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    1. 传统建模方法和面向对象建模方法比较。这一部分论述了传统建模方法和
    2. UML内容介绍。这部分简单介绍了UML的相关知识,说明了UML的特点和
    3. RUP统一软件开发过程。由于UML仅仅是一种建模语言,而不是一种方法,
    4. 基于UML的系统分析与设计。这部分通过对订单处理子系统进行分析和设
UML is a kind of result that combine the method of Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson who are the OO specialist, and it absorbs the OO development method's strongpoint of OMT, BOOCH, OOSE. It provides abundant and extended expression for OO analysis, design and software automatic tools or circumstance. UML is a modeling language and it can visualize, describe, construct and document the compressional software system.UML (Unified Model Language) has many virtues, for example, its graph symbol offered many types graph expression; its combination make it possible for analyse and construct accordant system. But UML is not beauideal, and most important,it is only a model language , but not method . It doesn't define a process. The text contains the following parts:1. Compare the traditional model method with OO model method. This part discuss the traditional model method and OO model method, and introduce several main OO model method, then show the advantage of OO model method.2. Introduce UML content. This part simply introduce UML knowledge and tell you UML's trait and use. What's more, it compares UML with other OO model method. Finally, introduce CASE tools.3. RUP (Rational Unified Process). We must choose a process in the real develop process because UML is only a model language not a method which is process-independent. Rational Unified process is a life circle method that suit for UML, and when it combine with UML in the real develop process , it will make model process more straight and clear , besides it will lower the system development risk and suit the users' demand.4. The system analyses and design based on UML. This part offers a RUP model process based on UML by analyzing and designing the order management system.The paper's aim is to research the rational unified process , and discuss UML profoundly . Such respects as the formulation to choosing the use case , the order diagram and class diagram ,etc. innovate to some extent in the concrete course. Lastly, it will provide a comparatively suitable RUP model process based on UML for not very large software project.Combining UML and RUP and researching RUP and its application, Rational unified process combined the strength of many software development process, and by considering all round the technique and management factors of software development, it proves a better development model. UML's concept and expression combined with RUP will become a strong and efficient software system development method and technique.
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