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When China mobile phone telecommunications' plan " mobile dream net" comes into operation in 2000, wireless communication business like short message service and media message service representing with power of hitting somebody like a thunderbolt in prompt Chinese society infestation. From more than 1,000,000,000 sending in 2000 all quantity to more than 304,600,000,000 in 2005, 2006 again is to approach 430 billion, increasing 41% compared to the same term last year. Our country mobile telephone short message has dispatched amounts of more than 400 times in 7 years. And take mobile telephone short message and color message as representative meanwhile, one kind of new literature phenomenon literature have also already, formed one kind of distinctive thumb culture, having followed that to have appeared thereupon. Mobile telephone literature is a kind of literature, which exits and spreads through the medium of the mobile telephone and Internet. It is one kind of new language version, one kind of new literature organism's habits! Whether this brand-new form of literature, which rises abruptly with modern digital technology, could form part of a literary ring with its unique form in the aesthetic semantic chain of human history or make a paradigm shift by the change of media in the literary aesthetic context, is a significant topic in the 21st century literary map and a literary motif which looks forward to legitimacy identification. This thesis tries to explore this new topic through an ontological approach.
     According to Meyer Howard Abrams's four key elements of literature, the main body of this text will adopt the phenomenological method of "returning to the object itself" when probing into mobile telephone literature. After inspecting the background of mobile telephone literature, will choose the version from the mobile telephone literature's form and content and starts carrying out examination in a meticulous and deep going way to probe its existence. Later, from the double visual angle of creating and accepting body, will analysis the mobile telephone literature's essence of existence and value which is upper in its scientific principle or law's significance. And further, establish the legitimacy that mobile telephone there exists in literature and give its due position. Then, explore from the phenomenon of the ontological body to look for the value of the ontological body, point out that the theory cause of mobile telephone literature's existence and development, except the intermediary, self advantage lies in its distinctive culture value function. Development of mobile telephone literature has carried out the self-examination and perspective cautiously, and hopes that these thinking could accumulate some theory experiences for the theory of mobile telephone literature's development in the future.
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    76、Richard Dorson ,Folklore in the Modern World,in folklore in the Modern World,,ed. Richard Dorson ,Mouton Publishers ,1978,page12-13。

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