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With the capitalization of economy, fictitious economy becomes a core issue to maintain the stable development of the modern economy. Being a key element of fictitious economy, a healthy and stable capital market is essential to ensure efficient use of economic resources and a healthy economic structure. As the impact of financial crisis keep expanding, preserving the stability of capital market is most important. How to preserve the stability of the capital market within the circumstance of economy globalization has drawn close attention to both government and economic scholars. Taking the stagflation in U.S. as a milestone, this thesis argues that virtualization of money and economy capitalization makes excess liquidity become a normal economic phenomenon. But excess liquidity not necessarily leads to the instability of capital market. Therefore, the tasks of investigating the factors that influence Chinese capital market based on Chinese characteristics, developing an appropriate model to assess the stability of the capital market as well as building a precaution index system become imminent.
     Although the economic literature on analyzing the influence to capital market is abundant, almost all of the existing research is restricted to looking into the direct impact of excess liquidity on the capital market. The analysis of the impact from the indirect factors is, however, performed separately. Most existing research lack of a systematical approach in pursuing the indirect influence as well as a joint analysis on the direct and indirect factors that influence the capital market due to excess liquidity.
     Based on the findings of existing research, this thesis reviews the theoretical analysis on capital market stability and the factors that influence the capital market. Under the environment of economy capitalization, we propose a monetary model that bases on real economic commodity price & quantity and capital asset price & quantity using the fishery monetary formula. The empirical results demonstrate that China real economy and excess liquidity has prominent impact on the capital market. Then, taking excess liquidity as a precondition, we study the mechanism that incorporates relative factors that influence Chinese capital market, such as faultiness of financial system and capital market, investor behavior, and institutional issues.
     Based on empirical study, we also construct a Chinese capital market stability model which combines IMF's FSAP index system. Using this model, this dissertation establishes a relative index system and a financial crises precaution mechanism. This study includes 28 indices from 5 aspects, which is estimated using the AHP and DELPHI method under an excess liquidity circumstance. After evaluating the stability of Chinese capital market in 2007, this dissertation raises some important issues that are critical to the stability of Chinese capital market, e.g., the mechanism of internal optimization, the external safeguard.
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