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Sightseeing agriculture is a newly developed tourism industry in Beijing. Through a lot of practical fieldwork and by analyzing the existing correlative papers, this thesis illustrates that sightseeing agricultural parks is a garden form which contains sightseeing tourism, agricultural production and landscape construction. To resolve the problem that designers always place too much emphasis upon function and exploiture, while in the meantime overlook the landscape design, this paper introduces landscape architecture, classic gardening and modern constructive art into the landscape design of sightseeing agricultural parks, emphasizing the art design of the landscape, in the end to build the best garden spaces with the perfect cultural atmosphere.
    Combining theoretics and practices, the author widely investigates a great number of existing sightseeing agricultural parks in Beijing, experiences in person and checks carefully, thus obtains a lot of detailed and reliable first-hand information and data. Then compare and analyze the different landscape characters of four kinds of agricultural parks in Beijing: Picking and Purchase Farm, Science Popularization Agricultural Parks, Ecological Agricultural Parks and General Agricultural Parks. And then by analyzing and using for reference the successful experiences from other cities in China and other countries, do a primary investigation on the principles, ideas and methods of the landcape design of sightseeing agricultural parks, in the same time probe into the detail landscape design of the static and dynamic elements of sightseeing agricultural parks.
    The thesis aims at combining landscape architecture, agronomy and tourism together, primaryly investigating the landscape design theoretics applicable to the sightseeing agricultural parks. The focus of the thesis and the explanation of the static and dynamic elements of sightseeing agricultural parks is relatively new not only in the field of sightseeing agri-tourism but also of landscape architecture, to some extend it has practical value and appliance meaning in both of those fields.
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