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Since the 1990s, due to the blocked negotiations on the multilateral trading system, various countries have turned to regional trade negotiations, so the rapid development of economic globalization, regional economic integration has also appeared in the momentum of rapid development. Especially in recent years, regional trade agreements, while maintaining rapid growth, its areas and issues involved in more and more extensive, covering trade in goods, rules of origin and procedures, customs procedures and cooperation, trade remedies, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade movement of natural persons, investment, intellectual property rights, transparency, cooperation, management and mechanical terms, dispute settlement and other aspects. With the traditional barriers and nontariff barriers such as quotas and subsidies will gradually reduce technical barriers to trade has become the most important tool to protect trade, because of its complexity, such as concealment and double features, is considered the most difficult to break through barriers to trade. With the recent financial crisis, the rise of trade protectionism, only the first 10 months of 2009, notified to the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade volume has 1673 copies in the last five years, which is the highest number in the past five years, and an increase of 16% over the same period in 2008.
     As the multilateral trading system on technical barriers to eliminate the negative, all countries have through the regional trade agreement negotiations to develop a more in-depth than the WTO technical barriers to trade policy measures to regulate, which makes the technical barriers to trade negotiations, regional trade agreements as the current negotiations One of the most important part. In recent years, the signing of regional trade agreements, almost all technical barriers to trade, include the special provisions of chapter. As the technical barriers to trade issues involved, the traditional tariff analysis based theory of regional trade agreements can no longer meet the real needs, which regional trade agreements and technical barriers to trade research has raised new issues.
     This paper uses it as the starting point, the first systematic analysis of the current regional trade agreements the principal terms of the content of technical barriers to trade, regional trade agreements on multilateral organizations and the more popular current bilateral free trade agreements comparative analysis shows that countries with different levels in regional trade agreements on technical barriers to trade and adopt different provisions of different ways to eliminate technical barriers. On this basis, on regional trade agreements the paper has expanded the traditional theory, the technical barriers to trade into the theory of regional trade agreements which make up the traditional tariff-based analysis method of non-tariff barriers, especially the lack of technical barriers to trade. Regional trade agreements on technical barriers to trade within the provisions aimed at eliminating technical barriers to trade within the region and promote the realization of regional economic integration. As regional trade agreements on technical trade barriers, not only has the characteristics of open regionalism, but also potentially discriminatory, leading to uncertainty in its trade effects. Then, this theory on the heterogeneous enterprise development, come from the enterprise level of technical barriers to trade within regional trade agreements, the elimination of the export cost of export enterprises, and thus the impact of business decisions. Then, through the elimination of technical barriers to trade two policy tools-the introduction of co-ordination and mutual recognition of the gravity model of development, ASEAN and the EU implemented a policy to eliminate the effect of technical barriers to trade an empirical analysis, found:Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the EU co-ordination within the region to implement policies to promote regional trade within the member countries to improve, but the impact of third parties outside the region and the level of economic development, the level of developed countries as the leading technology available in developing countries more than income. For the bilateral mutual recognition agreements for the trade of the region and beyond both countries to promote, but if related to the discriminatory rules of origin of bilateral mutual recognition agreements, which may lead to extra-regional trade to the transfer of the region, makes the extra-regional third-party interests. Finally, for China's current participation in regional trade agreements, analysis of one of the technical barriers to trade terms, characteristics and problems, and on this basis, the paper proposes the strategies that China should adopt in the negotiation about technical barriers to trade and the countermeasures for the Government and corporate to response to the current technical barriers to trade within regional trade agreements the proposal.
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