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With the enhancement of global economy sterilization, Modern service industries has separated from traditional industries and grown rapidly, now it has become the important support for the incensement of mordent economy. Modern service system is a not simple activity which is provided by a person or a business, but a complex industry chain that needs cooperation of more than one company in service parts, and a socialization system, which has extra coordination and distribution, consists of complex behaviors. Modern service system needs to be reconfigured to fit in with the changing market, it can creatively meet the requirements and even create requirements by function integration, process reengineering and system reconstruction. The reconfiguration is the key for modern service system to successfully implement service originality, service mode and service strategy. Based on this, the dissertation puts forward the concept of reconfigurable service package (RSP) system. RSP system, which has modularized structure and reconfigurable qualities varying with the interior and exterior environment, not only can support collaborative service, but also can combine service innovation with system structure. Given the reasons presented above, the RSP system can bring beneficial enlightenment to modern service enterprise in satisfying market demands, reducing service cost, improving service quality, and keeping competitiveness.
     Firstly, the dissertation studies on basic theory of RSP system, discusses the meanings of system, modularization and reconfiguration, puts forward the concept of RSP system on the basis of service package system, analyzes the division of RSP system, illustrates the meaning and describing methods of the service module, service component and interface. Then the modular clustering of service component is probed, and on the basis of it, the design structure matrix (DSM) is presented to solute modular clustering of service component. At last, the value of modularization of RSP system is analyzed in this dissertation. Secondly, this thesis studies the model of optimization and coordination of RSP system, discusses the operation process of RSP system, which includes the decomposition of service tasks, the allocating of service resource, the system reconfiguration of service package, the balance of service disposition, the scheduling of service disposition, the evaluating of service disposition. Then the paper describes mathematical programming model of multi-constraint by definition a series of index of RSP system. A set of solutions that based on multi-objective are presented to optimize the RSP system, therefore, a mathematical programming model is established for RSP system optimization. Thirdly, this dissertation describes the process of service product configuration, describes the concept of configurable products, and proves the configurability of service product. According to the extent of customers’participation, the mode of service products is divided into two types: customer guidance pattern and setting execution pattern. The ECA rules based and QFD based are proposed separately in the following part of this paper. Finally, the service innovation mode of RSP system is discussed. The concept, intension and types of service innovation are discussed, and the features of it is analyzed, as well as, the process and participants of service innovation are described, and finally the model of service innovation for RSP system is put forward.
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