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Since the reform and opening up,our country has carried out a series of reform for the purpose of strengthening international harmonization of accounting standards. The difference between Chinese accounting standards(CAS) and international accounting standards(IAS) has been gradually narrowed,and the quality of CAS has been gradually improved.The ultimate goal of international harmonization of accounting standards is to provide accounting information users with high-quality accounting information,so that accounting information users in different countries or regions can make timely and correct economic decisions.However,the use of high-quality accounting standards will not necessarily bring high-quality accounting information,because the quality of accounting information(earnings quality),in addition to the impact of accounting standards,is also subject to legal system, opportunities and incentives faced by company's management and other factors. Therefore,accounting information users,accounting standards setters,accounting information supervisors and accounting researchers are very concerned about whether international harmonization of CAS can improve the quality of accounting information(earnings quality).
     Using a sample of B-share companies from 1996 to 2007 and the models of accruals quality and cash flows forecasting,this dissertation examines the effect of international harmonization of CAS on earnings quality and tests whether international harmonization of CAS can improve earnings quality from the difference of eamings quality under CAS and IAS,and from the trend of earnings quality under CAS.The conclusions are as follows:1.From the difference of earnings quality under CAS and IAS,the difference of earnings quality of B-share companies under CAS and IAS is not significant,and the earnings quality under IAS is not significantly higher than that under CAS.2.From the trend of earnings quality under CAS,with the continuous development of international harmonization of accounting standards and continuous improvement of legal system,the earnings quality of B-share companies under CAS has a significant upward trend overall.
     Research contributions of this dissertation are mainly reflected in the following four areas:1.This dissertation examines and evaluates the effect of international harmonization of accounting standards on earnings quality from the perspective of all accounting information users.2.This dissertation controls the effect of audit opinion differences between domestic and foreign accounting firms on the difference of earnings quality under CAS and IAS.3.This dissertation uses accruals quality model and cash flows forecasting model to measure earnings quality respectively,as far as possible to reduce the effect of measure deviation of a single model on research results.4.In empirical analysis of using cash flows forecasting model,this dissertation uses bootstrap method to estimate earnings quality under CAS and IAS.
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    3 魏明海:《会计理论新体系探索(二)》,第284页,广州:中山大学出版社,1995。转引自王华《论会计准则的国际协调》,1999。
    4 刘峰(1996)认为,“所谓会计准则,是会计人员执行会计活动所应遵循的规范和标准,它也是对会计工作进行评价、鉴定的依据”。本文也采用这一定义,根据这一界定,中国的企业会计准则、企业会计制度和其他规范会计实务的规范和标准都属于会计准则的内容。
    5 冯淑萍:《中国会计改革与国际协调》,第347页,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2002。
    6 国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards Committee,缩写为IASC)发布 的会计准则称为国际会计准则(International Accounting Standards,缩写为IAS),2001年国际会计准则委员会改组为国际会计准则理事会(International Accounting Standards Board,缩写为IASB),国际会计准则理事会发布的会计准则称为国际财务报告准则(International Financial Reporting Standards,缩写为IFRS)。为了行文方便,本文将国际会计准则委员会发布的国际会计准则和国际会计准则理事会发布的国际财务报告准则统称为“国际会计准则”。
    7 上述有关会计准则形式上的协调和实质上的协调的划分,主要参考了王华《论会计准则的国际协调》(1999)和魏明海《会计协调的测定方法》(2003)中的相关理论。
    8 魏明海:会计协调的测定方法,第21页,《中国注册会计师》,2003,4。
    9 转引自Beaver《财务呈报:会计革命》,薛云奎主译,第4页,大连:东北财经大学出版社,1999.8。
    10 笔者注,详见国务院证券委员会发布的《股份有限公司境内上市外资股规定的实施细则》。
    11 2007年9月12日中国证券会发布的《关于发行境内上市外资股的公司审计有关问题的通知》指出,发行境内上市外资股的公司只需聘请具有证券期货相关业务资格的会计师事务所进行审计,不再要求同时实施境外审计,即B股上市公司不再进行双重审计。
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