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After the World War II, the development of science and technology has made great progress. And the science and technology has become the great power to improve the human life and promote the social advancement. Nowadays, the domain of scientific research has become the vital and focal field of competition between countries in the world, and also it’s the crucial and final factor of national power. In this context, not only is the scientific research individual work, but it also is the significant part of national strategic programming. As the government investment in scientific research keeps increasing, the evaluation of scientific research is not only the issue of scientific community itself, but also the concernful issue of government and society. A sound and valid research evaluation system will make a great difference for the optimizing of the allocating of research resources, the incenting scientific researchers, the creating an environment conducive to scientific innovation and the building and development of the national innovation system. The evaluation activities in scientific research area depend on the sound and normative evaluation environment. And moreover, they depend on the evaluation methods adaptive to the characteristics of scientific research. Based on the review of domestic and overseas studies and practice on the methods of scientific research, this dissertation studies the scientific research evaluation methods systemically. The study aims to the combination of theory and practice and highlights the evaluation methods that may have much value in practice. And application studies have been conducted with the practical data.
     According to the information base of evaluation, there are three kinds of methods for research evaluation. They are the subjective evaluation methods based on the expertise, the objective evaluation methods based on the statistical data and the systemic evaluation methods based on the synthetic model. Among all these three sorts of methods, peer review method, Delphi method, Bibliometric method, AHP method and synthetic evaluation method are highlighted in this dissertation. Considering peer review method and Bibliometric method are characteristic methods for research evaluation, they are the emphases in the study. Delphi method, AHP method and synthetic evaluation method are also widely used in the research evaluation practice, so it is necessary to include them in this study.
     This dissertation consists of seven chapters, and they fall into four parts:
     The first part includes the foreword of the dissertation (the 1st chapter) and the introduction to research evaluation (the 2nd chapter). In the foreword of the dissertation, author identified the academic value and practical significance of the study on the methods of research evaluation. Then the status quo and the issue about the domestic and foreign studies on research evaluation methods are reviewed and analyzed. Author retrieved the blank spots between the academic study and practical application about research evaluation methods and the reason that the blank spots engendered. Based on these analyses, the guidelines and the main contents of this dissertation are expounded. In the 2nd chapter, the three successive phases of research evaluation development were reviewed firstly. Then the main patterns and important principles of research evaluation were discussed. Afterward, the methods about data collection and data verifying in research evaluation were expatiated, and the reliability and validity verifying methods were also discussed.
     The second part aims to study the subjective evaluation methods based on the expertise, especially peer review method (the 3rd chapter) and Delphi method (the 4th chapter). After the review of the application practice of peer review method, author discussed the implemental forms of peer review method, such as Mail-only, Panel-only and Mail + Panel and so on. And the merits and defects of the forms were compared. Hereafter, author discussed the fundamental principles of the selection of peers. Then the criterion and restriction of the peer review was explored and the development of peer review method in the Internet environment was expatiated. When comes to Delphi method, the dissertation introduced the characteristics and the application process of Delphi method in the first place. Then the methods of questionnaire design and data analysis were discussed. Thereafter, author compared the advantage and disadvantage of Delphi method and general expert- investigate methods as well as their application area. In the end of this part, an applied example of Delphi method was expanded and remarked by the author.
     The third part concerned about the objective evaluation methods based on the statistical data. And author laid a strong emphasis on the study of bibliometric method (the 5th chapter). First of all, the bibliometric indicators that often used in research evaluation activity were studied, and their data sources were also introduced. Then, author studied the methods usually used in the publications distribution research, scientific productivity research and citation analysis, and the trend of development from bibliometric to informetrics was also discussed. Afterwards, the main applications of bibliometric method in research evaluation were studied. And then, author presented four issues that enough attention should be paid to: first, bibliometric method is very fit for macrocosmic and medicosmic evaluation activities, but not very fit for microcosmic evaluation activities; second, good regard should be paid to the difference of citation behavior in different subject, and the influence of the scale of the evaluation object should also be considered; third, the reliability and validity of the data sources should be ensured; fourth, keep cautious to the misusing, misapplying and unilateral emphasis of bibliometric indicators. In the last part of the chapter, two application researches were conducted. In the first application research, author advanced the conceptions of subject self-citing rate and subject self-citation rate and applied them in the subject evaluation. The results based on the practical data proved the method was valid. The second application research studied the distribution of two kinds of research indicators of Chinese university, which are self-reported indicator and source-derived indicator. The research shows that self-reported indicators have less reliability and authenticity than source-derived indicators. This result is consistent with the previous similar study conducted by professor Liang Liming (2000). However, the flaw and demerit of sort order- frequency distribution fit method used by professor Liang Liming was detected in the research, and author advanced a new ranking- frequency distribution fit method. The new method was applied in the study based on the data of 627 universities, and its properness and validity was proved by the result.
     The fourth part studied the systemic evaluation methods based on the synthetic model, such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method (the 6th chapter) and synthetic evaluation method (the 7th chapter) and so on. Actually, AHP method is a kind of synthetic evaluation method, but its unique thought of modeling and wide applications make it necessary to study it in a unique chapter. In the 6th chapter, the fundamental principle and the application process of AHP were introduced firstly. Then author discussed the group decision method of AHP and advanced a concise group decision model. Subsequently, an AHP application research was conducted to establish a university research evaluation system, and group decision model was confirmed in the application research. In the last chapter, synthetic evaluation method was studied at four aspects, which were methods of establishing indicator system, making weights of indicators, measuring basic indicators and synthesizing the data of different indicators. Author highlighted the making weight methods (MWMs) and identified the defects of different MWMs. In the end, two application researches were conducted. The first application research studied the feasibility of Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in research evaluation and found that PCA does not fit for research evaluation. The reason is the correlation estimation of data can not substitute the value judgment of indicators. In the second application research, the research evaluation of Chinese university was conducted, and equal attention was paid to the research efficiency as well as the research scale in the evaluation.
    ①Rinia, E.J., et al. Comparative analysis of a set of bibliometric indicators and central peer review criteria. Evaluation of condensed matter physics in The Netherlands. Research Policy, 1998, 27, pp95–107.
    ②Michael J Larhin.Pressure to publish stifles young talent, Nature, 1999,397,pp467
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    38[美]Earl Babbie著,邱泽奇译.社会研究方法基础.北京:华夏出版社,2002,pp109
    39 Qiu Junping, Chen Jingquan. An analysis of backlink counts and Web impact factors for Chinese university Websites, Proceedings of the 9th ISSI, Dalian University of Technology Press, 2003, pp235-245
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    44 Mary Henkel. The modernisation of research evaluation: The case of The UK. Higher Education, 1999(38): pp.108
    45 Alfred K. Maun. For better or for worse. New York: Columbis University Press, 2000:160-166,转引自王丹红.对SCI在科学评价体系中作用的思考.中国科技期刊研究,2001(4),pp293
    51 Mary Henkel. The modernisation of research evaluation: The case of The UK. Higher Education, 1999(38): pp.108
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    61 Shahpar Modarresi, Dianna L. Newman, Mitchel Y. Abolafia: Academic evaluators versus practitioners-alternative experiences of professionalism. Evaluation and Program Planning, 24 (2001) pp2
    63 NSF. Fiscal Year 2002 Report to the National Science Board on the National Science Foundation’s Merit Review Process, pp14,见http://www.nsf.gov/nsb/documents/2003/merit_rprt/ mrreport_2002 _final.doc,
    64 NIH. Review Criteria For and Rating of Unsolicited Research Grant and Other Applications, http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/not97-010.html
    66 NSF与NIH都将评审的信息反馈给项目申请者。NSF主动将匿名的评审意见摘要和评审名次(根据评分高低)寄送给申请人。这两个机构认为,这种做法有助于项目申请者根据评审意见完善其项目申请。NSF和NIH明文规定申请者可以对评议结果提出异议和并提出复评要求。参见:郭碧坚,韩宇.美英等国科学基金组织改进同行评议的方法.科研管理,1996(1),pp58
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    86 Braun, T., Gianzel, W., and Grupp, H.: The Scientometric Weight of 50 Nations in 27 Science Area, 1989-1993, in the Life Sciences, Scientometrics, 1995, 34(2), pp207-237
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    97 van Raan, A.F.J. and van Leeuwen, Th. N. , Assessment of the scientific basis of interdisciplinary, applied research: Application of bibliometric methods in Nutrition and Food Research, Research Policy, 2002, 31(4), pp. 614
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    100 Garfield, E. The 1991 Nobel-prize Winners Were All Citation Superstars. Current Content, 1992, 5(2), pp3-9
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    86 Mary Henkel. The modernisation of research evaluation: The case of The UK. Higher Education, 1999(38), pp.105-122
    87 Christina Segerholm. Researching Evaluation in National (State) Politics and Administration: A Critical Approach. American Journal of Evaluation, 2003, 24 (3), pp353-372.
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    89 Mahesh Patel. A meta-evaluation, or quality assessment of the evaluations in this issue based on the African Evaluation Guidelines: 2002. Evaluation and Program Planning 2002(25) , pp329-332
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    91 Michael J Larhin.Pressure to publish stifles young talent, Nature, 1999, 397, pp467
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    96 R.J. Ormerod. Is content analysis either practical or desirable for research evaluation? Omega, Int J Mgmt Sci 2000(28), pp241-245
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    102 Garfield, E. The 1991 Nobel-prize Winners Were All Citation Superstars. Current Content, 1992, 5(2), pp3-9
    103 van Raan, A.F.J. and van Leeuwen, Th. N. , Assessment of the scientific basis of interdisciplinary, applied research: Application of bibliometric methods in Nutrition and Food Research, Research Policy, 2002, 31(4), pp. 614
    104 Rinia, E.J., et al. Comparative analysis of a set of bibliometric indicators and central peer review criteria. Evaluation of condensed matter physics in The Netherlands. Research Policy 1998, 27, 95-107.
    105 Ingwersen, Peter. The calculation of Web Impact Factors, Journal of Documentation, 1998, 54(2), pp236-243
    106 Dahal, T. M.: Cybermetrics: The use and implications for Scientometrics and Bibliometrics; A study for Developing Science & Technology Information System in Nepal. IIIrd National Conference on Science & Technology March 8-11, 1999. Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. http://www.panasia.org.sg/nepalnet/ronast/cyber.html
    107 Tomas C. Almind. and Peter Ingwersen. Informetric analyses on the World Wide Web: methodological approaches to "Webometrics", Journal of Documentation, 1997, 4, pp. 404-426
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    112 Qiu Junping, Chen Jingquan. An analysis of backlink counts and Web impact factors for Chinese university Websites, Proceedings of the 9th ISSI, Dalian University of Technology Press, 2003, pp235-245
    113 Shahpar Modarresi, Dianna L. Newman, Mitchel Y. Abolafia: Academic evaluators versus practitioners-alternative experiences of professionalism. Evaluation and Program Planning, 2001(24),pp2
    114 Braun, T., Gianzel, W., and Grupp, H.: The Scientometric Weight of 50 Nations in 27 Science Area, 1989-1993, in the Life Sciences, Scientometrics, 1995, 34(2), pp207-237
    115 Jack P.C. Kleijnen, Willem Van Groenendaal. Measuring the quality of publications: new methodology and case study. Information Processing and Management 2000(365), pp551-570
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