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    八 硕士学位论文
Administration efficiency is the main standard to judge the effect of administration management activities . It's the target for administrators to pursue. Administration will lose its value of existence and be a meaningless thing if management have a low efficiency. Today, when market economy of socialism is developing comprehensively, how to deal with the problems of the efficiency of administration becomes a very urgent and arduous question for our all to face. I have lucubrated the administration management efficiency of local government in our country thoroughly in my paper.
    In my thesis, I have used the basic theories of political science, management science and administration science to state my standpoints.
    There are three parts in the thesis except the foreword.
    The first part expounds the fundamental conceptions of administration efficiency of local government and relative theories. According to the conceptions, local government's main responsibility is executing the decisions of the ruling party, the efficiency is very important to develop the politics and economy of local government. There are four types of administration efficiency of local government: microcosmic efficiency/macroscopical efficiency; technical efficiency/ combinatorial efficiency; static efficiency/ dynamic efficiency. We can measure these different efficiencies by different standards. But the main standards are: the degree of the rationality of the administrative system, the degree of the flow in the management, the general effect in the society. The basic goal of administrative management is to improve the administration efficiency of local government, which should be paid more attentions by the local government.
    The second part analyzes the main problems of administration efficiency of local government, and lists the manifestations and the reasons of low administration efficiency in local government. The traditional mode of administrative management
    have caused the problems of the administration efficiency of local government. And these problems make people wonder what's the value of administrative efficiency, how to measure and improve it. Now, the administration efficiency of local government is low. There are too many institutions, too many administrators according to the affairs, too many process to resolve a question, too many conferences to hold, etc. There are four main reasons of the low efficiency. Firstly, the impact of administrative reform haven't been increased duly. Secondly, the quality of the administrator is low. Thirdly, the legal system haven't been set up completely. Fourthly, the way and instrument of the management are out off date.
    The last part spares long length to illustrate measures of how to improve the administration efficiency of local government. Firstly, local government should increase the impact of administrative reform, such as making the organization more reasonable in establishment and carrying out the reform of administrative sanction. Secondly, local government should set up and develop the administrative legal system. Thirdly, local government should set up the system of electronic government. Fourthly, local government should improve the quality of the administrator roundly.
    In the thesis, we can conclude that it's the characteristics of traditional administrative management mode that cause the problems of administration efficiency. In this mode, local government provide monopolistic services, hold the centralized power, supervise the management by regulations and systems, pay more attention to input than output of the management. In order to improve the administrating efficiency of local government, we should measure the administration efficiency by consider the efficiency, the ends and the effects of the administrative management, increase the impact of administrative reform, set up and develop the administrative legal system, set up the system of electronic government, improve the quality of the administrator roundly.
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