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With the increasingly prominent worldwide energy shortage, building energyefficiency has become a common concerned research topic. Today, Europe, USA,Japan and other developed countries take a leading position in building energy saving.They all make a great progress in low energy consumption building research such asstandard and code, technique strategy and policy support. On this basis, zero energybuilding has gradually become a main future trend. In recent years, China hasachieved great success in energy efficiency by3-step plan, but still in the initialstage in basic research of zero energy building. Especially, the research of zero energyresidential buildings in cold and severe cold region is almost in a blank state. Basedon the above reasons, from the perspective of Tianjin climate feature and renewableenergy potential use, the thesis made a depth analysis on the influence factors ofoperational energy consumption in Tianjin residential building and on the basis ofanalysis conclusion developed a design guide of Tianjin zero energy residentialbuilding. From the guide of low energy design, by the integration and optimization ofrenewable energy applicable technologies, the thesis performed a research andpractice of feasibility of Tianjin zero energy residential buildings.
     Firstly, from the point of providing comfortable and healthy indoor environmentfor occupier, the thesis made a division of energy consumption season and period ofTianjin residential building, and developed four energy consumption seasons andperiods of heating, cooling, ventilation and dehumidification in one year.
     Secondly, from the perspectives of analysis on the worldwide samples of zeroenergy residential buildings and energy balance, the thesis prescribed the types of zeroenergy residential buildings in Tianjin district, and developed basic model applicableto the design of zero energy residential building in Tianjin by integrating TianjinBuilding Efficiency Design Standard of Residential Building.
     Thirdly using the energy simulation software Design Builder, the thesis made asimulation of inner and outer factors which influence the operational energyconsumption of the basic model, and developed a series of guidelines such as the bestorientation, shell fabric forms and thermal performance parameters, suitablewindow-to-wall ratio, window sun-shading forms and etc.
     Fourthly, through the selection, integration and optimization of applicablerenewable energy technologies in Tianjin, the thesis developed multi-energy providing system of Tianjin zero energy residential building experiment platform, made ananalysis on the feasibility of Tianjin zero energy residential building, and made apreliminary evaluation.
     Finally, the thesis established an indoor environmental monitor system of zeroenergy laboratory. Through the indoor environmental parameters record in one year,the thesis made an analytical judgment on indoor comfortable degree of zero energylab without assistant cooling or heating sources and verified the reliability of lowenergy consumption design guide of zero energy residential buildings in Tianjindistrict.
    2M.T.Iqbal.A feasibility study of a zero energy home in Newfoundland,Renewable Energy,2004(29):277~288
    1Office of Energy Markets and End Use,A Look at Residential Energy Consumption in2001,U.S.Department ofEnergy,2001
    2Denmark Energy Agency,Finall Report for the long Energy End Use,1993
    3Laustsen J.Energy efficiency requirements in building codes,Energy efficiency policies for new buildings,IEAInformation Paper,Paris:International Energy Agency,2008(65)
    2Summary of Meteorological Observations in Hong Kong,Royal Observatory Hong Kong,1995.
    1Marcel Elswijk,Henk Kaan.European Embedding of Passive Houses,PEP-project Report2008
    1German Federal Ministry inistry for the Environment,Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,Development ofRenewable Energies in German in2008,2009:2~3
    2Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology,Energy concept for an environmentally sound,reliable andaffordable energy supply,2010
    1Victor Olgyay,Design with Climate:Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism,Princeton UniversityPress Princeton,New Jersey,1963
    1American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,Inc.(ASHRAE).1993.Energy Codefor Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings-Codification of ASHRAE/IES Standard90.1-1989. Atlanta,Georgia.
    2Council of American Building Officials(CABO).1995.1995Model Energy Code.FallsChurch,Virginia.
    3International Code Council(ICC).1999.International Energy Conservation Code,2000Edition.Falls Church,Virginia.
    4American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,Inc.(ASHRAE).2001.ASHRAEHandbook Fundamentals,IP Edition.Atlanta,Georgia.
    5Robert S.Briggs,Robert G.Lucas,Z.Todd Taylor,Climate Classification for Building Energy Codes andStandards.
    2Steadman R G. Assessment of sultriness,Pt.1,A temperature-humidity index based on human physiology andclothing science,J.Appl. Meteor.,1997,18(7):861~873
    3Steadman R G,Universal scale of apparent temperature.J. Climate Appl.Meteor,1984,23(12:1674~1687
    4Steadman R G,Indices of windchill of clothed persons.J.Appl.Meteor,1971,10:674~683
    5Steadman R G,Assessment of sultriness,Pt.2,Effect of wind,extra radiation,and barometric pressure onapparent temperature.J. Appl.Meteor,1979,18(7):874~883
    2American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers,Inc.ASHRAE handbook55-2005Themal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy,Atlanta,2005
    1Arundel AV,Sterling EM,Biggin JH,Sterling TD,Indirect health effects of relative humidity in indoorenvironments,Environ Health Perspect,1986,65:351~381
    2Green,G.H.Positive and negative affects of buildinging humidification,ASHRAE Transaction1982,88(1):1049~1061.
    3Baughman A,and E.Arens,Indoor Humidity and Human Health Part I:Literature Review of Health Effects ofHumidity-Influenced Indoor Pollutants,ASHRAE Transactions,1996,102(1):193~211
    4Cox C.S.Airborne bacteria and virues,Science Progress,1989,73:469~500.
    5Anderson I and J Korsgaad,Asthema and the indoor environment:Assessment of the health implications of highindoor air humidity,Environmen,International,1986,12:121~127
    1J Toftum,P O Fanger,Air Humidity Requirements for Human Comfort,ASHRAE Trans.,1999(2):641
    2Joseph C.Lam,S.M.Hui,A review of building energy standards and implications for Hong Kong,BuildingRrsearch And Information,1996,24(3)
    1All Sayigh,A.Hamid Marafia:Chapter1----Thermal comfort and the development of bioclimatic concept inbuilding design,Reneawable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,1998(2):3~24
    2ASHRAE/IES Standard90.1-1989Users Manual,American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air ConditionEngineers
    3ISO7730(EN)2005,Ergonomics of the thermal environment—Analytical determination and interpretation ofthermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria.
    1ASHRAE55-2004,American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air Condition engineers,2004
    1ASHRAE55-2004,American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air Condition engineers,2004
    1Heat Losses through Floors.Building Research Establishment Digest No.145.HMSO,London,1972
    1EnergyPlus Manual Documents.University of Illinois,University of California,Ernest Orlando LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory,2007
    2Gershon Grossman,Solar Powered Systems for Cooling,Dehumidification and Air Conditioning.Solar Energy,2002,72(1):58
    1Kamil K,Experimental and theoretical investigation of latent heat storage for water based solar heating systems,Energy Convmanage,1995,36:315~323
    [6]M.T.Iqbal.A feasibility study of a zero energy home in Newfoundland.RenewableEnergy.2004(29):277~288
    [7]Office of Energy Markets and End Use.A Look at Residential EnergyConsumption in2001,U.S.Department of Energy,2001
    [8]Denmark Energy Agency,Finall Report for the long Energy End.Use,1993
    [9]Laustsen J.Energy efficiency requirements in building codes,Energy efficiencypolicies for new buildings,IEA Information Paper,Paris:International Energy Agency,2008.65
    [12]Summary of Meteorological Observations in Hong Kong,Royal ObservatoryHong Kong,1995
    [15]Marcel Elswijk, Henk Kaan.European Embedding of Passive Houses:PEP-project Report2008
    [16] German Federal Ministry inistry for the Environment,Nature Conservation andNuclear Safety,Development of Renewable Energies in German in2008,April2009:2~3
    [17] Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.Energy concept for anenvironmentally sound,reliable and affordable energy supply,2010
    [22]Victor Olgyay,Design with Climate:Bioclimatic Approach to ArchitecturalRegionalism,Princeton University Press Princeton,New Jersey,1963
    [25]American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,Inc.(ASHRAE).1993.Energy Code for Commercial and High-Rise ResidentialBuildings-Codification of ASHRAE/IES Standard90.1-1989. Atlanta, Georgia.
    [26]Council of American Building Officials(CABO).1995.1995Model EnergyCode.FallsChurch,Virginia.
    [27]International Code Council(ICC),1999.International Energy Conservation Code,2000Edition.Falls Church,Virginia.
    [28]American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,Inc.(ASHRAE).2001.ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals, IP Edition.Atlanta,Georgia.
    [29]Robert S.Briggs,Robert G.Lucas,Z.Todd Taylor,Climate Classification forBuilding Energy Codes and Standards.
    [33]J Toftum,P O Fanger.Air Humidity Requirements for Human Comfort.ASHRAETrans.,1999(2):641
    [34]Joseph C.Lam,S.M.Hui,A review of building energy standards and implicationsfor Hong Kong,Building Rrsearch And Information,1996Volume24(3).
    [35]All Sayigh, A.Hamid Marafia:Chapter1----Thermal comfort and thedevelopment of bioclimatic concept in building design,Reneawable and SustainableEnergy Reviews,1998Vo1.(2):3~24
    [36]ASHRAE/IES Standard90.1-1989Users Manual.American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air Condition Engineers.
    [37]ISO7730(en):2005, Ergonomics of the thermal environment—Analyticaldetermination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV andPPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria.
    [38]ASHRAE55-2004.American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air Conditionengineers,2004
    [41]Steadman R G. Assessment of sultriness,Pt.1,A temperature-humidity indexbased on human physiology and clothing science.J.Appl. Meteor,1997,18(7):861~873
    [42]Steadman R G. Universal scale of apparent temperature.J. Climate Appl.Meteor,1984,23(12):1674~1687
    [43]Steadman R G. Indices of windchill of clothed persons.J.Appl.Meteor,1971,10:674~681
    [44]Steadman R G. Assessment of sultriness,Pt.2,Effect of wind,extra radiation,and barometric pressure on apparent temperature.J. Appl.Meteor,1979,18(7):874~883
    [48]American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers,Inc.ASHRAE handbook55-2005Themal Environmental Conditions for HumanOccupancy.Atlanta,2005
    [49]Arundel AV,Sterling EM,Biggin JH,Sterling TD.Indirect health effects ofrelative humidity in indoor environments.Environ Health Perspect,1986,65:351~381
    [50]Green G.H.Positive and negative affects of buildinging humidification.ASHRAETransaction,1982,88(1):1049~1061
    [51]Baughman,A and E.Arens. Indoor Humidity and Human Health Part I:Literature Review of Health Effects of Humidity-Influenced IndoorPollutants.ASHRAE Transactions,1996,102(1):193~211
    [52]Cox,C.S.Airborne bacteria and virues.Science Progress,1989,73:46~500
    [53]Anderson,I,and J.Korsgaad.Asthema and the indoor environment:Assessmentof the health implications of high indoor air humidity.Environment International,1986,12:121~127
    [63]Heat Losses through Floors.Building Research Establishment DigestNo.145.HMSO,London,1972
    [65]EnergyPlus Manual Documents.University of Illinois,University of California,Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,2007
    [75]Gershon Grossman.Solar Powered Systems for Cooling,Dehumidification andAir Conditioning.Solar Energy.2002,72(1):58
    [81]Kamil K.Experimental and theoretical investigation of latent heat storage forwater based solar heating systems,Energy Convmanage,1995,36:315~323
    [93]Thomsen K.E,Wittchen K.B.European national strategies to move towards verylow energy buildings.SBi2008:07
    [98]PHI, Certification as Quality Approved Passive House-Criteria forResidential-Use Passive House
    [99]PHI, Certification as Quality Approved Passive House-Criteria forNon-Residential Passive Houses Buildings
    [100]PHI,Certification as Quality Approved Energy Retrofit with Passive HouseComponents-Criteria for Residential-Use Refurbished Buildings

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