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With the development of national information construction, the government,bigenterprises, and institutions have build special database for public information, but thegeographic information sharing and operational problems have been seriously restrictsthe geographic spatial information technology and application in China for further andbetter development which has become the new bottleneck restricting the geospatialinformation industry development. Small and medium-sized enterprises ofGeographic information industry and various types of user need an open source, easycommunication and transaction of geospatial information tool set service platform.
     At the same time, the core of geographic ontology is relations of space positions,and the topological relations between geographical entities. The traditional ontologytheory cannot be simply applied to geographical information science. Traditional GISspatial data organization and management mainly focus on the expression ofgeographical characteristics and ignores the essential characteristic of geographicalphenomenon and the inner link between the phenomenon, which cannot reflect thesemantic information of the geography entity, especially in high levels of spatialanalysis and auxiliary decision-making with the complex geographic entity orphenomenon. Lack of semantic information made Geographic information retrievaltechnology based on keywords can not meet the needs of users on the semantic andknowledge. Existing LBS service integration platform with LBS service descriptionlack of semantic support, domain ontology construction technology in LBS is not yetmature.
     Research based on ontology in the location based services is quite lacking. Thispaper systematically studies the theory of geographic ontology, discusses descriptionlogic and the formal language to express the geographic ontology, and method of thecomposition and structure of geographic ontology, mode of ontology query andreasoning. The research also includes information express and share problem betweenthe internal components of spatial information system based on semantic Web, as well as the system. A retrieval system framework is implemented in this paper, and putsforward a design of concept ontology reasoning module. Then this paper definedfunctional logic of each hierarch of indoor LBS service platform, described thefunction and the relationship of all levels. So this paper comes up with a geographicinformation service integration framework based on semantic.
     At last, this paper also implements the geographical spatial location servicesupport system which based on ontology, and describes the design of systemarchitecture and key technology of this paper in detail.
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