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     1.通过水热合成方法首先制备了Y2(OH)5NO3·nH2O层状材料,并对水热过程中溶液pH对形貌的影响进行了研究。进而制备出稀土Eu3+, Tb3+掺杂的稀土层状发光材料。采用较为普通的烷基磺酸盐和烷基羧酸盐为原料进行离子交换,获得了层间距离扩大的层状化合物。超声剥离、离心后得到了稀土掺杂的纳米片发光材料,由于该纳米片材料表面带有一定的正电荷,因此通过LBL自组装的方法,制备了PSS/纳米片复合材料。
The rare earth elements has a unique4f energy structure, being excited by UV irradiation the rare earth materials exhibit excellent optical properties. The rare earth have been widely used because of the Luninescence properity. The nanosheets of rare earth have attracted widespread concern due to its unique structure:two-dimensional sheet structure, and the thickness of the nanosheets is nearly about lnm. The main content are as follows:
     1. The layered compound was synthesized by hydrothermal reaction, and then, the Eu3+/Tb3+-doped rare earth layered material also prepaired. The influence of pH on the morphology of the layered compound was studied in this paper. After ion exchange reaction with organic anion under the microwave condition, the layer space of the compound increases enlarged. Furthermore, stable nanosheet sol was obtained after exfoliation under ultrasonic condition. The morphology of nanosheets were determined by TEM, the size of the nanosheets ranged from severial hundreds nanometers to micro, the thickness of the nanosheets about lnm. The (nanosheets/PSS)n composites were prepared by LBL self-assembly method due to it's positively surface charge.
     2. The luminescent intensity of5D0-7F2(electric dipole transition) greatly increased TTA modified hydroxide nanosheets was prepaired, the increase of fluorescent intensity could be ascribed to two reasons:One was that H2O coordinated with Eu3+in nanosheets was substituted by organic ligand of TTA, which reduced the non-radiative transition generated from thermal vibration and enhanced the emission. The other reason was Antenna effect of the ligands. Furthermore, the nanosheets/TTA hybrids exibitted good properties in detecting Bilirubin molecules.
     3. We report a new family of lanthanide-based inorganic-organic hybrid frameworks Yi.9Euo.i(OH)5[A]·2H20(A=Alkyl Carboxylate and Alkyl sulfonate) synthesized by homogeneous precipitation, and the RE in the layered compound was9-coordinated. The single layered nanosheets with positive charged nanosheets were obtained in n-butanol after the supersonic treatment, the structure and fluorescent properties of Yi.9Euo.i(OH)5[A]·2H20and nanosheets also studied in this work.
     4. The yttrium oxide nanosheets with monolayer was prepared for the first time. Y(1-x)RExOBr as raw materials, after ion exchange under microwave condition we prepaired layered material Y(1-0.05)RE0.05OC6H5COO. Translucent colloidal{Y(1-0.05)RE0.050+}n nanosheets solutions were yielded after repeated ultrasonic treatments of the mixtures within30minutes, compaired with the hydroxide nanosheets there is no coordinated water molecules in{Y(1-0.05)RE0.05O+}n nanosheets surface, there is no non-radiative transition generated from thermal vibration, therefore the luminescent properity of{Y(1-0.05)REo.o5O+}n nanosheets enhanced significantly. Furthermore, the {Y(1-0.05)REo.o5O+}n/TTA hybrids exibitted good properties in Dyeing E. coli cells.
     5. As-synthesized{Y(1-0.05)RE0.050+}n and{Yi.9REo.i(OH)5+}n rare earth nanosheets with positive charge characteristics, the{Y(1-0.05)RE0.05O+}n and {Yi.9RE0.1(OH)5+}n transparent thin film were prepaired in ITO and FTO glass substrate by Electrophoretic deposition method.
     6. MMT nanosheets with negatively charged were prepaired by supersonic treatment in in ethanol. And the complexes Eu (TTA)3-MMT, Tb(TTA)3-MMT were prepaired by hydrothermal treatment, the fluorescence property the hybrids materials enhanced greatly.
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