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     第一,较为详细和系统地阐明了封闭经济和开放经济条件下金融体系风险分担理沦,对金融体系风险分担的程度、渠道和福利效应进行了深入的探讨,对横向风险分担功能和跨期风险分担功能的运行原理进行解释和说明,并将Bailey, Millard和Wells(2001)模型扩展为一个动态随机模型以容纳金融一体化条件。
Financial integration began in the1960s, along with the financial deregulation of Western developed countries and openness of the domestic financial markets of the major developing countries in order to solve the long-festering financial repression problem, the world has been closely and deeply connected and bonded. It generally takes the form as cross-border assets transaction and allocation, fewer restriction on the international capital flows, as well as the total amount of bonds issued at par other than U.S. dollars increased significantly. On the one hand the international capital inflow provided the dire needed financial support to the developing countries, increased the liquidity and vitality to their financial market and improved the efficiency of capital allocation and risk sharing, but on the other hand, the instability of international capital flow adds greater uncertainty to the financial system, and assets price fluctuations triggered by the confidence crisis brought greater challenges to the regulatory authorities in emerging market countries.
     In this context, especially by examining the international financial crisis originated in the United States since2008, we have to ask how and to what extent the increasingly significant trend of financial integration affects the world economy and the existing financial system. The traditional wisdom generally accepted that the financial integration can reduce risk. The main reason is that given the imbalanced development of world economy, the financial markets in different countries have some differences when building a global portfolio. According to the CAPM, as long as the co-efficiency of each asset is not1, there will be certain reduction of investment risks. But the above is only comparative static analysis, from the point of view of dynamic and international risk-sharing, the financial integration could impair the risk-sharing mechanism of the financial system, weaken the stability of the macroeconomic operation, and then further decrease the defense capability of systematic shock and eventually increase the volatility and strength of the economic cycle, resulting the welfare loss to the society as a whole.
     China's market economy reform has gone through over30years. In the past thirty-four years, although we have not suffered a real financial crisis, the power of the international capital flow and the accumulated financial crisis undoubtedly shocked us time and time again. Risk awareness has become a common sense and concern, but we are still far from being familiar with the inner law of market economy and the financial markets. Further forward with the progress of internationalization of RMB and the trend of economic and financial integration, the risk-sharing function of financial system is growingly important to the consisting stable and healthy development of Chinese economy, and that is exactly the standing point of this dissertation to analyze the international risk sharing under the financial integration.
     The dissertation analyzes the risk-sharing of the financial system under the conditions of economic autarchy and financial integration, gives an empirical analysis of the degree, channel and welfare effects of risk sharing under the conditions of financial integration using eleven countries and areas in East Asia, makes a detailed discussion of international risk-sharing in the preliminary and advanced stage of financial integration, provides the optimal risk-sharing structure arrangements for a more in-depth study on China in the process of international financial integration. The full text is divided into five chapters as follows:
     The Chapter Ⅱ describes the basic model and the theoretical framework of risk-sharing of the financial markets and banking intermediaries under the closed and open economy assumption. This chapter first analyzes the risks faced by investors and the risk sharing function of financial system, then describes the evolution of the risk sharing function in the closed and open economy. In a closed economy, due to lower income of people, high information acquisition costs, industry characteristics and other factors, the risk-bearing capacity is weak, and the inter-temporal risk-sharing of banking intermediaries has a dominant position in a closed economy. However, the risk-sharing function of the banking system is not ideal. Under normal circumstances, the banking system in a closed economy is difficult to exploit the economy of scale, thus provide less financial services at a higher cost. And because of the insufficient financial market infrastructure, the lack of market liquidity and high volatility of assets price, the cross-sectional risk-sharing mechanism of financial markets is not very satisfactory too. In an open economy, domestic investors have access to foreign financial markets and vice versa, so a country can share some risks with the investors from other countries through cross-border investment. This dissertation analyzes the problem on the basis of Bailey Millard and Wells (2001) model. Finally, in order to explore the impact of financial integration on international risk sharing, I expand the BMW model to be a random stochastic one. Financial assets, especially stocks and derivative financial instruments can share the fall of assets price among different economic entities. With the cross-border capital flow, the stock and derivatives markets can reallocate the risks to investors from different countries.
     Chapter Ⅲ analyzes the meaning, causes, characteristics and impacts of financial integration. By selecting the data of11countries of East Asian country from1980to2010, the empirical analysis is presented the degree, channel and welfare effects of financial integration. The results show that between1980and2010the degree of risk sharing through financial markets and banking intermediaries is about1/3, around2/3of the risk is not shared, the bank intermediaries in the11countries (regions) of the East Asian economies is still the main channel of risk sharing, but there are some indications that the role of financial markets in risk-sharing has increased during the period. Given the risk aversion co-efficiency, we find that the welfare effect of fmancial integration in Philippine and Japan is negative, while the remaining nine countries and regions have positive welfare effect.
     The Chapter Ⅳ analyzes the potential impact of financial integration on the systematic risk and non-systematic risk and the related risk-sharing effects. Financial Integration reallocates the resources on the global scale, reduces some risks (such as non-systematic risk and country systematic risk). However, with the opening of the financial markets, national economy is increasingly integrated into the world economy, the independence of the individual countries'economic policies and activities is getting smaller and smaller, and the policy and law enforcement become more and more contingent to the international conventions. One country's economic cycle changes or other emergencies will quickly spread to other countries forming the so-called "domino effect", resulting in regional or global systemic shocks. The deeper of the financial integration degree, the greater of its impact will be.
     In the early stages of financial integration, the country's banking system will face competition from financial market; the horizontal risk-sharing function of financial market will weaken the inter-temporal risk-sharing function of banking intermediaries.In the advanced stages of financial integration, the fluctuations of asset prices in one country quickly passed to other countries, thereby increasing the systemic risk in global financial markets. The formation of such a global systemic risk will also weaken the horizontal risk-sharing of financial markets. Inter-temporal risk sharing and horizontal risk sharing function has been weakened one by the other. With the promotion of financial integration in the country systemic risk and the continuous impact of the global systemic risk, the economy of one country may be more vulnerable to fluctuations and have a greater possibility of welfare losses to domestic residents and families.
     Chapter Ⅴ discussed the idea of the best risk-sharing structure arrangements and policy implications for China. The best risk-sharing structure is different in different stages of economic development. There are certain advantages of cross-sectional risk sharing mechanism in the initial stage of financial integration, and the inter-temporal risk sharing of banking intermediaries is very possible to be impaired by the cross-sectional risk sharing of financial markets. Therefore to protect the banking industry from over damage is necessary, because only the appropriate combination of both is vital in order to ensure the stability of a country's financial system and its risk sharing function. This study of best risk sharing structure arrangements and a sound financial system may have the following policy recommendations:First, in the process of opening up domestic financial markets, we should strengthen the protection of the banking system to ensure it operate robustly and competitively. Secondly, the government should pay attention to use all possible kinds of regulatory means and improve the regulatory standard in the process of macroeconomic control. Thirdly, the enhancement of the economic vitality can not be separated from financial innovation and the development of financial derivatives, but during the process we need to strengthen the education of investors; otherwise the atmosphere of speculation in financial markets can hardly do any good for risk-sharing. Fourthly, speed up the process of financial market openness to provide investors with more risk-sharing opportunities. Finally, precautions should be taken to prevent the shock of the global systemic risk on China's economy.
     The innovations of this dissertation are listed as follows:
     First, this dissertation explained the risk sharing theories and models in detail and systematically under the condition of an autarchy and open economy. In-depth discussed the degree, channels, and welfare effects of cross-sectional risk-sharing and inter-temporal risk-sharing; expanded the Bailey, Millard, and Wells (2001) model to be a random stochastic one in order to accommodate the financial integration.
     Secondly, this dissertation analyzed the evolution of systematic risk and nonsystematic risk under financial integration and its impact on the real economy. Empirical study of the data of eleven countries and regions in East Asia from1980to2010shows that the average risk sharing of this region is about1/3, around2/3of the risk stay unshared. The banking intermediaries are still the main channel of risk sharing, but there are indications that the role of financial markets in risk-sharing has increased during the study period. Given the risk aversion co-efficiency, I find that other than Philippine and Japan, the remaining nine countries and regions have positive welfare effects.
     Thirdly, in-depth analysis of the evolution of risk sharing mechanism in the initial and advanced stages of financial integration is given in this dissertation. Since the correlation and linkage of global economy and financial markets is more intense, it is possible to incur global systemic risk and have serious impact on the world economy. Financial integration on one hand the increasing global systematic risk, on the other hand increase the relevance of the assets price in different financial markets. Eventually eliminate the hope of investors to reduce risks by building a global portfolio, both the inter-temporal risk sharing of banking intermediaries and the cross-sectional risk sharing of financial markets will be weakened.
     Fourthly, the dissertation discussed the optimal risk-sharing structure of a country and relative policy suggestions. Bank-dominated financial structure is bond to be replaced by the financial-markets-dominated financial structure to some degree is the objective trend in the process of economic development. But from the perspective of risk-sharing, this transformation has some limitations. The healthy competition of cross-sectional risk sharing and inter-temporal risk sharing is vital for the sustainable development of a country's economy. Therefore, in the process of financial reform and deregulation, we should provide appropriate support to the banking system to protect its inter-temporal risk-sharing function.
     The main disadvantages and directions for further research are:
     First, the extension of the BMW model in order to accommodate the financial integration condition simply considered the linkage of the securities price of two countries. But in fact, the core meaning of financial integration is not the linkage of assets price, but the substitutability of the assets in different nations. How much the enhanced asset substitutability will influence the international risk-sharing needs further in-depth study.
     Second, to study the degree, channels and welfare effects of financial integration in the initial stage, I only used the data11countries and regions in East Asia for empirical analysis. This implied a precondition that the11countries and regions in this area (financial geographic system of the region) has reached the primary stage of financial integration, but actually the division of primary and advanced stage of financial integration does not involve a unanimous scientific index system and related literatures basically measure the financial integration with individual indicators, and are not very convincing. The study of financial integration measurement will need a larger theoretical breakthrough.
     Third, the dissertation analyzed the potential impact of financial integration in the advanced stage on international risk sharing, but in fact the international capital flow will never be completely free, the assets price of international financial markets will never be instant and consistent co-movement with each other, and the perfect substitutability of assets from different countries will only appear in theory, thus the definition of financial integration in the advanced stage actually is no more than a "hypothesis". For that reason, this article does not launch the empirical analysis.
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