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In the Song Dynasty the notes were very prosperous.They covered and contained everything. The colloguial quality is fairly high. They are important objects of the study of Chinese. This paper selects nine books form a lot of Notes of Song Dynasty as research object according to the principle that use works of high degree oral as corpus, and use research methods such as combining quantitative statistics with class analysis, combining synchronic description with diachronic comparison, combining language analysis with culture interpretation. First, based on the closed statistics, we find the common and personality of the1780appellation terms (not including names), and classify them systematic nd detailed. Second, we describe the true face of all kinds of appellation terms comprehensively and authentically, and prove them with the language facts in order to find the regularity of this kind of words and fill the research gaps. Third,to some changed appellation terms during Chinese language history,we place them in the dynamic history of Chinese language to study the developments at different times. This paper is divided into five chapters.
     Chapter One:Introduction.This chapter Consists of four parts:history and present situation of Chinese appellation terms study,significance of the study about appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty, corpora choice,research methods, conception and classification of appellation terms. Through the review and comprehensive summary of history and current status on the study of Chinese appellation terms, we have found the study of appellation terms in the Song Dynasty is one of the weak points, so this study is of great significance. On the one hand, it is an important reference to modern Chinese studies.On the other hand,it fills the research gaps of the appellation terms' study of special books and is important help to the dating study of appellation terms, at the same time it has some reference value for compiling dictionaries.
     Chapter Two:Relative appellation terms. This chapter consists of four parts:First,appellation terms of blood relatives, in this part we detailed analysis and descripe180appellation terms of blood relatives according to the seniorty.Second,appellation terms of affinity relatives, in this part we detailed analysis and descripe nearly70appellation terms of affinity relatives according to the order that the relative appellation terms about husband's family before the relative appellation terms about wife's family.Third,generic appellation terms, in this part we detailed analysis and descripe35generic appellation terms collectively of all relatives and generic appellation terms collectively of all ancestors and the far end of the sons.Forth,the characteristics and cultural connotation of relative appellation terms of the Notes of Song Dynasty.In this part we summary the formation characteristics and the useage characteristics of the relative appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty and explore its cultural connotation.
     Chapter Three:Appellation Terms of Social Relatives (Ⅰ).This chapter consists of three parts:First, appellation Terms of ranks. In this part we analysis and explain10appellation terms of nobleman,39appellation terms of the common people,57appellation terms of scholar,5appellation terms of armyman,17appellation terms of bandit,8appellation terms of prisoner,9appellation terms of hermit,12appellation terms of traveler,51appellation terms of nation,72appellation terms of religious person and184appellation terms of government officials.T Second, appellation terms of occupation. In this part we analysis and explain33appellation terms of peasant,herd,fishernan, woodcutter and hunter,95appellation terms of craftsman,19appellation terms of businessman,76appellation terms of guard and general,14appellation terms of doctor,14appellation terms of sorcerer,5appellation terms of beggar,13appellation terms of prostitute and some others. Third,,relations appellation terms. In this part we analysis and explain17appellation terms of group,23appellation terms of friend,7appellation terms of foe,8appellation terms of neighbour,8appellation terms of colleague,46appellation terms of master and servant,25appellation terms of host and guest,28appellation terms of teacher and student,13appellation terms of higher and lower and5appellation terms of others.
     Chapter Four:Appellation Terms of Social Relatives(Ⅱ). This chapter consists of seven parts:First,characteristic appellation terms. In this part we analysis and explain17appellation terms about health,101appellation terms about behaviour and intelligence,8appellation terms about pecuniation condition and35appellation terms about domicile. Second, appellation terms of sex. In this part we analysis and explain12appellation terms of man,38appellation terms of woman and4appellation terms of man and woman.Third, appellation terms of age. In this part we analysis and explain19appellation terms of child,6appellation terms of youth,33appellation terms of old man and4appellation terms of all above. Fourth, appellation terms of the emperor. In this part we analysis and explain59appellation terms of emperor,74appellation terms of the relatives of emperor,47appellation terms of the servent of emperor.Fifth,Coreference Appellation Terms. It refers interpersonal appellation terms in dialogue, including appellation Terms in direct and indirect way, first personal pronouns and modest appellation terms, second personal pronouns, third personal pronouns.Sixth, the names in the Notes of Song Dynasty. This chapter summarized the naming characteristics of the different social classes, to explore its cultural connotation. In addition, it analysis of the nicknames of people in Song Dynasty from the point of view of cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, rhetoric, cultural linguistics etc..Seven, the characteristics and cultural connotation of social of the Notes of Song Dynasty. In this part we summary the formation characteristics and the useage characteristics of the social appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty. The formation characteristics is embodied in the following areas:First,use monosyllabic appellation terms as morpheme to form compound appellation terms;Second,the affixation of some appellation terms is very pressing;Third,metonymy appellation terms is extensive used.The useage characteristics of the social appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty is embodied in the phenomenon that one word refers to more than one appellation term and multi-words refer to only one appellation term.
     Chapter Five:the contribution of the Notes of Song Dynasty for the research of Appellation Terms.This chapter is innovation.lt consists of three parts:First,the contents of the research of Appellation Terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty. The contents of the research of appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty is very multifarious.Second,the characteristics of the research of appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty.Third,the influence of the research of appellation terms in the Notes of Song Dynasty.
     The corpus of this thesis is new. Most words this thesis studied are new. Pay attention to synchronic comparative study during the same period and the study of the dynamic development of the appellation words,
     There are some shortcomings about finding the cultural connotation of the relative appellation terms and the social appellation terms and the explaining of some appellation terms.
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