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With the improvement of market economy and increased people's income level, tthe demands for the tourism will further rise, position and function in national economy of tourist industry are more and more important. The holiday system to adjust in 2007 , making people more options to taking relaxed body and mind for purpose of short-term travel, independent travel, driving, thus the development of suburban rural tourism has brought new opportunities. Meanwhile, the development of the society, pay more and more attention to one's own quality of the life and spiritual requirement, has thereupon recreation become the important content of people's life.The scholar believes 21st century will be the beginnings of recreation times.
     This paper is to exploreing the theory and practice and summed up the theoretical system of rural recreation tourism , It is how to carry on rational design and improvement that the method frame is constructed,so as to meet current needs and to guide and shape the human role.And promote a healthy and active and effective in Rural development of local economy and improving the quality of life for rural residents.
     Make the preliminary analysis of conducting the rural recreation tourism environment with summarizes the results of the scholars. First, analyze and reference the planning of rural recreation tourism environment, to define the study scope, concepts,theories .Secondly,summarize the the shortcomings of the Current design of the rural recreation tourism environment,and in-depth analyze of the reasons causing the results,through analyzing the development, resource utilization, spatial structure, landscape imagery, and the needs of tourists of the rural recreation tourism environment with lots of examples.Thirdly, establish a planning and design system of the rural recreation tourism environment ,which contains the target and positioning, functional planning and space layout, overall design and concept of deepening, landscape planning and design to service facilities and infrastructure planning .Finally, planning and design system used in Beijing suburban village Yingchengzi specific implementation of the project, will have broad significance of the theoretical system to play its specific meaning,guide in the conduction of the rural recreation tourism environment.
     Through argumentation of full text, the paper tries to establish operational design of rural recreation tourism environment, in order to build the new situation of building a new socialist countryside and provide a strong support.
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