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快速城市化进程中,土地利用景观发生显著的变化,同时土地景观认同(Landscape identity)随之改变。土地利用是一个综合复杂的系统性问题,“人地关系”和谐发展强调了人与土地组成的是一个交互循环的体系。我国土地管理有很强的“自上而下”特征,土地利用研究也注重探索土地利用变化的机制、土地利用的科学调控方法,然而自上而下的土地管理策略及相应的土地利用研究方法往往偏重于上层管理者对土地利用自身演化规律的判断,未能慎重研究并考虑土地使用者对土地利用的认知。近年来,土地利用矛盾,尤其是土地征收矛盾的增加一方面反应了我国自上而下土地管理制度体系中存在的不合理性,另一方面反应了土地利用者需要表达自身意愿的强烈性。土地管理者可以依据土地的物理属性、利用水平、地区经济条件等客观条件,制定策略提高土地利用效率和产出水平,然而当政策制定者认为其管理策略的出发点都是为了合理高效利用土地、促进区域经济可持续增长的时候,有关土地利用的矛盾还是层出不穷,其中最为主要的原因之一是缺乏对人与自然交互作用过程中人与地之间主观情感联系的充分理解和关注。
     本研究探讨我国土地利用中的地域性认同问题。土地利用中的地域性认同研究将土地利用的复杂性与土地利用主体的复杂性相互结合,解释了人与土地交互作用过程中,土地利用给社会主体带来不同的主观认知,不同的社会主体对土地利用具有不同的认知。研究中借鉴荷兰以及西方其他国家的土地利用经验,对比我国的国情,从土地利用评价、土地利用规划等角度,分析如何将地域性认同的理论更好地运用到我国土地利用管理体系中。在探讨我国土地利用管理发展历程的基础上,指出我国当前土地利用研究还未很好地诠释和理解土地利用变化、土地管理/利用者和地域性认同之间的关系,然后分析了地域性认同理论在土地利用规划和土地利用评价研究中的应用价值,借助基于SoftGIS技术的土地景观热点测度系统(Landscape Hotspotmonitor),调查荷兰6个区域和中国南京栖霞区、鼓楼区、玄武区等地区居民的土地利用认同情况,用实证案例说明了不同社会主体土地利用认同存在的竞争性。主要研究结论有:
     (4)基于互联网的SoftGIS方法主要研究人与土地或环境相互作用过程中产生的经验、知识、感受或价值观,有助于分析土地利用中的地域性认同问题。基于SoftGIS的土地景观热点测度系统(Landscape Hotspotmonitor, LHSM)在荷兰得以顺利运行,分析结果表明,在现实具体的居民土地利用和生活情景中,不同的社会主体对不同空间尺度的土地景观价值、土地利用方式、土地景观视觉效应、土地景观偏好距离等的认同都具有可能的差异性,有些群体的认同也具有一致性。从而,在土地利用规划和土地利用评价过程中,除了传统的土地利用规划图件编绘、规划指标设定等硬数据研究,规划者、研究人员、管理者等还应该结合研究现实准确的土地利用/景观信息以及受土地利用政策影响的居民/社会主体的土地利用认同,因为土地利用中的地域性认同具有多样性和竞争性。
Under rapid urbanization, remarkable landscape change has taken place, which brings change to landscape identity at the mean time. Land use is a complex system. The so called development of the harmonious relationship between man and land indicates a mutual and circular land use system. Land resources management in China is well known by its strong 'top-down'characteristic, while land use research in China pays much attention to the rules of land use change and the rational land use control methods. However,'top-down'land management and relevant research are usually biased by the judgment and preference of superior governors or social elites. Lay people's perception and knowledge of land use are under articulated. Increasing land use conflicts of recent years, especially conflicts in land expropriation, have reflected the irrationality of the'top-down'land resources management system in China on one hand, and land users'strong desire to have their perception expressed on the other hand. By evaluating land quality, e.g. physical quality, land use intensity, etc., land managers have been for a long time making policies to improve land use efficiency and output. Yet, when policy makers think the intention of their management is to use land in a better way and to promote regional economic development, land use conflicts still arise endlessly. One of the major reasons can be the insufficient understanding and recognition of the subjective connections between man and land.
     The theory of place identity studies people's perception of regions from the social view. Place identity is the reflection of physical region in people's mind when people interact with their living natural and social environment. Landscape change can definitely alter a region in respect of spatial outlook, which will affect place identity of the region if we value people's subjective feelings in landscape change process. The change of place identity may in return influences people's behavior of land use, or even regional development. Spatial policy of land use needs to be made through a way which regards place identity, different stakeholders'demands and the economic, ecological and cultural value of land use. Planners have to get away from the constraint of the traditional land planning strategy. The direction of future land use can not be predicted by planning experts alone, nor can it be determined by political elites' knowledge about the development potential of a place. Different stakeholders' value orientation of land use, as well as their perception of landscape identity, should be considered in land use policy making. Studies in the west have attached increasing importance to the role of place identity which can have effect on spatial planning, natural resources management, social capital and regional development. In China, however, few researches have been done on place identity issues within land use. To understand and explain the relationship among land use actors, place identity and landscape change could be a meaningful research field in China, as far as land management is concerned. Incorporating place identity theory with land use study can enrich what we have for a long time thought about the land use problem in China.
     This study explores place identity within land use research. Analysis on place identity issues in land use may combine the complexity of land use and the complexity of land use actors. It also helps to explain the variety of subjective cognition land use brings to social actors, and the different perception social actors have on land use. Land use management experience of the western countries, especially of the Netherlands, is introduced in this thesis, and by comparing the situation in China, it analyzes how to apply the theory of place identity to land use management study in China in view of land planning and appraisal. Based on the history of land use management in China in recent decades, the thesis points out that there is insufficient study on the relationship among land use, land use managers/users and place identity. The merit of incorporating the theory of place identity with land use planning and appraisal is studied. A SoftGIS based landscape identity and preference study system, Landscape Hotspotmonitor, is introduced. The Hotspotmonitor is a new enquiry tool that allows assessing spatially specific landscape identity and preferences of clearly defined impact populations. With the Hotspotmonitor, investigations on land use identity and preference were carried out in six regions in the Netherlands and one region in China. The empirical analysis results show that competitive perceptions on land use exist among social actors of various backgrounds at different spatial scales. Major conclusions of this thesis are followed.
     (1) Place identity integrates physical world and subjective social cognition. It is a fuzzy term referring either to the distinctiveness of a place or to individual's selfhood labeled by places. These two aspects of place identity are different in respects of concept, function and measurement, but there are subtle connections between them. When people build up identity in a place, the place brings identity to its inhabitants at the same time. Researchers need to find a position when they initiate place identity studies, otherwise place identity will remain abstruse to readers. A preliminary classification of place identity is proposed in the thesis, to help geographers and other pursuers on place identity find their position.
     (2) The study of land appraisal usually concerns the ecological, economic and socio-cultural values of the landscape. Compared with the west, land appraisal in China needs more efforts on the socio-cultural values of the landscape. Land resources managers and relevant actors are always frustrated by the difficulty of implementing land use policy or projects. It seems hard for them to reach the truth behind the conflicts. The theory of place identity is about the relationship between physical environment and citizens' subjective cognition. It can help to understand the social impact of land use and explain the socio-cultural values of the landscape. The thesis proposes a general appraisal framework of the socio-cultural values and impact of land use. This framework integrates theories of sociology, place identity and land use evaluation. It is expected to contribute a bit to the research of the socio-cultural values of the landscape in China.
     (3) Land planning in China is to protect the loss of agricultural land and prevent fast urban sprawl. Besides, land planning needs to mediate and solve people's various demands on limited natural space. Conflicts of land use identity ascribed by different social actors are challenging land use planning. Place identity, public participation and land planning are intertwined. Planning needs negotiations among government, planner and stakeholders affected by land use plan. However, current Major Function Oriented Zoning planning in China represents mainly the planners'perception and knowledge about the natural, social and economic quality of places, while local elites'place identity is considered with high priority. The result of Major Function Oriented Zoning usually turns out to be a compromise between the identities they ascribe to a region.
     (4) Internet based SoftGIS methods include Geographical Information produced by the users of the environment/landscape which usually is empirical and can be collected and processed as a part of the GIS. Such geo-information consists residents'experience, knowledge, perception and value orientation etc.. It would be reasonable and a good option to analyze the place identity issues in land use with SoftGIS methods. The implementation of the SoftGIS based Landscape Hotspotmonitor turns out to be successful. The results of the SoftGIS data analyzing indicate that at different spatial scales, social actors with different backgrounds may show different cognition on the value of landscape, land use, the visual quality of landscape, the distance of landscape preference. However, there is also some consensus among these social actors on the perception of identity. Under different specific living contexts, we can hardly find a common rule about residents' perception of land use identity. Thereby, planners, scholars and governors should incorporate the empirical land use information and the stakeholders' perception on land use identity with spatial planning, rather than stick to the traditional 'hard' planning approaches, e.g. mapping land use plan and calculating land use quota.
     (5) Land use experience of a region can be valuable for other regions as far as land management and relevant study are concerned. The study of cross-cultural land use/landscape identity ascribed by different groups of residents, e.g. comparison between China and the western developed countries, may help us understand the social actors' perception of land use by examining the gap of landscape change and management of different societies. The soft data of land use experience in Nanjing, China, are collected with the Landscape Hotspotmonitor. Comparing the Hotspotmonitor data of Nanjing and the Netherlands, the thesis analyzes residents' perception on landscape attractiveness and the purpose of natural land use. The results show that the residents with different culture backgrounds hold different perception on land use, which can be evidenced either from a comprehensive view or from views of subgroups divided by gender, age, resident area and education. However, the residents also share some common cognition of land use. The residents from both societies identify green, quiet, naturalness, water and recreation as the most attractive characteristics of their preferred landscape, and they value'amusement'and 'having a break' the major purposes of natural landscape recreation. For the difference of land use perception between groups of cultural variation as well as other divisions, the reason is complex. Practical explanation can only be obtained through further analysis on concrete cases of land use problem or project.
     In the end, the thesis points out some subsequent work which could be done to improve this study. Firstly, more sample population in the investigation in China is needed. Further data mining with the database at hand should be done. For other practical problems or theoretical study about land use in the future, we can consider of revising or improving the current SoftGIS system, which may enrich the soft database of land use. Secondly, it is necessary to combine the place identity based land use planning and appraisal models with the SoftGIS data analysis, in order to test the study results on land resources management practices at various spatial scales. Last but not least, attention should also be paid to the empirical study on the relationship between the transformation of land use and place identity.
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