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In this paper,multi-disciplinary theories,such as evolutionary economics,the new economic sociology,institutional economics,new economic geography and so on are used,and multiple methods,including a combination of literature and the field investigation,quantitative research and qualitative analysis,normative study and empirical analysis,comparative study and so on are adopted,then Jiang-su Province is selected as an empirical case,a comprehensive analytical framework of the cultural-economic coevolution is formed as theoretical base,furthermore from perspective of coevolution and based on three aspects of internal thinker,network of people, informal institutions,relations about interaction between culture and economy is studied,mechanism, process,effect and performance of cultural-economic coevolution is explored form three scales such as enterprise and cluster,county,region.The study mainly includes 8 chapters:
     Chapter 1:The main purpose of the chapter is to definitize the background and the significance of the subjects as well as the research ideas,contents,methods and key concepts of the paper.
     Chapter 2:Literature Review.Focusing on the domestic and foreign research,foreign research on the culture and economic is mainly discussed empirically perspective from the two aspects of the cultural content perspective and culture scale levels and is debated on the theory from the subjective interpretation of economic behavior,economic behavior constraint,trust,social capital and network; The dominant research methods of the study are questionnaires,interviews and detailed explanations. In comparison,domestic empirical research is explored mainly from the perspective of regional special scale,cultural subject,cultural content and it is discussed from the fit between the formal institutions and informal institutions,the formation and expansion of the order,entrepreneurship, social capital,cultural power,and cultural capital as well as the development models and so on. Besides the fruitful achievements of the present research,there are some problems,such as the static theory perspective,the lack of systematic theory building,the preciseness of the study and so on.
     Chapter 3:The main purpose of this chapter is to build the analytical framework of the cultural-economic coevolution theory.Firstly,on the basis of pointing out the deficiency of the new classical economics and the advantage of the evolutionary economics,it is specific that cultural coevolution research needs the thinking mode which is based on the thinking mode of evolutionary economics which does not only add the individual to get total and far away from the balance.Further, by using of the embeddedness concept,the three-dimensional influence of the culture is expressed and realized through multiple embedding;the cultural and economic coevolution is expressed and realized through culture and economy which embed in each other;the heredity and variation of the culture gene,the endogenous cultural forces and the external environment conditions is all considered in virtue of internal and external synchronization embedding each other.A comprehensive analytical framework of the cultural-economic coevolution is formed by integrating three dimensions discussed above.Furthermore,the cultural-economic coevolution is quantitative measured and described through the degrees of the cultural and economic coordinated development, the concrete image of the cultural-economic coevolution is achieved through the regional development model.Finally,the theoretical analysis framework including the mechanism process form is constructed.
     Chapter 4:The study on cultural-economic coevolution based on enterprise and cluster.On the basis of perspicuity of research methods and area condition,the characteristics of Guanhu culture and its economic based on plywood,empirically perspective is done.The research indicates:on the level of enterprise,for one thing,traditional culture gene makes Guanhu's entrepreneurship have a endogenous characteristic.The social capital based on blood and regional relationship is an important way for Guanhu's entrepreneurs to solve the problems of fund and land.At the same time,the organization and management of plywood enterprise is influenced by the traditional culture. For another,With the growth of plywood enterprises,entrepreneurs develop their values and enhance their abilities ceaselessly and they are voluntary to carry out the reproduction and reconstruction of the social capital.At the same time,enterprise organization and management innovate continually. The interaction between the regional culture and plywood enterprise form the cultural-economic co-evolution on the level of enterprise.on the level of cluster,the diffusion and change process of the plywood entrepreneurship of Guanhu,the hyperplasia and fission about enterprise,mode and channels on technical learning of the enterprise within clusters and management about cluster are all dependent on the traditional relationship networks such as the blood and regional networks and they are also permeated with deep homesickness.At the same time,with the development of clusters, cluster economy can promote regional cultural innovation.The interaction between regional culture and cluster economy form the cultural-economic coevolution on the level of cluster.At last,the social change of Guanhu is examined from the perspective of cultural-economic coevolution, research shows that the stage about economic and cultural coordination development of Guanhu is sequential to improve,the evolution process enhance quickly,the process of the evolution is rapid, interaction of cultural and economic is remarkable and the coupling forces of cultural and economic form rapidly.The vitality of Guanhu's model is the efficient and rapid formation and deepenness of coevolution pattern of culture-economy.
     Chapter 5:The study on cultural-economic coevolution of county area.County culture is an important cultural region.As the questionnaire shows,the development level of the new culture of the county in Jiangsu is low,highly homogeneous,and cultural types distribute stochastically.Along the coast,the Yangtse Rive,the east Longhai railroad,three high-value areas are formed by Yancheng,Kunshan,Suqian respectively as the centers and urban-rural dual characteristic is come into being as urban districts high and rural area low.The cultural and economic correlation analysis shows that the correlation between the culture and economic development,economic growth is not clear on the whole.Then another correlation analysis is carried out based on two groups divided by per GDP.Results show a low positive correlation between the culture and economic of low-value group,and a negative correlation for high-value group.The spatial pattern of trust among cities and counties of Jiangsu has the following characteristics:the distribution of the type and number is high in the middle and low at both ends;high-value types are mainly distributed in the middle and the North of Jiangsu;all kinds of types distribute alternatively;Nantong,Yancheng and their surrounding areas form the high-value areas and so on.The relation network capital form a spatial pattern which is high in the south while low in the north.Correlation analysis shows that there is no correlation between the trust with economic growth and economic development,while the relationship between the network with economic growth and economic development shows a weak legative correlation.The correlation analysis between economic with the alternative indicators of cultural values and social capital shows that the correlation between the values and social capital with economic growth and economic development has greatly enhanced.At last,on the basis of Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Feng county model and the Kunshan county model,they are compared with each other from the perspective of cultural-economic coevolution.
     Chapter 6:Study on cultural-economic coevolution of region.Based on clarifying the important significance of the study on the regional cultural and cultural-economic coevolution,first of all,Jiangsu can be divided into three major culture regions which are Chu-Han,Wu and Jinanghuai and seven sub-cultural district which are Xuzhou,Ganyu,Changzhou,Jinling,huaiyang, Haiyan.Furthermore,the patterns and evolution process of the economic difference between the cultural and sub-cultural region are analyzed by using of the Geordie coefficient and the Theil index. The study shows①The overall economic difference rises slowly in fluctuations,but it is not beyond the warning line;②From the culture region level,it can be seen that interval contribution rate increases in fluctuations,while the inner region contribution rate decreases slowly in fluctuations,and interval contribution gradually become the main part of the difference;③The inner contribution of the cultural region can be arranged by Jianghuai Cultural region,Wu cultural region and Chu-Han culture region;④From the level of the sub-cultural district,the inner difference of he sub-cultural region is the main contributor to the cultural region;⑤From the point view of process,the volatile changes of the first-order is in the consistency with second-order decomposition in the phase.The formation of the economic difference between the cultural region and sub-cultural district is related with the difference of the cultural traditions of Jiangsu between the South and the North.From the level of the three major cultural districts,it can be found that with the core spirit of open mind and practicallity,Wu culture can breed,select and innovate the "Sunan model" and form the dynamic power and cultural connotation of the first development of the economy of southern Jiangsu.The culture of the north of Jiangsu is based on the traditional farming culture,which has the closed,conservative characteristic,lagged traditional culture leads the slow modernization process of the north in Jiangsu.
     Chapter 7:Countermeasures to promote coevolution of culture-economy.From the micro level,the culture countermeasures to promote the enterprise and cluster development is to mobilize local resources,stimulate and sustain entrepreneurship,and so on.From the medium and macro level, the main countermeasures to promote the coordinated development of the culture and economy are as follows:Strengthen the culture planning,pay attention to cultural vector construction,speed up the cultural system reform,place emphasis on cultural heritage innovation,think much of cultural integration,strengthen the building of a formal system and form a benign path dependence.
     Chapter 8:Conclusions and Innovations.The main conclusions are as follows:①Study on the culture and economy has important theoretical significance based on the perspective of coevolution.②Culture impact on the economic growth in the form of "cultural field" with three-dimension.③The micro-foundation and essence of the cultural-economic coevolution is the mutual conversion and cycle interaction of the capitals including cultural capital,social capital and economic capital;④The coordinated development degree and its change indicate the state and the process of culture-economy coevolution;⑤The Regional development pattern is the result of culture-economy coevolution.⑥There are many types of culture-economy coevolution,but "Sides of the same coin." The innovation is as follows:①The culture and economic research perspective and research ideas of the co-evolution have been proposed tentatively.②A theoretical analysis framework of the culture-economy coevolution has been indicated and constructed preliminarily.③The characteristics of culture-economy coevolution have been explored deeply from multiple levels;④The quantitative measurement and the spatial performance methods of the cultural differences have been deepened.
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