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[目的] 探讨小儿血管瘤血管生成的促发机制,阐明雌激素在小儿血管瘤增生机制中的促血管生成作用,为抗雌激素药物治疗小儿血管瘤提供新的理论依据。
     [方法] 应用免疫组织化学SP法检测42例血管瘤和17例血管畸形标本雌激素受体(ER)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)的表达情况,分析其相关性;应用纤维蛋白凝胶(fibrin gel)三维培养体系建立血管瘤血管生成体外培养模型,以雌激素及抗雌激素受体阻滞剂三苯氧胺分组(分空白对照组、雌激素组、三苯氧胺组、雌激素+三苯氧胺组四组)干预血管生成过程,比较各时间点各组间新生血管区面积的显著性差异。
Objective: To study the promotion mechanism of angiogenesis of children hemangioma, to clarify the angiogenesis function of estrogen on the proliferative mechanism of children hemangioma, and also to provide the new theoretical evidence for ant-estrogen drugs cured children hemangioma.
    Mothod: Expression and relativity of estrogen receptor(ER), VEGF and bFGF were detected with SP immunohistochemical method in 42 specimens of hemangioma and 17 specimens of vascular malformation. A fragment of hemangioma biopsy was embedded in fibrin gel, and a in vitro human model of angiogenesis of hemangioma was founded. The angiogenesis of hemangioma fragments of each group was interfered by estrogen and tomaxifen, and the dimension of newborn tubule area in the 3rd, 6th, 9th day after culture was calculated to compare statistically significant differences among the groups.
    1. The label index (LI) of ER, VEGF and bFGF in the hemangioma were
    significantly higher than those in the vascular malformation
    (p<0.01) and in the hemangioma the LI of ER. VEGF and bFGF in
    proliferative stage were higher than those in involuting
    stage(p<0.01). There were significantly positive correlations between the LI of ER and VEFG, bFGF strong in hemangioma and weak
    in the vascular malformantion(p<0. 05).
    2. In the model of angiogenesis of hemangioma, microvessels grew out from the tissue fragments in 2nd to 3th day after culture, and in 8th to 9th day a complex network of microvessels come to being, the tending to inactivity. The complex network around the tissue fragments was confirmed to he vascular by immunohistochemistry experimentation and electron microscopic observation.
    3. In the 3rd, 6th and 9th day after culture the dimension of newborn tubule area of the group of estrogen were significantly larger than those of the group of control. Those of the group of estrogen +tomaxifen and the group of tomaxifen were significant smaller than those of the group of estrogen and the group of control. (p<0. 05)
    1. Through the experimentation of immunohistochemistry and the study of culture in vitro it is demonstrated that estrogen stimulates angiogenesis of children hemangioma. The mechanism is possibly that estrogen bound to estrogen receptor leads to raise the expression of VEGF and bFGF, and/or cooperate with VEGF and bFGF to stimulate angiogenesis. Tomaxifen can hold back this process.
    2. The model of angiogenesis of hemangioma provides a good model of researching the regulation mechanism of angiogenesis of hemangioma, and help to study the drugs of ant-estrogen and ant-angiogenesis to
    provide a new approach for medication for children hemangioma.
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