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Based on the global researches, the study conducts the research combined with the methods of the analogical reasoning test and experiments on the relations among the creative thoughts, analogy reasoning and working memory among the college students. The results indicate that (1) the significant main effect lies in the reaction time of analogy reasoning on the level of creative thoughts, reasoning types and groups. And the significant interactive effects were seen between the creative thoughts and reasoning types. Whereas, the significant main effect lies in the corrections of analogy reasoning of reasoning types and groups. (2) Whatever linguistic reasoning or picture reasoning are performed, subjects from the high level of creative thoughts took less time rather than the low level of its counterparts. However, no differences were found in the correction rates between two groups. (3) In terms of reaction time, significant differences are obvious between the groups. So far as the picture analogy reasoning is concerned, the low creative thoughts are obviously different. While, being conducted in the test of linguistic analogy reasoning, there are spatial and visual parts, as well as the linguistic circuit and
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