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本文在广泛的搜集前人研究资料的基础上,结合野外实际工作,对黑龙江省东部松辽盆地外围盆地之一的勃利盆地进行了比较全面与深入的研究。包括黑龙江省东部区域地层划分与对比,沉积体系的演化,勃利盆地的盆地基底与沉积盖层的基本特征与时空分布特征、盆地主要断裂与褶皱构造特征、黑龙江省东部盆地群隆升幅度规律分析、盆地内烃源岩层、储层与盖层的时空分布规律及构造对保存条件的影响与盆地内的资源潜力分析等。重点研究了黑龙江省东部龙爪沟群与鸡西群的划分与对比、勃利盆地构造特征及演化、用镜质体反射率数据恢复区域隆升史,分析隆升幅度规律、用Matlab 编程实现蒙特卡罗法计算盆地内的油气资源量。
Based on the past records and field work in Boli basin, one of the basins that located at the eastern of Heilongjiang province, these contents were studied in this paper, including the basic features of basement and sedimentary cover, the structural feature of faults and folds, the analysis of uplift history, the space-time distribution regularity of source rock, oil-reservoir and cap rock, the tectonic effect on reserve condition and the calculation of oil-gas resource in the basin, etl. What are interpreted on detail include the Mesozoic regional strata in the eastern Heilongjiang Province (subdivision and correlation of the Longzhaogou Group and Jixi Group), the structural features and evolution of Boli basin, reconstruct the regional uplift history with vitrinite reflectance (Ro) data in this district and calculation the oil-gas resource with Monte-Carlo method under Matlab.
    Concerning Boli basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic coal-bearing basin, and the exploratory degree is not very high, we must stick to study the basic geological data, beginning from the region data, distinguish contents which are the most important, analyze the data globally, so that we can hold the basin’s attribute in a wider field and a deeper degree. From the basic geological data such as structural of basement, the regional structural setting, sequence of strata, we can deepen the realization about the basin’s generating and evolution. From the strata sequence, we can analyze the structural unit. From the vitrinite reflectance data, we can reconstruct the uplift history of the basin group in eastern Heilongjiang province. Using the data above, the oil-gas geological condition was studied. At last, the oil-gas resource in the basin was
    calculated with Monte-Carlo method and varied qualities at different possibilities were drawn. Through the study above, some conclusions were drawn: 1、Boli basin is a Mesozoic fault-depression relic basin. There are obvious geological development features among the western, middle and eastern in the basin. The inner structural framework is controlled by late Mesozoic synsedimentary tensional block and shear structural lately. 2、Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups in eastern Heilongjiang province are the early Cretaceous age, but not the“Jurassic”age or the“middle late Jurassic-early Cretaceous”age. Longzhaogou Group is divided into five Formations from lower to upper: Peide Formation, Qihulin Formation, Xiayunshan Formation, Shangyunshan Formation and Zhushan Formation. Jixi Group is divided into three Formations: Didao Formation, Chengzihe Formation and Muling Formation. Two Groups are generally in the same age, so they can be correlated each other. Correlatiom between Peide Formation in the Longzhaogou Group and the Didao Formation in Jixi Group,correlation between Qihulin Fomation and Yunshan Formation in the Longzhaogou Group and Chengzihe Formation in Jixi Group, correlation between Zhushan Formation in Longzhaogou Group and Muling Formation in Jixi Group. 3、Faults and folds are all well developed in the basin. Main tend strike of the faults in the basin is EW、SN、NW and NE. The faults in the Middle fault is the most complex. The strike EW fault is well developed in the southern Fault, the strike of NW and NE are well developed in middle and northern Fault. At the same time, the strike of NS is developed in middle Fault. Folds in the middle fault and eastern depression are developed better than those in the
    western depression. The fold axes change with the basin axes. These folds and faults form an arc zone. These asymmetry folds often show flat in north wing but sharp in southern wing even become reverse fold. 4、Through the synthetical analysis of strata sequence, sedimentary sequence, structure features and evolution history, the basin evolution is divided into 2 periods and 5 development steps. One period is late Mesozoic synsedimentary fault-depression including rift, fault-depression and structural reverse, the other is Cenozoic reformed including reformed step in Palaeogene and reformed in Neogene. 5、The uplift regularity in late Cretaceous of basin groups in eastern Heilongjiang province was analyzed with vitrinite reflectance (Ro) data. The results show that the Mesozoic lower Cretaceous series has uplifted in most districts in Jiamusi block, but the amplitude is various. The uplift amplitude in some district reach 2000m, with the line of Jiayin-Hegang-Jiamusi-Mishan. In generally, it is a equal change, it is can be seen in the nearly parallel contour. There are relative doming especially in the north and depression, these are the basic condition of form the basins now. The relation of Ro and deep was established, the equation is Z=1879.7ln (Ro)-832.81,and the correlation coefficient is 0.9481. 6、After analyzing the condition of oil-generating strata, reservoir and cap rock, we find that the mother material type of source rock and the geochemistry condition decide the basin tend to gas and because the basin is scare of regional cap rock, add with the intense destroy of strata uplift, the condition of massing gas is not very good. 7、Oil-gas resource with Monte-Carlo method under Matlab were
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