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     建立了空间信息分层线性复合分析模型。地理学第一定律的提出对解决空间依赖性起到了良好的指引作用,形成了地理加权回归模型(Geographical Weighted Regression,GWR),GWR模型是未考虑尺度差异的线性组合模型,因而存在着信息损失。空间信息分层线性复合分析模型从空间数据组内效应、组间效应分析空间过程,通过进行“回归的回归”两阶段分析综合反映空间依赖关系和空间尺度效应对空间过程的影响。
Spatial analysis of GIS can not fulfil analysis involving multidimensional spatial information. There is no effective model to integrate spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and spatial scale effect. Multidimensional complexity is ignored in most spatial analysis.
     Due to spatial dependence, spatial heterogeneity and spatial scale effect, coupling relations of multidimensional spatial information represent as transition and deduction of multi-scale spatial factors between spatial scales affected by spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity.
     The model for integrated analysis of spatial information (IASI)based on pan-boolean fuction is constructed,which includes dispersing spatial attribute, constructing spatial avail function and expressing knowledge of spatial pan-boolean logic relations. Based on these, spatial inversion transformation model and spatial forecast model based on pan-boolean logic are constructed.
     Multi-level integrated analysis model of spatial information is constructed.The first principle of geography makes a way to solve spatial dependence and geographical weighted regression (WGR) is brought forward.GWR is a linear combination modle not considering spatial scale difference,therefore information losing exists in data processing.In multi-level integrated analysis model of spatial information, spatial process is taken as the process affected by inner and external effect of data and relations of spatial dependence and the spatial scales are distinguished by two regressions.
     Multidimensional scaling integrated analysis model of spatial information is constructed.The information model deducing from the observation of the real world always affected by some pivotal crytic factors .Those factors compose a crytic structure which can express information model effectively in simplified way.Spatial data is translated to a similar space in multidimensional scaling integrated analysis model of spatial information,the character and regulation of the spatial data can be discovered by analysing spatial similarity,which not depending on much transcendent hypothesis.
     Taken partitioning land requisition blocks of xuzhou city as an example, three integrated analysis models of spatial information above are compared.It turns out that i.the model for integrated analysis of spatial information based on pan-boolean fuction is prone to realize and can integrate subjective and objective analysis,which fits for elementary evaluation of environment and resource. ii. multi-level integrated analysis model of spatial information emphasizes setting up model to express spatial relations of spatial dependence and spatial scale effection,which fits for discovering integrating principle of spatial information. iii. multidimensional scaling integrated analysis model of spatial information is an objective model operated by data ,which emphasizes finding the cryptic manifold of spatial data and fits for discovering the character and regulation hiding in spatial data.
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