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The number of RTAs increased sharply in 1990s, and the new characters of RTAs are different from tradition. Firstly, the scope of RTA not only includes goods trades, but also expands to more wide fields, including investments, service trades, intellectual property, etc. Secondly, more and more RTAs are signed between the developing countries and the developed countries (South-North) or among developing countries(South-South). Finally, a bilateralism aspect appears in a lot of RTAs. At the same time, FDI flows in the world soared too, and exceeded the growth speed of international trade and GDP. Regional economic integration and FDI are very important economic phenomena which are the focus of the world attention. Many countries recognize that regional economic cooperation can lead to larger market, more competitive environment and better reputation of government policy, which are the driver forces to FDI that plays an important role in the economic growth. Thus, RTAs become more popular as a way to attract FDI. However, the more important question is, the development of one country is not only individual activity but also is influenced by the neighbors' policies. The same is RTA or FDI. More and more facts reveal that, whether one country can attract FDI and how much it can attract are decided by its comparative developing speed with neighbors, rather than how fast it develops by itself. It's a simple truth, but unfortunately, the traditional research ignored this. So this thesis analyzes the third-country effects of RTA on FDI, i.e., the spatial effects of one country's neighbors' RTA strategies on its attractiveness to FDI.
     The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the research background, meaning, methods and objective of this study, as well as the innovation and the structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 reviews the literatures about regional economic integration and foreign direct investment from different aspects including investment creation and investment transfer, FDI theory of MNC, the relationship between trade and FDI, etc. Chapter 3 analyzes the development, characters and trends of RTA and FDI respectively, as well as MNCs' investment strategies evolving with the progress of regional economic integration. Moreover, we study the mechanism how RTA influence FDI and perform statistical analysis about the relationships between RTA and FDI. Chapter 4 reviews the literatures of knowledge capital model at first, and constructs a knowledge-physical capital model to analyze the investment decisions of MNCs, and focuses on researching the third-country effects of RTA on FDI. In chapter 5, based on the knowledge-physical capital model, spatial econometrics analysis on the United States' FDI in Asia-Pacific verifies that there exist significant third-country effects. Chapter 6 describes our country's participation in RTA and the effects on attracting FDI, and then proposes some advices about China's RTA policy. At last, the thesis summarizes the main conclusions of the study and gives the outline for further research in chapter 7.
1 Yeyati E.L.,Stein E.,Daude C.,2003.The FTAA and the Location of FDI,www.utdt.edu/departamentos/empresarial/cif/cif.htm。
    3 考虑的因素包括:集聚效应、劳动力成本和质量、投资环境、开放度、其他(时间效应、自然禀赋、税收等)。
    4 WTO,The Changing Landscape of Regional Trade Agreements,2005.
    5 WTO,The changing landscope of Regional Trade Agreement,2005.
    6 从联合国2006年出版的资料分析,对EIA没有比较准确的定义,联合国出版的文件也承认这一点,但从联合国出版物的统计表可以看出EIA涉及的具体内容,即服务贸易自由化。WTO的统计往往将EIA与FTA 或者与CU统计在一起,可以看出FTA、CU是E1A的基础,唯一的一个例外是《欧洲经济区》(European Economic Area,EEA),这一EIA是孤立存在的。
    7 根据WTO网站数据整理而得。
    10 双边是指两个经济体之间,经济体可以理解为国家/地区或区域集团。
    11 WTO,The changing landscape of Regional Trade Agreement:2006 update。
    26 UNCTAD.Trade and Development Report 2007.
    27 东盟成立初期共有六个成员国即马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加坡、泰国、菲律宾、文莱,之后,1995年越南加入东盟,1997年缅甸、老挝、柬埔寨加入东盟;目前东盟共十个成员国。
    28 李荣林,宫占奎,孟夏.《中国与东盟自由贸易区研究》.天津:天津大学出版社.2007年4月出版。
    36 UNCTAD,Trade and Development Report,2007.
    37 UNCTAD,Trade and Developmem Report,2007.
    41 经验研究中经常采用高中以上教育的总入学率作为知识资本的替代变量。但在本文的样本国家中,这一指标可得数据非常少。因此,我们采用高技术出口在整个出口中所占比重作为知识资本的替代变量。可以合理的认为,这一指标与知识资本的相关性是比较高的。
    42 网址为http://www.cepii.fr/anglaisgraph/bdd/distances.htm。
    47 网址为http://www.govindicators.org。
    48 从因子载荷来看,其他主成分分别体现了政府治理指标的不同维度。比如,在第二、三、四、五主成分的因子载荷中,VA、PV、RQ、GE分别占据绝对比重(载荷为0.9285、0.8103、0.6378、0.6283)。
    49 网址为http://www.heritage.org/index。
    52 《温家宝:中国欢迎区域外国家与东亚合作联系》,http://news.phoenixtv.com/20051214
    53 《温家宝:中国绝不会在东亚地区谋求支配地位》,http://news.phoenixtv.com/20051214
    55 中华人民共和国商务部,2007中国对外贸易形势报告。
    56 陆建人,论中国的区域合作政策,《当代亚太》,2005年第10期。
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