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Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs), which are made by the convergence of microelectronic technique, sensor technology, and network technology, are novel technologies. Communications in WSNs are based on wireless radio, and acoustic signals. WSNs are deployed to acquire and process information of the physical word and to transfer the sampled information to the users. Sensor networks are usually utilized in harsh or dangerous environment, so it is impossible for the node to be recharged with energy. Therefore, minimizing energy consumption is one of the key research problems in the design of sensor network protocols and algorithms. This paper focuses on energy saving strategies for Restricted Floating Sensor Networks (RFSNs) and UnderWater Sensor Networks (UWSNs). The main contents of this paper are as following:
     First, this paper focuses on data transmission technology for UWSNs and marine environment real-time monitoring systems to deal with the problem of energy saving:
     1)According to the bit error rate of the wireless links, the algorithm to determine the optimization length of the packets is proposed under the guide of the bit error rate. This algorithm can adjust the packet length dynamically, to increase the efficiency of energy consumption on packets transmission.
     2)This paper proposes an Adaptive Transmission Time Control (ATTC) strategy for RFSNs. This mechanism can adjust transmission interval dynamically according to the change of the network topology and the conditions of the wireless channels. Second, this paper focuses on constructing new similarity measures as the theoretical principle to prolong the lifetime of the UWSN, which includes:
     3)This paper improves the practical similarity measure based on distance by constructing a new similarity measure. Examples are demonstrated to show the merit of this new similarity measure on its precision.
     4)Based on two different definitions of distance, this paper constructs a general similarity measure oriented to distance, which improves the traditional distance measure of Dengfeng-Chuntian. The better precision of this new distance measure is shown through discussions of a lot of examples.
     5)Another similarity measure are proposed based on subsethood. This measure gives the novel idea for constructing similarity measures oriented to query processing.
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