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     第三章针对向量空间非负稀疏优化问题的凸松弛及非凸松弛,提出了广义Z-矩阵精确松弛条件.第一节通过引入广义Z-矩阵概念和最小元素理论,我们研究了特殊条件下非负稀疏优化问题的可行性.第二节我们证明如果测量矩阵是一个广义Z-矩阵且观测向量b非负,则向量空间非负稀疏优化问题与其线性松弛及lp(0     第四章针对非负稀疏优化的凸松弛与非凸松弛,提出了RIP类精确松弛条件.第一节介绍了实对称矩阵特征值的若干性质.第二节通过定义非负限制等距/正交常数,我们给出了向量空间非负稀疏优化问题解的存在性及唯一性条件,并进一步提出其线性松弛及lp松弛的精确松弛条件.第三节通过定义半定限制等距/正交常数,我们给出了矩阵空间非负稀疏优化问题解的唯一性条件,并进一步得到其凸松弛及Schatten p-松弛的精确松弛条件.特别地,我们得到了与参数p无关的精确松弛条件.
The nonnegative sparse optimization is to find the sparsest solution of an underdeter-mined linear equation with the nonnegative constraints, making use of the sparsity of the variable under consideration. In the vector space, it is essentially the nonnegative l0norm minimization; while in the matrix space, it becomes the semidefinite matrix rank minimiza-tion. Owing to the wide applications in DNA microarrays, quantum state tomography, medical imaging, spectroscopy, sensor location and hidden Markov models together with the close connection with inverse problems,principal component analysis, combinatorial optimization, linear optimization and semidefinite optimization, the nonnegative sparse optimization has attracted much attention of both mathematicians and engineers in many application areas, and obtained rapid development in recent years. This thesis is mainly concerned with the solution property and the exact relaxation conditions.
     Chapter1briefly introduces the significance and mathematical models of nonnegative sparse optimization, and reviews the research status of the relaxation theory.
     In chapter2, we discuss the solution property of the nonnegative sparse optimiza-tion. For the nonnegative sparse optimization over vector space, we introduce the special partition for the space Rn in the light of the l0norm function, based on which we show that any two distinct solutions of the desired problem must have different support sets. hence we prove that any solution to the underlying problem must be one of the extreme points of the feasible set. This can lay the foundation for the heuristic algorithms or some new relaxations of the underlying combinatorial problem. For the nonnegative sparse op- timization over matrix space, we show that when the eigenvalue decomposition of any two different solutions share the same orthogonal matrix, the corresponding eigenvalue vectors can not share the same support set.
     In chapter3, we investigate the generalized Z-matrix exact relaxation condition for both the convex and nonconvex relaxations of the nonnegative sparse optimization over vector space. Firstly, by introducing the concept of generalized Z-matrix and least ele-ment theory, we investigate the feasibility of the nonnegative l0norm optimization under some conditions. Moreover, we show that if the observation vector is nonnegative and the measurement matrix is a generalized Z-matrix, the aforementioned problem and its linear/lp (0     In chapter4, we devote to the RIP type exact relaxation conditions for both convex and nonconvex relaxations of the nonnegative sparse optimization. Section1provides some properties of the eigenvalue decomposition of real symmetric matrices. In section2, by defining the constants NRIC and NROC. we give the existence and uniqueness condition of the solution to the nonnegative sparse optimization over vector space, and further get the exact recovery condition of the above program via both the linear and lp relaxation. In section3we discuss the uniqueness condition of the solution to the nonnegative sparse optimization over matrix space, and propose sufficient condition for the exact recovery via both the semidefinite and Schatten p-norm relaxations. In particular, we get the recovery condition that is independent of the parameter p.
     In chapter5, some generalizations are studied and several future issues are discussed. Since the nonnegative orthant and the semidefinite matrix cone are special cases of the so-called symmetric cone, some useful properties of solution sets of symmetric cone opti-mization problems are explored in the first section. By reviewing the existing results on the nonnegative optimization, four possible research issues are pointed out which deserve future study.
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