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     2)一定浓度的活性炭有利于香雪兰试管球茎的诱导。活性炭的浓度为1.0 mg/L时,最适合球茎的生长,球茎的诱导率达57.69%;
Freesia, a popular cut flower and flowering potted plant, belongs to the Iridaceae family, including iris. Fragrance, long vase-life and wide color range make freesia a versatile floriculture crop. In cut flower market, the supply of freesia is unable to meet the demand.
     Seed and corm multiplications are routine methods for freesia. For seed propagation, the corms are harvested 3-4 years after the initial growth. Moreover, corms used for vegetative propagation are susceptible to disease, tissue senescence and degeneration, and the merits will be declined along with the process of storage and cultivation. These two methods limit the propagation of freesia. Adaptation of in vitro micropropagation technique for mass propagation has been shown to be viable alternative to traditional methods, but transplantation of test-tube plantlet is difficult, and high costs involved have prevented laboratories’large-scale application of such technology. To solve the problems, a study of test-tube corm Induction and low-cost micropropagation of freesia was put into practice, the conclusions were as follows:
     1) The induction of test-tube corms for freesia:
     Temperature is one of the most important factors in induction of test-tube corms. The corms could form earlier when cultured in the low temperature (13℃);
     Within a certain range, active carbon can promote corms. AC 1.0 mg/L is the best one for the culture of corms,the induction rate is 57.69%;
     Within a certain range,raising the concentration of sucrose could promote corms, 75g/L is the optimal concentration for corms. The induction rate and the average weight of corms was 75.82% and 0.61g, respectively.
     2) The low-cost micropropagation of freesia
     Our results showed that when degrading the concentration of agar to 2g/L, replacing sucrose with market sugar and double distilled water with tap water, the cost of N6 medium could be decreased considerably. Generally, no adverse effects were observed on the tissue culture of freesia. Up to 78.35% decrease in cost for micropropagation of freesia was achieved by using the low cost strategy.
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