;加强投资者保护,提升投资者对整个证券市场的信心,并在对违规行为的执法和对市场、市场中介机构的监管方面加强信息交流和合作;交换有关各自在全球和区域一级的经验的信息,以利于协作开发市场,加强市场基础设施和实施适当的调节。http://www.iosco.org/about/,visited at July 5,2011.
    1 IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamental for Credit Rating Agencies (Dec.2004), art 4.1, http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD180.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    2 IOSCO Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies (Sept.25,2003), http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD151.pdf.visited at June 12,2010.
    3 IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamental for Credit Rating Agencies(Dec.2004), http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD180.pdf.visited at June 12,2010.
    1 Media Release,Credit Rating Agencise--OSCO Reports Good Progress in Adoption of Code of Conduct (Feb.14,2007), http://www.iosco.org/news/pdf/IOSCONEWS100.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    2 IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamental for Credit Rating Agencies, revise May 2008,art 4.3, http://www.iosco.orglibrarypubdocspdfIOSCOPD271.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    321个被检查的信用评级机构中,巴西3个、德国7个、日本2个、加拿大1个、瑞士1个、美国7个。有7个评级机构完全或基本实施了《2008年行为准则》,基本实施的评级机构均解释了偏离的原因;14个未实施的信用评级机构中,有11个已部分或大部分实施了《2004年行为准则》。未能实施的原因主要是欧盟于2008年秋提出的新的信用评级监管机制尚未明确,评级机构处于观望之中;《2008年行为准则》主要是为了解决与结构性金融产品相关的评级问题,规模较小的评级机构没有提供此类业务。IOSCO, A Review of Implementation of the IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies, March 2009, http://www.iosco.orglibrarypubdocspdfIOSCOPD286.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    4 IOSCO Global securities regulators adopt new principles and increase focus on systemic risk, http:///www.iosco.orgnewspdfIOSCONEWS188.pdf,visited at Nov.17,2011.
    3沃克尔规则由美联储前任主席、现任美国总结经济复苏顾问委员会主席保罗·沃克尔(Paul Volcker)提出,核心内容是吸纳存款的银行不得用自己的钱在资本市场直接进行交易,也不得发起或者投资十对冲基金、私募基金。
    或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿仲冤的权利。Francis A. Bottini, Jr., An Examination of the Current Status of Rating Agencies and Proposals for Limited Oversight of such Agencies, San Diego Law Review, Vol.30,1993, pp.615-619.
    1 Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders, Inc.,472 U. S.749 (1985).
    2 Lowe v. SEC,472 U. S.181 (1985).
    3 Jefferson County School District v. Moody's Investor's Services, Inc.175 F.3d 848. (10th Cir.1999).
    4 SEC, Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, January 2011,p6, http://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf,visited at May 11,2011.
    1 Julie Creswell, Vikas Bajaj, S&P and Moody's Try to Shore Up Credibility, Int'1 Herald Tribune, Feb.9,2008, p.13.
    2 Paul Menchaca, Rat ing Agencies Remain Targets of Blame,Asset Securitization Report, Nov.12,2007.
    3 American Savings Bank v. UBS PaineWebber,31 Media L. Rep.1444,2002 WL.31833223 (S. D. N. Y., Dec.16,2002).
    4 California Public Employees Retirement System v. Moody's Services, Inc., Cal. Super. Ct., S. F. County, May 24,2010.
    1 Winnie P. H. Poon, Are Unsolicited Credit Ratings Biased Downward?Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol.27, No.4,2003, pp.593-614. Yingjin Hi la Gan, Why do Firms Pay for Bond Ratings When They Can Get Them for Free?Job Market Paper, November 2004, pp.13-57. Winnie P. H. Poon, Micahael Firgh, Are Unsolicited Credit Ratings Lower?International Evidence from Banking Ratings, Journal of Business Finance & Account ing, Vol.32, No.9-10,2005, p.1741-71.
    1 President's Working Group on Financial Markets, Policy Statement on Financial Market Developments, March 2008, pp.12-14, http://www.docin.com/p-190711180.html,visited at Sept.23,2010.
    3中国债券信息网:《债券发行量》,http://www.chinabond.com.cn/jsp/include/EJB/document.jsp?sLmId=137&sId=0201&sBbly=201112&sM imeType=4,访问日期:2011年11月2日.
    5中国债券信息网,http://www.chinabond.com.cn/jsp/include/EJB/tjyb more.jsp?BBND=2009&BBYF =12&sPageType=2&sLmId=137,访问日期:2012年2月22日。
    4联合资信评估有限公司:《发展历程》,http://www.lianheratings.com.cn/NewsShow.aspx?menu_id=200 81031140355487240,访问日期:2011年10月2日。
    2 SEC, Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, January 2011, p.6, http://www. sec. gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf,visited at May 11,2011.
    1 IOSCO, A Review of Implementation of the IOSCO Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies, March 2009, p.11, http://www.iosco.orglibrarypubdocspdfIOSCOPD286.pdf,visited at June 12,2010.
    61958年巴托(F.M.Bator)发表论文《市场失灵分析》,提出了市场失灵的概念。他认为以下五种情况可能导致市场失灵:交易者之间存在障碍使交易发生困难、交易者交易界区不清晰、存在产权难以人格化的物品、市场形成垄断、市场存在外部性,国家应对市场失灵进行补救。F. M. Bator, The Anatomy of Market Failure, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.72, No.3,1958, pp..351-379.
    1 S. L. Wartick, Measuring Corporate Reputation:Definition and Data, Business & Society, Vol.41, No.4,2002, pp.371-392.
    2 Carl Shapiro, Premiums for High Quality Products as Returns to Reputations, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.98, No.4,1983, pp.659-679.
    3 Kreps等人根据有限博弈理论,将不完全信息引入有限次重复博弈,对合作均衡机制的形成进行研究,建立了声誉模型。David M. kreps, Paul R. Milgrom, D. John Roberts and Robert Wilson, Rational Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoners Dilemma, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.27, No.2,1982, pp.245-252. David M.Kreps,Robert Wilson, Reputation and Imperfect Information, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.27, No.2,1982, pp.253-279.
    4 James R. Booth,Richard L, Ⅱ Smith, Capital Raising, Underwriting and the Certification Hypothesis, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.15, No.1-2,1986, pp.261-281.
    1 See Steven L. Schwarcz, Private Ordering of Public Market:The Rating Agency Paradox, University of Illinois Law Review, Vol.2002, No.1,2002.
    3 Roger Stover, Third-Party Certification in New Issues of Corporate Tax-Exempt Bonds:Standby Letter of Credit and Bond Rat inglnformation, Financial Management, Vol.25, No.1,1996, pp.62-63.
    4 Fabian Dittrich, The Credit Rating Industry:Competition and Regulation, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=991821,visited at July 5,2011.
    1 Enron Aside, Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) Are Legal, Innovative and Widely Used, May 17,2006 in Knowledge@Wharton, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.efm?articleid=1483, visited at Sept.16,2010.
    2 J. Mathis, J. McAndrews and J. C. Rochet, Rat ing the Raters:Are Reputation Concerns Powerful Enough to Discipline Ratings Agencies?November 3,2008, p.4, http://www.webmeets.com/files/papers/ LACEA-LAMES/2008/1035/rating_the_raters_031108.pdf,visited at July 5,2011.
    3 Frank Partnoy, The Paradox of Credit Ratings, U San Diego Law & Econ Research Paper No.20,2001, pp.2-3.
    1[美]道拉斯·C·诺期著: 《制度、制度变迁与经济绩效》,杭行译,上海三联书店1994年版,第27贝。
    2 S. Peltzmann, Towards A More General Theory of Regulation, Journal of Law and Economics,Vol.19, No.2,1976, pp.211-240.
    4 Dan Morgan, Juliet Eilperin, Campaign Gifts, Lobbying Built Enron's Power in Washington, Washington Post Tuesday, Dec.25,2001.
    1 Gordon White, Prospect s for Civil Society in China:A Case study of Xiaoshan City, The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, No.29, Jan.1993, pp.63-87.
    2 Gordon White, Jude Howell and Xiaoyuan Shang, In Search of Civil Society:Market Reform and Social Changein Contemporary China, Oxford University Press,1996.
    3 Xueguang Zhou, Unorganized Interest s and Collective Action in Communist China, American Sociological Review, Vol.58, No.1, Feb.1993, pp.54-73.转因刘安:《市民社会?法团主义?——海外中国学关于改革后中国国家与社会关系研究述评》,载《文史哲》2009年第5期,第165贝。
    4主要观点是在市民社会形成过程中,国家发挥了主导性作用;中国经济改革过程中,国家与社会关系发生了明显的转变,但并没有出现一个西方意义上独立于国家并制衡国家的市民社会,而是形成了国家与社:会之间互赖、共生的局面:政府通过社会组织实现社会控制,社会组织借助政府的力量实现自身的发展。B. Michael Frolic, State-led Civil Society, in Civi 1 Society in China, edited by Timothy Brook, B. Michael Frolic, New York:M. E. Sharp,1997. Baogang He, The Making of a Nascent CivilSociety in China, in Civil Society in Asia,edited by David C. Schak, Wayne Hudson,Aldershot England;BurlingtonVT:Ashgate,2003.转引孙沛东:《市民社会还是法团主义——经济社团兴起与国家和社会关系转型研究述评》,载《广东社会科学》2011年第5期,第219页。
    6 Philippe C.Schimitter, Still A Century of Cor poratism?Re view of Politics, Vol.36, No.1,1974,p.86,pp.93-94.转引顾昕、王旭:《从国家主义到法团主义——中国市场转型过程中国家与专业团体关系的演变》,载《社会学研究》2005年第2期,第160页。
    4 Minxin Pei, Chinese Civic Associations:An Empirical Analysis,Modern China, Vol.24,No.3,1998, pp.285-318.
    1参见《协会证券资信评级专业委员会成立大会暨一届一次会议在京召开》http://www.sac.net.cn/newcn/home/info_detail.jsp?info_id=1279529742100&info_type=CMS. STD&ca te_id=1198221963100《交易商协会信用评级专业委员会在京成立》http://www.nafmii.org.cn/Info/393743,访问日期:2012年1月2日。
    2上海远东资信评估有限公司:《远东大事》,http://www.sfecr.com/aboutus/dashi.asp;全国社会信用中介机构《信用公约》的内容是:一、诚信为本。社会信用中介机构必须是全国各行各业最讲诚实信任的市场主体,信用是每一个从业人员和机构的立业根本。“不说假话,小做假账,不卖假报”是社会信用行业所有机构和从业人员最基本的诚信职业道德底线。二、依法经营。所有签约的社会信用中介机构及其从业人员必须严格按照国家法律和世贸组织的规则开展信用服务业务。三、独立公正。所有签约的社会信用中介机构必须保持自身的独立性,不得依附于任何政府部门和利益团体。为维护职业的公正性,所有签约的社会信用中介机构的从业人员不得在其他营利性机构和国家机关兼职。四、平等竞争。所有签约的社会信用中介机构及其从业人员的法律地位一律平等,各自通过市场的平等竞争获得市场实力和相应的经济地位。五、同业自律。所有签约的社会信用中介机构共同采取和实行最严格的同业自律,并依法申请成立全国统一的同业自律组织。六、从业宣誓。所有签约的社会信用中介机构的从业人员都要以自己的人格进行从业宣誓,并与所在社会信用中介机构签订从业诚信合约,做严格遵守法律的表率,做诚实守信的楷模。如果一口.失信自愿接受同业自律组织的惩罚,一口.违法主动接受法律的处罚。七、阳光措施。所有签约的社会信用中介机构都必须依法提高自身的信用透明度,凡是与从业有关的自身信用记录必须依法向社会公开。所有签约的社会信用中介机构的从业人员都要依法披露自己与从业有关的个人信用记录。八、社会监督。所有签约的社会信用中介机构及其从业人员都要自觉接受政府行政部门、司法部门以及全社会的监督。ht tp://www.people.com.cn/GB/jinji/36/20020517/730829.html,访问日期:2011年10月2日。
    3《证券资信评级行业自律公约》共十条,其主要内容:一是强调证券资信评级机构应当坚持独立、客观、公正和一致性的原则,自觉遵守职业道德和行业规范,守法合规经营,确保评级结果不受利益相关方的影响,维护有序、公平的市场秩序;二是强调证券资信评级机构应当加强内部控制,优化评级流 程,完善评级方法,不断提高评级水平,努力为市场提供专业、优质的证券评级服务,共同提升行业公信力;三是强调证券资信评级机构应当提高证券市场资信评级的透明度,充分披露评级依据和评级结果等相关信息,做好风险提示和投资者教育,自觉接受社会公众监督;四是证券资信评级机构承诺杜绝六类不当行为,如在承揽业务时向评级对象承诺或保证评级级别、以低于合理成本的价格进行恶性竞争、以礼金、回扣等方式输送或接受不正当利益等。http://www.sac.net.cn/newcn/home/info_detail.jsp?info_id=1254190995100&info_type=CMS.STD&ca te_id=1198221963100,访问日期:2011年10月2日。
    2 Weiss Ratings主要对人寿保险公司、健康保险公司进行评级;Rapid Ratings主要开展财务状况评级;VERIBANC主要对商业银行、储贷机构、信贷联盟等金融机构进行评级。
    1 Paul A. Samuelson, The Pure Theory of public Expenditure, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.36, No.4,1954, pp.387-389.
    3 The G20 Toronto Summit Declaration, http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/8463936.html?from=isnom,visited at April 16,2011.
    1由于立法者不能预见未来所有的可能的事件,也就不可能制定完备的法律,基于这个假设,伦敦经济学院许成钢和美国哥伦比亚大学法学院皮斯托于2002年提出了不完备法律理论。他们认为,既然法律通常被设计为要长期适用大量的对象,并且要涵盖大量迥然不同的案件,那么它必然是不完备的。法律不完备时,剩余立法权及执法权的分配方式会影响执法的有效性。对立法及执法权最优分配的分析,集中于可能作为立法者的立法机构、监管者和法庭。监管者被设计成主动执法者,主动式执法包括多种职能,涉及到控制市场准入、监督各种活动、开展调查、禁止损害行为以及对违法者予以行政制裁。监管的优势在于能够以灵活的方式对过去的错误做出反应并加以改进。[德]卡塔琳娜·皮斯托: 《不完备法律:一种概念性分析框架及其在金融市场监管发展中的应用(上)》,许成钢译,载吴敬琏主编:《比较(3)》,中信出版社2002年版,第112-116页。法律不完备理论为研究金融市场监管制度提供了一个新的分析框架,但并不能说监管本身就是完备的,监管不完备理论由此提出。有学者认为,监管制度同样是不完备的,以至于拥有主动立法权和被动执法权的法庭连同拥有剩余立权和主动执法权的监管一起,也依然不能覆盖真实世界的全部经济事件。所以,除了临管制度作为应对法律内在不完备性所导致的恐吓失灵的反应机制外,还需要其他约束机制,作为内在不完备性的法律制度的补充,那就是自律管理制度。李华民:《监管不完备性、国家信誉淡出与自律管理——一个不成熟市场视野中的中国银行业自律管理制度变迁》,载《陕西师范大学报》2007年第11期,第80页。
    115 U.S.C.§78f.按照规定,经纪人和交易商(“经纪交易商”)均须登记L为SEC和自律组织的会员。
    2 SEC, Concept Release Concerning Self-Regulation(Dec.8,2004),pp.71256-71258, http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/34-50700.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    31938:Securities And Exchange Commission, http://www.webeitat ion.org/5kwPrnHU8,visited April 16,2011.
    1 About the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, http://www.finra.org/AboutFINRA,visited at April 16,2011.
    2 SEC, Concept Release Concerning Self-Regulation (Dec.8,2004), pp.71256, http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/34-50700.pdf,visited at July 12,2010.
    'See Commercial Paper Funding Facility:Program Terms and Conditions, http://www.ny.frb.org/markets/cpff_terms.html,visited at Sept.16,2011.
    1 Fridson Martins, Why Do Bond Rating Agencies Exist?Extra Credit (Merrill Lynch),November /December 1999.
    3(a)(62)(B)条款描述的评级业务种类,按照规定的程序和要求申请注册;(8)在保密前提下,上一个会计年度净收入的前20位使用评级服务的发行人或认购者名单;(9)在保密前提下,对可申请的债务类别提供书面证明:(10)根据法律、公共利益需要或为保护投资者之有关的任何信息。注册其他信用评级类别的申请应提交此项Form NRSRO。补充申请时应提交书面申请并补充Form NRSRO。撤回申请时申请人应向SEC提交经授权人员签署的书面申请。
    1 ESMA应在收到申请的20个工作日内评估申请材料是否完整,如不完整,应规定评级机构补充材料的截止时间。如申请材料完整,ESMA应通知评级机构并在45个工作日进行审核,在规定的特殊情况下可延长15个工作日,作出有充分理由的注册或拒绝注册的决定,该决定在第5个工作日生效,同时在5个工作日内将决定通知评级机构。如拒绝或撤回注册,应说明作出该决定的充分的理由。
    1 An Updated List of Registered and Certified Credit Rating Agencies is Published by ESMA, http://www.esma.europa.eu/page/List-registered-and-certified-CRAs,visited at Feb.12012.
    3 Michael L. Katz,Carl Shapiro,Network Externalities, Competition, and Compatibility, American Economic Review, Vol.75, No.4,1985, pp.424-440.
    6[美]马歇尔(Alfred Marshall)著:《经济学原理》(上卷),朱志泰、陈良璧译,商务印书馆1964年版,第295、328页。
    1 Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/testiraony/hhi.htm,visited at May 11,2011.
    1 SEC,Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, January 2011, p.5, p.7, p.8, http://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf. SEC, Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations,September 2009, p.9, p.11, p.12, http://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0909.pdf, visit ed at May 11,2011.
    1 Lawrence J. White, The Credit Rating Industry:An Industrial Organization Analysis, New York University Working Paper No. EC-01-02, February 2001, p.9.
    2 Nelson Camanho, Pragyan Deb, Zijun Liu, Credit Rating and Competition, March 21,2010, p.1 http://ssrn.com/abstract=1436103,visited at May 2,2011.
    3 Bo Becker, Todd Milbourn,Reputation and Competition:Evidence from the Credit Rating Industry, Feb.12,2009, p.26, http://apps.olin.wustl.edu/faculty/milbourn/BeckerMilbournFeb122 009.pdf,visited at May 2,2011.
    1 Stephane Rousseau, Enhancing the Accountability of Credit Rating Agencies:The Case for a Disclosure-Based Approach, Mcgill Law Journal, Vol.51, Winter 2006, pp.628-629.
    35家评级机构是大公国际资信评估有限公司、上海新世纪资信评估投资服务有限公司、联合信用评级有限公司、中诚信证券评估有限公司、东方金诚国际信用评估有限公司。参见《评级结果可以在银行间债券市场使用的评级机构名单》,http://www.pbc.gov.cn/publish/zhengxinguanliju/3110/2011/201107131 72840325404449/20110713172840325404449_.html,访问日期:2011年10月2日。
    1 SEC, Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations, January 2011, p.6, http://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf,visited at May 11,2011.
    4 S&P:We Knew Nothing!Nothing!, http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2008/10/sp-its-not-our. html, visited at May 1,2010.
    2 Vasiliki Skreta, Laura Veldkamp,Ratings Shopping and Asset Complexity:A Theory of Ratings Inflation, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No.14761,2009.转引张亦春、游舜杰:《美国金融危机与信用评级的教训和启示》,载《山东社会科学》2010年第10期,第72页。
    4 SEC,Annual Report on Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations,January 2011, p.20,
    http://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/ratingagency/nrsroannrep0111.pdf,visited at Nov.11, 2011.
    1 Testimony of Professor John C. Coffee, Jr., Hearing:The Role and Impact of Credit Rating Agencies on the Subprime Credit Markets, before the Senate Banking Committee (Sept,26,2007), p.13,
    1 Yair Listokin, Benjamin Taibleson,You Misrate.Then You Lose:Improving Credit Rating Accuracy Through Incentive Compensation, Yale Journal on Regulation, Vol.27,2010, p.103.
    2 J. Mathis, J. McAndrews and J. C. Rochet, Rating the Raters:are reputation concerns powerful enough to discipline ratings agencies'?Fed.25,2009, http://doc.mbalib.com/view/344559ed3c0279ed699aed cf6a447ed3.html,visited at July 5,2011.
    3 Yair Listokin, Benjamin Taibleson, You Misrate.Then You Lose:mproving Credit Rating Accuracy Through Incentive Compensation, Yale Journal on Regulation, Vol.27,2010, pp.104-112.
    1 D.Gordon Smith, The Critical Resource Theory of Fiduciary Duty, Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol.55, 2002, pp.1400-1402.
    2 Phil Hosp, Problematic Practices of Credit Rating Agencies:The Neglected Risks of Mortage-Backed Securities, July 13,2009, pp.1-2, http://papers.ssrn.com/so13/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1433185&, visited at May 3,2011.
    3 Nicholas Rafferty, The Tort ions Liability of Professionals to their Contractual Clients,Issues in TortLaw, edited by Freda M. Steel, Sanda Rodges-Magnet, Carswell Company Limited Toronto,1983, p.246.
    1《穆迪投资者服务公司在监管格局变化下的展望》,第11页,http://www.moodys.com/researchdocume ntcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_135623,访问日期:2012年1月2日。
    3 See Larry P.Ellsworth, Keith V. Porapaiboon, Credit Rating Agencies in the Spot light:A New Casualty of the Mortgage Meltdown, Business Law Today, Vo.18, No.4, March/April 2009.
    1.《安然事件及其启示》,http://www.cicpa.org.cn/news/newsaffix/223 4_200313_13.htm,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    2.陈玲:《发展中的信用评级行业——回顾与反思》,http://www.lawcd.net /display/f9b4522e328cc8c10132b3f11f900010,(访问日期:2011年11月2日)。
    3.陈新权:《金融业的他律、自律》,http://www.laomu.cn/wxzp/ydzx/wen xueqikan/Xhwz/xhwz2001/xhwz20011205.html,(访问日期:2011年10月15日)。
    4.《后危机时代信用评级行业的监管趋势及启示》,http://www.bond.hexu n.comupload565645.pdf,(访问日期:2011年12月20日)。
    5.《交易商协会信用评级专业委员会在京成立》,http://www.nafmii.org. cn/Info/393743,(访问日期:2012年1月2日)。
    6.《解读欧洲债务危机》,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/84d6a46825c52c c58bd6bea9.html,(访问日期:2011年5月2日)。
    7.《揭秘“美国次贷危机”传导路线图》,http://news.xinhuanet.com/fo rtune/2008-03/27/content_7869867.htm,(访问日期:2011年10月3日)。
    8.联合资信评估有限公司:《发展历程》,http://www.lianheratings.com.cn /NewsShow.aspx?menu_id=20081031140355487240,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    9.《美国三大机构控制我国将近2/3的信用评级市场》,http://www.cnr.cn/ fortune/news/201006/t20100629_506653454. html,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    10.《美国全国信用管理协会(NACM)》, http://www.sme.gov.cn/web/as sembly/action/browsePage.do?channelID=20184&contentID=1203857828465,(访问日期:2011年5月2日)。
    11.《穆迪投资者服务公司在监管格局变化下的展望》,http://www.moodys. com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_135623,(访问日期:2012年1月12日)。
    12.《欧盟委员会提议建立专门机构管理信用评级机构》,http://news.xin huanet.com/world/2010-06/03/c_12173960.htm,(访问日期:2011年11月17日)。
    13.《评级结果可以在银行间债券市场使用的评级机构名单》,http://www. pbc.gov.cn/publish/zhengxinguanliju/3110/2011/20110713172840325404449 /20110713172840325404449_.html,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    14.《倾斜的国际信用评级》,http://world.huanqiu.com/roll/2011-08/ 1878243.html,(访问日期:2011年5月2日)。
    15.全国社会信用中介机构《信用公约》,http://www.people.com.cn/GB/ jinji/36/20020517/730829.html,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    16.上海新世纪资信评估投资服务有限公司:《大事记》,http://www.shxsj. com/inside.php?menuid=106&catid=117,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    17.上海远东资信评估有限公司:《公司概况》,http://www.sfecr.com/abou tus/aboutfareast.asp,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    18.上海远东资信评估有限公司:《远东大事》,http://www.sfecr.com/abou tus/dashi.asp,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    21.陶丽博:《欧盟信用评级行业改革再起波澜》,http://bond.hexun.com/ 2012-03-06/139011873.html,(访问日期:2012年3月8日)。
    22.《我国信用评级机构经营情况点评》,http://www.chinairn.com/doc/70 310/495397.html,(访问日期:2011年11月2日)。
    23.《香港将实施信贷评级机构规管制度》,http://news.xinhuanet.com/ga ngao/2011-04/21/c_121333813.htm,(访问日期:2011年4月16日)。
    24.《协会证券资信评级专业委员会成立大会暨一届一次会议在京召开》,http://www.sac.net.cn/newcn/home/info_detail.jsp?info_id=127952974210 O&info_type=CMS.STD&cate_id=1198221963100,(访问日期:2012年1月2日)。
    25.俞可平:《公民社会是和谐社会的基础》,http://www.4343.net/Htmls /Cityinfo/Economy/20070117055336.htm,(访问日期:2011年7月5日)。
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    27.《证券资信评级行业自律公约》,http://www.sac.net.cn/newcn/hom e/info_detail.jsp?info_id=1254190995100&info_type=CMS.STD&cate_id=119 8221963100,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    28.中诚信国际信用评级有限公司:《公司简介》,http://www.ccxi.com.cn/ 247/Company.html,(访问日期:2011年10月2日)。
    30.《中国第一家合资评级公司成立》,http://news.sina.com.cn/money/ 1999-7-26/1572.html,(访问日期:2011年11月2日)。
    31.《中国信用评级业的发展历程》,http://www.sxcredit.gov.cn/Html/ 2006-8-3/095729.Html,(访问日期:2011年11月2日)。
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    1. American Savings Bank v. UBS PaineWebber,31 Media L. Rep.1444,2002 WL.31833223 (S. D. N. Y., Dec.16,2002).
    2. California Public Employees Retirement System v. Moody's Services, Inc., Cal. Super. Ct., S. F. County, May 24,2010.
    3. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders, Inc.,472 U. S.749 (1985).
    4. Jefferson County School District v. Moody's Investor's Services, Inc.175 F.3d 848. (10th Cir.1999).
    5. Lowe v. SEC,472 U.S.181 (1985).
    1. Gordon White, Jude Howell and Xiaoyuan Shang, In Search of Civil Society:Market Reform and Social Changing Contemporary China, Oxford University Press,1996.
    2.Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger Leroy Miller, Industrial and Organization:Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982.
    3. Timothy Brook, B. Michael Frolic, Civil Society in China, M. E. Sharp, 1997.
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