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The core problem of investment decision is how to allocate financial assets to achieve anoptimal portfolio under uncertain circumstance. Because financial market is an extremelycomplex system, the investors are faced with an endlessly changing situation when they areengaging in investment practices. In the case where the information about future isunavailable, the investors who try to maximize the returns of their investments need to updatetheir investment strategy according to the current circumstance. Consequently, portfolioselection problem actually is an online one which sequentially determines portfolios usingavailable public information. The modern portfolio selection theory based on Markowitz’smean-variance model has been extensively studied by many researchers and lots of valuableresults have been obtained in the static case; however, people have seldom dealt with it in thedynamic case. In recent years, online algorithm has been applied to portfolio selection as wellas other fields, and it then helps develop the theory of online portfolio selection which isbased on universal portfolio. The main idea of this methodology is that proposingsequential-decision steps by online learning techniques, without making any statisticalhypotheses about the behavior of the asset price and the future information. However, since itdoes not figure out how the equity market behaves, the empirical results show that thismethod does not perform well and the potential application is negative. Taking thedisadvantages of the existing researches on universal portfolio into account, this thesis, fromthe respective of market’s anomaly, tries to explore the portfolio selection problemsystematically and thoroughly by means of online learning algorithm. The main contributionsof this thesis are listed in the following four aspects:
     First, this thesis combines the reversal effect and the momentum effect to describestatistical correlations among several stocks and then calculate the proportion of weighttransferred. According to the correlations, a combined mean reversion online strategy ispresented by applying the heuristic algorithm. The existing heuristic algorithms such asAnticor only consider the reversal phenomenon of the price and often produce sub-optimalresults. In practice, they are with depressed earnings. Meanwhile, they depend significantly onthe window size and large-scale computation is required to eliminate the effect, whicheventually loses their timeliness. Thus, this article synthesizes the two phenomena mentionedabove and constructs the statistical correlation indexes to solve these problems. The thesis further analyzes the impact the degree of correlation intensity has on decision transfer,comprehensively grasps the fluctuation of price in stock markets by applying the heuristicalgorithm, and then obtains the online portfolio strategies. Moreover, empirical analysis isbased on six data sets from different foreign financial markets and four sets from twodomestic markets. The results show that they significantly increase the returns in foreignfinancial markets, while the cumulative returns in the domestic stock market are notsignificantly dependent on the window size. In all, they indicate the obtained strategies arestable.
     Second, we propose to take use of the asymmetry of mean reversion to constructpiecewise loss function and PA (passive aggressive) algorithm to optimize the strategy ofportfolio selection. Because the strategy of online portfolio selection based on PAclassification algorithm just simply applies mean reversion theory, it is difficult for it todescribe the law of market behavior. To overcome this problem, according to the symmetry ofmean reversion, we construct a multi-piecewise loss function which does a better work indescribing the characteristics of the volatility of financial market. With the loss minimized, weuse the multi-piecewise loss function to build the most optimal model and then find the mostoptimal investment strategy which has the most minimal variance. Moreover, by means ofoptimization method, we get the reversion strategy which is applicable to all kinds of marketconditions. If short selling is allowed in the market, the bounds of the error of this algorithmis derived, and if not, the effect transaction cost has on the strategy is also explored.Theoretically, the algorithm possesses the property of linear time complexity. Besides, it hasbeen shown by empirical analysis that the returns of the selected portfolios have improvedgreatly in most of the markets. Hence the algorithm is applicable and practical, to someextent.
     Third, we construct a weighting function in order to study the multiple-period onlineportfolio model. After making full use of the historical price information, we get the onlineinvestment strategy with higher benefits. Now the existing researches on the problem ofsingle-period online investment brings about big algorithm blindness when making strategyadjustment, which leads to the missing of most of the historical data information. In this thesis,we study the multi-period case with keeping a balance between making full use of historicaldata and avoiding large-scale computation. The moving weighted average sequences on atime window is derived by the way in which the shorter it is from current time, the moreweight is assigned to. Taking the above as a basis, we construct the loss function, and thenestablish the optimization model from the following two aspects. One is to optimize the strategy of portfolio model directly. The other is using the PAC classification algorithm andoptimization principle to derive the weighted moving average online portfolio algorithm anddifferent kinds of reversion strategies, based on predicating the future prices. Furthermore, inorder to reduce the time complexity of the algorithm, we determine the history window sizeby using the reverse time interval in the field of behavioral finance as side information. Thealgorithm with linear time complexity is conducive to large-scale computation and theempirical study also show that the strategy receives excellent benefits. Therefore, theweighted loss function method extends the way of the classification algorithm to study onlineportfolio problems of the research methods.
     Forth, we construct an insensitive loss function by using the momentum effect andinvestor expectations. Then we establish optimization model, and get the momentum onlineportfolio strategy. The above method which using the property of price reversal is unable toeffectively solve the problem of investment decisions in the momentum effect market. In thispaper, we come up with a research approach which flexibly designs the investment strategyreferring to the characteristics of the equity market “anomalies”, and we build the lossfunction by means of combining the momentum effect and investors’ subjective attitude. Byusing PA classification algorithm we build optimization model, and get the transformationmechanism with conservative strategy and momentum strategy. The algorithm is providedwith linear time complexity. By testing and comparatively analyzing the strategy in differentstock markets, we find the strategy on financial market with momentum effect is very good,while the financial market with reversal effect gains almost zero. This suggests that thestrategy is suitable to be applied in the financial markets with momentum effect. Therefore, itis a beneficial supplement of contrarian strategy.
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