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The professional values, emotional labor and the output of the research work in the field of management and psychology is more important theme, is increasingly by the international scholars'attention, but in the present China against this relationship research results are rare, especially in the absence of a relationship between the three comprehensive and localization of the whole empirical test. At the same time, the contemporary Chinese social change and medical system reform practice to the large hospital reform development bring a series of new problems in the new situation. Among them, how to solve the current nursing staff turnover is on the high side problems and improve the work quality and performance problems, is in the process of administration of medical institutions facing new topic. This paper will be China's big state-owned medical institutions nursing staff as the research objects, the integrated use of management, psychology, statistics and social medical related theory, main USES qualitative research and quantitative research, macro and micro research research, empirical research and the method of combining normative research, this paper discusses the values of the nursing staff, emotional labor work and the relationship between output, this paper studies the professional values, emotional labor nursing staff to the influence of the output size and direction, it is surely to professional values, emotional labor and work output of the relationship between theory and practice has the important reference value.
     In theory, the result of this thesis can expand the professional values, emotional labor work and the output of the integration theory category, is the localization of foreign theories a reflection. In practical application, the result of this paper is to maintain the quality of nursing, maintain stable nursing team provide countermeasures. This paper finds that, through the effective incentive mechanism and system to stabilize nursing team is one of the important measures. Through to the nurse in the investigation and analysis of the professional values, to study the effect of the professional values nurse related factors, for nursing management personnel stabilize nursing team, choose stimulation and nursing human resource management way to provide practical reference.
     This thesis expounds the background idea, analyzed and reviewed, and then chooses the breakthrough point then expounds the ideas, content framework and research methods and technical route and possible innovative points.
     From the emotional labor, professional values and work output three aspects to systematic reviews and related scholars research literature, and analysis the main characteristics, and find out the in the study of the field has not been further, as the main point is studied in this thesis. Constructing the professional values, emotional labor work and the output between the three new relationship model, further comprehensive discussion of the nursing staff professional values, emotional labor how to work and play the output role, and domestic and foreign previous research tend to focus on one of two things, there are few scholars study the professional values, emotional labor and the integration of the work output model of the three research is a lack of empirical test. This study not only expands the theoretical depth and laid the empirical research foundation. The results of the study show that, nursing staff professional values can direct role in its work output, still can adjust the emotional labor this to his job intermediary variable have an important impact on output.
     This thesis through the value values, emotional labor and research of the relationship between output work, can help China major public hospital nursing human resource management to provide practical Suggestions and opinions, according to hospital management can improve nursing management ability, promoting nursing staff performance improvement and the expansion of the influence of further hospital and competitiveness.
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