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牙周组织再生重建的关键是牙周膜细胞的增殖分化。而牙周病损区域的细胞来源匮乏,因此寻求有效的促进细胞增殖分化的方法和途径是现在研究的重点和热点。丹参是具有活血化淤作用的传统中药,近年来的研究表明,丹参具有改善局部微循环,干预炎症反应,调控生长因子分泌,促进组织修复重建的作用。动物实验表明,丹参复合生物膜能有效地促进牙周组织的再生重建。本实验将丹参引入人牙周膜成纤维细胞(human periodontal ligament fibroblasts,HPDLFs)体外培养中,观察丹参是否存在对HPDLFs具有剂量-效应依赖关系的促增殖作用,同时观察丹参能否促进HPDLFs向成骨表型分化。结果显示:1、丹参从90mg/ml的浓度开始,可以有效地促进HPDLFs的增殖,呈现剂量-效应依赖关系;2、丹参能够在促进HPDLFs增殖的同时,上调碱性磷酸酶活性,增加骨钙素的分泌,有效地促进HPDLFs向成骨表型分化。结论:丹参能够有效地促进HPDLFs的增殖分化,是一种值得进一步研究探讨的促进牙周组织再生重建的新型药物。
The key of periodontal tissue regeneration is the proliferation and differentiation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPDLFs) . The cells in pathological region are lack, so how can stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of HPDLFs is the key problem of research on periodontal tissue regeneration. The investigation in last years showed that Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge can improve the minimum-cycle, intervene the inflammation, adjust the synthesis of growth factors, and promote the tissue regeneration. The animal experiment suggested that Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge combined with biomembrane in GTR can promote the better periodontal tissue regeneration. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge on HPDLFs in vitro.
    HPDLFs were cultured with different concentration of Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge. The proliferation and differentiation of HPDLFs were observed. The result suggests that Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge can significantly stimulate the alkaline phosphatase activity, osteocaclin synthesis, and the proliferation of HPDLFs, and stimulate HPDLFs to become osteoblasts, when Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge's concentration is raised to 90mg/ml. The study indicates that Saliva Miltiorrhiza Bugge can efficaciously stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of HPDLFs in vitro, which may promote the periodontal tissue regeneration.
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