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The main body of this paper end level target is that civilization sets off the bridge that dreamworld understands and explains down in East and West need to hang building one.
     The imago moves towards dreamworld disregarding the east be still the west down the ages that the examination questions finding the solution is probed by uncounted thinkers , medical scientist , divine division and scientific and technical worker. Background is different because of each's culture and the viewpoint is different on philosophy , psychology , ethics , history of science, the result reaching also is quite different , gives human being puzzle. The main body of this paper start trying to understand and explain a basis from large amount of Chinese and Western dreamworld, the interview adding the clinical visitor prepares dreamworld , picture note , steps off the swamp , the train of thought breaking through a tight encirclement from searching in several aspects:
     Approach dream interpretation of the earliest ancestor of west dream interpretation Floyd principle as far as possible , draw support from the psychoanalysis , mentality dynamics , be hit by structure of knowledge such as Western medicine history , world history and west philosophy , be understood and explained out at present domestic the most dreamworld symbolizing that the imago is close to 700 frames. Be that our scientific research the days to come and comparison research lay down basis.
     High limit field spicilegium arranges every edition "Zhou Gong explains the dream " and "Dunhuang unties the dream book " . But though having the past dynasties divine warlock , the men of letters making a strained interpretation and drawing a farfetched analogy among them, some of them look like that even fantastic, but the author arranges all one by one, consider them as the data having greatest psychology meaning , among them cast on the Chinese's fear, hopes , crisis escape, feels anxious during the past several thousands of years with the fantasy culture sign, this is stock plain taste's precipitate lower intelligent the deepest Chinese history part out by that history is battered by the wind and the rain , like children's stories , legend , allegory are like that rich , fresh work, is vivid amusing,have value , great psychology of a volume history.
     This paper attempts to compare the dream theory between eastern and western (Strictly speaking is China and the West), in different explanation to find its affection and origin. And different annotation to the same symbol thing takes different courses which nevertheless lead to the common destination. Because of human being owns common destiny and the common "collective after all" (Jungian) .
     On the basis understanding and explaining a dream, try a dream to be arranged in medical science especially traditional Chinese medical science field theory and practice give grouping. Assist clinical diagnosis , psychoanalysis to treat as well as in the psychological consult dreamworld to be understood and explained much better in the days to come applying. "The theory is pale while the tree of life is evergreen". Medical science is to follow the discipline leaking from the disease , maybe theory studies being unable to keep abreast with forever is real, not to mention human being is especially pale to brain science understanding.
     The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine dream examines is one of the means being tradition , the dream in this paper is examined also trying to examine theory and the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine dream with a few west dreams contrasting with, to further enrich a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine examines means. That the Chinese and Western medical science debate is not being zero and plays, is not the problem who replaces the the other either, but is the process duplicating each other in complementing each other , enlightening and adopting the other's good points and avoiding his shortcomings. Maybe be endless process. But "how long be disregarding stairs , must step on the first order " (west proverbs).There must be somebody laying the road stone going to the bottom anyhow.
     Medicine is indeed benevolence skill , benevolence person people also. Medical science is that person learns , medical science history also must question minutely self's history about person. But the argument of medical science which is better which is worse is helpless, obscurantism and science Suprematism who gives preferential treatment same have been full of crisis and prejudice. Chinese and Western all needs to open breast the field crashes and has a dialogue. 21 centuries leave for our responsibility is that put the two big system from meet by chance, know each other well, quarrel , feel attached to each other to put up new life to pregnancy. That is also the place that the mysterious dream starts.
     This paper certainly not being hoped be laid aside and neglected , hopes that the ego who can are in contradiction , chaos, discomposed , flighty and rash people for 21 centuries saves providing a mirror , lets us watch by understanding and explaining dreamworld coming the imago according to self heart , deepens previewing comforting and answering human being crisis to self's a little cognition , a little enlightenment or a little kindness. This is also responsibility of medical science theory worker.
① 《文明的冲突》[美]塞缪尔·亨延顿 新华出版社
    ② [美]《新闻周刊》2005年3月
    ③ (美国《新闻周刊》2006年4月9日文)
    ④ (《荣格的精神》冯川著 海南出版社2006年10月)
    ⑤ (《阿德勒人格哲学》九州出版社2004年版)
    ⑥ (斯坦利·霍尔[Granville Stanley Hall 1844.02.01—1 924.04.24],美国心理学家、教育家,美国第一位心理学哲学博士,是美国心理学会的创立者,发展心理学的创始人,将精神分析引入到新大陆的第一人,也是冯特的第一个美国弟子。他出生于美国马萨诸塞州艾士非(Ashfield)的乡村,病逝于美国马萨诸塞州渥斯特(Worcester)。
    ⑦ 加菲尔德博士1934年出生在宾夕法尼亚洲。少女时期,她就对梦非常感兴趣。14岁起,她开始以日记形式记录自己做过的梦,并将这一习惯保持了半个多世纪。后来,这些日记成为她从事人类梦境研究的第一手资料。取得临床心理学博士学位后,加菲尔德和另外5名科学家成立了梦境研究协会。在位于夏威夷的梦境研究协会驻地,她还邀请了数百位职业梦境研究人员,共同从事人类梦境科学探索。迄今为止,加菲尔德博士撰写了不少有关梦境研究的书籍,其中最畅销的《梦境创造力》已经被译成14种语言;其研究成果屡次被《纽约时报》等媒体刊登;如今,加菲尔德博士已经成为国际梦境研究领域的权威。
    ① 马安列斯《历史科学》人民出版社1981年出版
    ② [美]《新闻周刊》2005年2月P35
    ③ 李大钊:《东西文明根本之异点》,转引自,张岱年、程宜山:《中国文化与文化论争》,中国人民大学出版社1990年版,P24页。
    ④ 胡适:《我们对于西洋近代文明的态度》,参见:曾乐山《中西文化和哲学争论史》,华东师范大学出版社1987年皈,P139
    ⑤ 转引自[法]克洛德·德尔马:《欧洲文明》,上海人民出版社]988年版,P118
    ⑥ 培根:《新工具》,商务印书馆1984年版,P129
    ⑦ 杨振宁先生论周易相关理论《中国青年报》全球化语境下的孔子智慧2004年10月25日
    ⑧ 黑格尔:《历史哲学》,商务印书馆1963年版,P123页
    ⑨ 张岱年、程宜山:《中国文化与文化论争》,中国人民大学出版社1900年版,P24
    ⑩ 《古希腊罗马哲学》P17、27、19
    (11) [英]汤因比:《历史研究》上,上海人民出版社1966年第二版 P129
    (12) 洛克:《人类理解力论》,参见《西方伦理学名著选辑》上卷,P747
    (13) 《上海中医药杂志》1982;(10):36
    (14) 引自:卡西尔:《语言与神话》三联书店1988年版,P37
    (15) 季羡林:《汉语与外语》,语言出版社2000年版,P45—47
    (16) [英]韦尔斯:《世界史纲》(上卷),北京燕山出版社2004年版,P89
    (17) [台湾]《时报周刊》2007年4月
    (18) [英]汤因比:《一个历史学家的宗教观》,四川人民出版社1998年第二版。
    (19) 梁漱溟:《中国文化要义》,见《中国现代学术经典·梁漱溟卷》,河北教育出版社1996年版,P244
    (20) [英]约翰·希克:《宗教之解释》,四川人民出版社1998年版,P115
    (21) 马克思:《政治经济学批判导言》,转引自《马、思、列、斯论文艺》,人民文学出版社1981年版,P82
    (22) 马克思和恩格斯:《德意志意识形态》(1845—1846年)参见《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷第20页注
    (23) 《生命时报》头版2007年3月6日
    (24) 同上
    (25) 同上
    (26) 《马克思恩格斯全集》卷P603
    (27) 梁漱溟《人生的省悟》P127
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