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自1945年世界上第一台电子计算机诞生以来,计算机凭借其独有的高速存储、管理、处理数据的优势,对其它学科领域(地理学、经济学等)产生了重大影响。1950年代,在计算机科学技术的推动下,地理学家首次将计算机科学、数学模型和统计学应用到地理学研究课题中,产生了地理学领域的第一次“计量革命”。之后,随着计算机科学技术、数据库技术和网络技术的迅速发展,促成了早期桌面版地理信息系统(Geographical Information System, GIS)出现和随后网络地理信息系统的流行和广泛应用。曾经,经济学能否像化学、生物学和自然科学那样,采用实验的方法进行研究,一直被经济研究学术界争论不休。然而,经济学家Chambelin1948年在哈佛大学进行了一场用于验证不完整性的课堂实验,开启了经济学实验研究的先河。之后,经济学实验在常规的经济学研究领域(市场理论、个人选择理论和博弈论等其他方面研究)大放异彩。早期的经济学实验都是在教室里,采用纸、笔、黑板、时钟等设备来进行的。随着计算技术和网络技术日新月异的发展,1980年以后,越来越多的经济学实验借助于计算机来进行数据的收集、交流和存储,不仅提高了经济学实验的效率,同时也促进了实验经济学的极大发展,从而进入了计算机实验经济学的时代。人文地理学的研究核心是人地关系,那么在实验经济学研究的启发下,我们能否也像经济学一样,设计实验方案,通过让真实的行为人参与计算机人文地理学网络实验,来研究人与地之间的关系呢?
     第五章,主要阐述了基于实验人文地理学的系统开发的关键技术和第二、三章居住区位选择实验、旅游目的地选择实验研究的具体系统实现。实验人文地理学的系统开发的关键技术主要涉及地理信息服务技术和面向对象的数据操作技术(类思想、LINQ to SQL技术)。居住区位选择实验系统和旅游目的地选择实验系统的主要功能包含:用户注册登录、地理信息浏览查询、居住区位信息或者旅游目的地信息查询、实验环境数据更新和实验结果查询。
Since1945, the world's first electronic computer was birth. It has the advantage of its unique high-speed storage, management, processing data. So, it had a significant impact other disciplines (geography, economics, etc.). In1950s, under the computer science and technology driving, geographer computer sciences firstly apply computer technology, mathematical and statistical models to geography research, which made the first measurement revolution coming. After that, with the rapid development of computer science and technology, database technology and network technology, they contributed to the early desktop geographic information system (Geographical Information System, GIS) and the subsequent Web GIS popular. Whether the economics can have the experimental mean, such as chemistry, biology and natural sciences, it has been debated by the Economic Research academia.
     However, economists Chambelin firstly used the classroom experiment to verify the integrity in1948, at Harvard University, which open experimental study of economics. After that, economics experiment is used in conventional economics research areas (market theory, personal choice theory, and game theory and other aspects of research) and was shining. The early economics experiments are in the classroom, using paper, pens, blackboard, clock and other equipment to carry. With the rapid development of computing technology and network technology, after1980, a growing number of economics experiments through the use of computers for the collection, exchange and storage of data, not only improve the efficiency of economics experiments, while also promoting the great development of economics. Human Geography Research core is the relationship between people and land. Under the experimental economics research inspiration, we think about that can we study the Anthropogeography problem by the use of computer network experiment, like economics.
     Therefore, relying on computer technology, computer network technology, database technology and geographic information system technology, under the inspiration of experimental economics research, this paper put forward the experimental Anthropogeography concept, and selected two typical Anthropogeography problem(city residents living location choice and destination choice) to study by the use of the experimental methods. On the basis of two case studies, this paper summarized out the experimental Anthropogeography basic theory, experimental framework design and experimental platform developed key technologies. This thesis consists of six chapters, such as the introduction-Literature Review-Case Studies-the conclusion of the experimental Anthropogeography basic theory-platform technology-summarize and discussion.
     The chapter1st discusses the development and application of computer technology in the fields of geography and economics. And then we discuss the rise of experimental economics and the development of geographic information science in Anthropogeography. Finally, in support of geographic information science and technology and computer technology, this chapter presents the experimental Anthropogeography the concept and scope of the study. Further, we make the research on the two typical problems-city residents living location choice and destination choice in Anthropogeography field.
     Chapter2nd studies the spatial behavior of the urban residential location choice. First, we expound the basic concepts involved in the choice of residential location contains the location of urban living, urban living space and urban living space differentiation. Then we make the theoretical basis and research progress on residential location, and summarize the influencing factors that affect the choice of residential location. Following, we make the experimental design scheme and implementation steps, including experimental problems description, experiment's purpose, and the experiment's premise assumptions as well as sub-scenario experiment specific steps. The experiment involves a total of four scenarios experiments tiered progressive effects of different factors on the selection behavior of residents location facilities as well as the structure of urban space layout changes affect the residents location choice behavior. Finally, the results show that,(1) under the two typical cases of urban spatial structure, the subjects give more concentration on the traffic factors surrounding the residential location.(2) The majority of subjects are tend to choose convenient infrastructure fully equipped suburban areas to live on, pay less attention to the commuting distance factor from the city center, which is important factor in the traditional residential location choice theory.
     Chapter3rd selects tourist destinations choosing as a case study, which aims to study the tourist destination decision-making behavior of subjects in disposable travel time and money constraints. First the chapter expounds the basic concepts involved in the tourist destination choice, including tourists, tourist destination and tourist's spatial behavior. Then it reviews the theoretical basis and research progress of destination choice, sums up the impact of factors affecting destination choice. Following, it elaborates the experimental design and implementation steps, which including the experimental problems specific experimental hypothesis, experiment specific ideas and experiments of concrete steps. Finally, experimental results show that effective incentive mechanism of excitation subjects to pursue law behavior for greater travel utility by selecting a travel destination through continuous learning, summing up experience during the experimental process.
     Chapter4summarizes the experimental Anthropogeography research methods and experimental principles on the basis of the second and third chapter's contents respectively residential location choice for urban residents and tourist destination choice experiment case study. The experimental principle totally contains six: the value of the induction principle, in response to game, the principles of experimental controllability, conclusions of statistical principles geographic approximation principles and experimental principle of encapsulation. And then, this chapter puts forward the experimental Anthropogeography experimental platform development framework based on GIS technology, Web services technology and object-oriented thinking.
     Chapter5th mainly discusses the development key technologies in the experimental Anthropogeography system and the specific system contents with respect to the residence location choice experiments and destination choice experiment study. Experimental Anthropogeography key technology of system development is mainly related to geographic information services, technology and object-oriented data manipulation techniques (class thinking, LINQ to SQL technology). Residential location choice experiment system and destination choice experimental system features both include the following contents:user registration login, geographic information browsing queries, residential location or destination information queries, and experimental environmental data updates and the experimental results of the query. Chapter6th is the conclusion and discussion of the dissertation.
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