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     2009年对四川省雅安、宜宾、绵阳、广安等12个地区的玉米穗腐病病原菌种类进行了鉴定,结果表明,四川省玉米穗腐病主要有九个属的病原真菌,即串珠镰刀菌(Fusarium moniliforme)、禾谷镰刀菌(F. graminearum)、木霉菌(Thichoderma sp.)、丝核菌(Rhizoctonia sp.)、青霉菌(Penicillium spp.)、黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)、黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus)、毛霉菌(Mucors sp.)、粉红聚端孢(Trichothecium roseum)、穗黑孢霉(Nigrospora oryzae)、离蠕孢菌(Bipolaris sorokiniana)。其中串珠镰刀菌分离频率最高,达到51.5%,为四川省玉米穗腐病的优势病原菌;木霉菌次之,分离频率为19.7%。此外,禾谷镰刀菌的分离频率也较高。丝核菌和毛霉菌分离频率最低。玉米种植密度和穗部虫害对玉米穗腐病的影响试验结果表明,适量增加种植密度到3300株/667m2时可以减轻玉米穗腐病的发生,继续增加种植密度,玉米穗腐病发病情况加重。玉米穗部虫害对穗部侵害引起玉米穗腐病的重要原因。2009年和2010年两年对138个我省玉米主栽品种进行了串珠镰刀菌穗腐病抗病性鉴定,从中初步筛选出高抗(HR)品种7份,占总数5%,为众望玉18,正兴3号,正大2393,神珠7号,资玉二号,川单青贮1号,豫玉18;抗病(R)品种54份,占总数的39.%;中抗(MR)品种47份,占34%。感病(S)品种24分,占17.9%,而高感(HS)品种6份,占4.5%。
Corn is one of the three major grain crops on the world. In recent years, corn ear rot has generally occurred in late growth stage or the storage stage after harvest. Now, it has become a major constraint in the development of corn production for its harmfulness. It is very important to find out the pathogen composition and the dominant species of corn ear rot in this study. And the objectives of this study were to determine the causal organisms and impact factors of corn ear rot, and resistance of corn varieties to the disease caused by Fusarium moniliforme.
     In this research, pathogens of corn ear rot were obtained from 12 regions of Sichuan Province in 2009. According to the identified results, there were 9 species of pathogenic fungi:Fusarium moniliforme, Fusarium graminearum, Thichoderma sp, Rhizoctonia sp, Penicillium spp, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Mucors sp, Trichothecium roseum, Nigrospora oryzae, Bipolaris sorokiniana. The separation frequency for Fusarium moniliforme was the highest, which was up to 51.1% and is regarded as the dominant species of corn ear rot, in Sichuan Province; Followed by Trichoderma, whose separation frequency was 19.7%. In addition, Fusarium graminearum also has a high separation frequency. while Rhizoctonia and Mucor has the lowest separation frequency. The study showed that the density increased to 3300/mu could reduce the incidence of the disease. However if we continue to increase the density, it would lead to a higher incidence of ear rot. According to observation, corn ear of insect pests is a major cause of ear rot.
     During 2009 and 2010, resistance identification tests were carried out on 138 varieties with toothpick inoculation, The results show that:7 varieties were preliminary selected as high resistance(HR) varieties accounted for 5%, which were Wangyu18, Zhengxing No.3, Zhengda 2393, Shenzhu No.7, Ziyu No.2, Chuandanqingzhu No.1, Yuyu No.18; 54 varieties were resistance(R), accounted for 39%; 47 varieties were middle resistance, accounted for 34%; 24 varieties were Susceptible(S) which occupled 17.9% and 6 varieties were highly susceptible(HS) which accounted for 4.5%.
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