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Legal act is the most active part in civil law existence. Civil law permits natural person to freely create and change legal relation through legal act according to his own idea. Natural person shall certainly possess necessary capacity for cognition and judgment, that is, capacity for conduct. This capacity is not inborn but endowed by law according to person’s capacity for judgment. Adult with sanity possesses full capacity for conduct and can achieve expected effects through legal act, whereas adult with insanity or weak mind only possesses limited capacity for conduct or no capacity for conduct because he cannot understand consequences of his conduct. This legal disposition is not the discrimination against person deficient of mental abilities but the measure to take care of person who needs protection. On one hand, it prevents others reaping staggering profits when doing business with person deficient of mental abilities and on the other hand, when person deficient of mental abilities violates obligation, he cannot be imposed with such liability same as person with full capacity for conduct. Adult guardianship system is an important civil law system. It aims at protecting lawful rights and interests of adult under guard, constraining his conduct and preventing him from doing harm to society and others.
     Part one is focused on the defects in system of adult deficiency of capacity for conduct Due to reasons in many aspects, there are still some defects in traditional adult guardianship system: single type of guardianship; rigid selection and appointment of guardian. This is not helpful for achieving tenet of adult guardianship system. As for selection and appointment of guardian, traditional system generally regulates the sequence of guardian’s selection and appointment, first the spouse, then lineal ascendant and lineal descendant. This regulation appears to be rational, but in practice, there are some reasons that shall not be neglected, that is, many people deficient of mental abilities have no spouse or lineal descendent and though they certainly have lineal ascendant, they cannot assume guardianship because they are too old. Supervision mechanism is weak, so it actually happens that the guardian uses his authority to infringe upon interests of person under guard. Besides, many guardians are often slack at guardianship, because supervision is not carried out concretely. As a result, many mental patients loaf around in society, which is very harmful for normal social order.
     Part two is the development of system of adult deficiency of capacity for conduct .The ongoing French Civil Code establishes a set of protection-oriented judicial protection system as legal relief for adult deficient of capacity for conduct. No65-8 Law of 1968 abolished declaration system of interdiction and quasi-interdiction and then modified system of guardianship and assistance for person of interdiction and quasi-interdiction in old law to adopt special protection for person deficient of mental abilities and deficient of capacity for will of intention or person who cannot protect themselves independently. The previous judicial fictional procedure has been replaced by three kinds of protection-oriented new judicial system. There was interdiction declaration system in old laws in German. This system was completely abolished after Reform Law on Adult Guardianship and Tutelage Care Law was enacted and came into force in nineties. Through this reform, laws cannot fiction deficiency of capacity for conduct. Certainly, laws do not acknowledge legal acts by person who irrationally forms capacity for intention without limitations. German Civil Code puts provisions about adult deficiency of capacity for conduct in chapter of legal acts, such as Clause 2, Article 104 and Clause 2, Article 105. Content of adult deficiency of capacity for conduct and adult guardianship system in Japanese Civil Law after modified includes: first, the new adult guardianship system consists of legal guardianship and discretionary guardianship system. Discretionary guardianship system greatly changes interdiction and quasi-interdiction system prescribed in old civil code. Therefore, in a sense, discretionary guardianship system create a brand new system through“laws on discretionary guardianship”; second, as for legal guardianship system, rigid system of“interdiction”and“quasi-interdiction”is replaced with operable and functional system composed of guardianship, tutelage and assistance; third, attach importance to personal independent self-decision. Decision for everyday life made by adult under guard is attached with importance and it is explicitly provided that this decision shall not be revoked; fourth, abolish the system that results of judgment of guardianship are recorded in his registered permanent residence. Establish new adult guardianship registration system and notify legal guardianship system and discretionary guardianship system through special registration system. Therefore, it eliminates the previous negative impression and adjusts relationship between adult guardianship system and transaction safety; fifth, in terms of selection and appointment of guardian, abolish system that the principal’s spouse shall certainly act as guardian. It is possible to select and appoint plural guardians. Legal person can act as guardian. It also provides content of guardian’s tasks and so on.
     Part three is focused on establishing the system of adult deficiency of capacity for conduct. It is necessary to create and establish a new discretionary guardianship system to protect person with insufficient capacity for judgment, based on the view of conforming to arrival of aging society and new concepts of protecting welfare of disabled people. In other words, it is a discretional agent system supervised by public authorities. According to regulations about agent in traditional civil law, people can sign mandate contract that grants agent right on guardianship affairs to the agent in order to prepare for decline of mental ability in the future. However, though such a contract is signed, the consignor, in fact, cannot monitor or supervise agent not to abuse authority when the consignor has insufficient mental ability. Therefore, discretionary guardianship system adopts the method of supervision by public authorities to guarantee agent to still fulfill his duty when the consignor has insufficient mental ability while he adopts form of discretionary contract to select and appoint agent. Discretionary guardianship refers to concluding a mandate contract that enables the guardian to guard the consignor’s personal affairs after he loses mental ability on the premise that the consignor still has full mental ability, so scope of responsibilities of discretionary guardians depends on content of the contract.
     Part four is the choice of china in system of adult deficiency of capacity for conduct. The author inclines to follow Japanese system to establish our system, that is, completely abolish declaration system of adult deficiency of capacity for conduct, chapter of legal acts in General Principle shall provide, we shall determine of force of acts of person deficient of mental abilities according to specific mental conditions, in other words, adopt system of individual case judgment to determine force of act with comprehensive examination of mental conditions while acting, whether he can predict legal consequence of acts, degree of sense of self-protection and so on. Then design guardianship system in Volume of Kinship, classify legal guardianship into several types, such as guardianship, tutelage, assistance and so on to adapt to different circumstances of person deficient of mental abilities and especially prescribe discretionary guardianship system and guardianship authorities to respect free will of person deficient of mental abilities.
1 参见龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国政法大学出版社 2002 年第二版,第 241页。
    2 保佐是对日语汉字的直译,也可译为保护。参见陈国柱译:《日本民法典》,吉林大学出版社 1992 年第一版,第 5 页;王书江译:《日本民法典》,中国人民公安大学出版社 1999 年第一版,第 4 页;渠涛编译:《最新日本民法》,法律出版社 2006 年第一版,第 5 页。
    3 【德】迪特尔·梅迪库斯:《德国民法总论》,邵建东译,法律出版社2000 年第一版,第 410 页。
    4 参见马俊驹、余延满:《民法原论》,法律出版社 1998 年第一版,第 104页。
    5 黄铁基:《论行为能力构成要素》,《前沿》2004 年第 4 期,第 140 页。
    6 参见王俊杰、曹莉萍、王旭荣、陈瑞珍、林振强:《精神障碍者民事行为能力两分法的理论依据》,《法律与医学杂志》2002 年第 9 卷第 4 期,第 243 页。
    7 如 2000 年《日本民法典》修改前对于禁治产和准禁治产宣告,应当通过户籍公示是否被剥夺或限制了行为能力,参见【日】山本敬三:《民法讲义Ⅰ·总则》,解亘译,北京大学出版社 2004 年第一版,第 30 页。再比如 1968 年修改前的《法国民法典》第 501 条规定:宣告禁治产或任命辅助人的第一审和第二审判决,基于原告的声请,应做成并送达于当事人,且在十日的期间内,揭贴于公判庭及当地公证人事务所悬挂的揭示牌。
    8 参见龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年第一版,第 256 页。
    9 参见马俊驹、余延满:《民法原论》,法律出版社 1998 年第一版,第887 页。
    10 例如修改前的《法国民法典》第一编第十一章第二节的规定。
    11 参见慎海雄:《关注老年痴呆病人》,《经济参考报》2001 年 7 月 6 日,第三版。
    12 参见【日】宇田川幸则:《浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的修改》,渠涛主编:《中日民商法研究》(第一卷),法律出版社 2003 年第一版,第 385 页。
    13 【美】理查德·波斯纳:《衰老与老龄》,周云译,中国政法大学出版社 2002 年第一版,第 370 页。
    14 【日】山本敬三:《民法讲义Ⅰ·总则》,解亘译,北京大学出版社 2004年第一版,第 31 页。
    15 【日】宇田川幸则:《浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的修改》,渠涛主编:《中日民商法研究》(第一卷),法律出版社 2003 年第一版,第 385页。
    16 参见王洪:《婚姻家庭法》,法律出版社 2003 年第一版,第 321 页。
    17 参见龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年第二版,第 254 页。
    18 参见龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年第二版,第 255 页。
    19 参见龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年第二版,第 255 页。
    20 参见王竹青:《德国从成年人监护制度到照管制度的改革与发展》,《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2005 年第 2 期,第 55 页。
    21 参见王竹青:《德国从成年人监护制度到照管制度的改革与发展》,《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2005 年第 2 期,第 55 页;龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年第二版,第 256-259 页。
    22 【日】四宫和夫、能见善久:《民法总则》,有斐阁 2006 年第七版,第41 页。
    23 宇田川幸则:《浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的修改》,渠涛主编:《中日民商法研究》(第一卷),法律出版社 2003 年第一版,第 382 页。
    24 宇田川幸则:《浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的修改》,渠涛主编:《中日民商法研究》(第一卷),法律出版社 2003 年第一版,第 388 页。
    25 香港法律改革委员会:《医疗上的代作决定及预前指示——香港法律改革委员会代作决定及预前指示小组委员会咨询文件》,香港论坛网:http:www.hkeform.gov.hk/Chinese/reports/decision-c.pdf,2007年 11 月 30 日。
    26 香港法律改革委员会:《医疗上的代作决定及预前指示——香港法律改革委员会代作决定及预前指示小组委员会咨询文件》,香港论坛网:http:www.hkeform.gov.hk/Chinese/reports/decision-c.pdf,2007年 11 月 30 日。
    27 陈开农:《监护与信托制度读身心障碍者安养保障之研究》,台北国家图书馆全球资讯网:http:www2,ncl.edu.tw,2007 年 12 月 20 日。
    28 参见陈开农:《监护与信托制度读身心障碍者安养保障之研究》,台北国家图书馆全球资讯网:http:www2,ncl.edu.tw,2007 年 12 月 20 日;【日】新井诚、赤沼康弘、大贯正男:《成年监护制度》,有斐阁 2007年第一版,第 6 页。
    29 香港法律改革委员会:《医疗上的代作决定及预前指示——香港法律改革委员会代作决定及预前指示小组委员会咨询文件》,香港论坛网:http:www.hkeform.gov.hk/Chinese/reports/decision-c.pdf,2007年 11 月 30 日。
    30 参见【日】冈孝:《读中国民法典草案第一编总则——以关于成年人监护制度的若干规定为中心》,《财产法诸问题的考察》,酒井书店 2004年第一版,第 18 页。
    31 这个公权力机关在日本是家庭法院,我国如设立的话可以是人民法院,也可以是其他的机关,如专门设立一个机关。
    32 参见【日】冈孝:《读中国民法典草案第一编总则——以关于成年人监护制度的若干规定为中心》,《财产法诸问题的考察》,酒井书店 2004年第一版,第 18 页。
    33 龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国法制出版社 2002 年第二版,第 261 页。
    34 参见【日】四宫和夫、能见善久:《民法总则》,有斐阁 2006 年第七版,第 44 页。
    35 参见【日】新井诚、赤沼康弘、大贯正男:《成年监护制度》,有斐阁2007 年第一版,第 124 页。
    36 参见马新彦、李国强:《论成年人行为能力欠缺与成年人监护制度的完善》,《民法九人行》第三卷,法律出版社 2006 年第一版,第 27 页。
    37 德国为监护法院,日本为家庭法院,我国为基层人民法院。
    38 参见马新彦、李国强:《论成年人行为能力欠缺与成年人监护制度的完善》,《民法九人行》第三卷,法律出版社 2006 年第一版,第 29 页。
    39 参见【日】新井诚、赤沼康弘、大贯正男:《成年监护制度》,有斐阁2007 年第一版,第 126 页。
    40 【日】山本敬三:《民法讲义Ⅰ·总则》,解亘译,北京大学出版社 2004年第一版,第 40 页。
    41 《日本民法典》第 7、11、144 条,《法国民法典》第 493 条。
    42 【日】新井诚、赤沼康弘、大贯正男:《成年监护制度》,有斐阁 2007年第一版,第 27 页以下。
    43 参见朱凡:《现代监护法发展趋势及热点问题比较研究》,《重庆大学学报(社科版)》2004 年第 3 期,第 32 页。
    44 【德】迪特尔·梅迪库斯:《德国民法总论》,邵建东译,法律出版社2000 年第一版,第 20 页。
    45 参见李明舜:《民法典的制定与结婚、夫妻法律制度的完善》,《中华女子学院学报》2002 年第 4 期,第 13 页;和皓:《我国监护制度的缺陷及其立法完善》,《理论导刊》2002 年第 8 期,第 31 页。
    46 陈明侠:《关于监护制度的完善》,《中华女子学院学报》2002 年第 4期,第 25 页。
    47 关于监护的权利性质,参见杨立新:《人身权法论》(修订版),人民法院出版社 2002 年第一版,第 929 页。
    48 【日】宇田川幸则:《浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的修改》,渠涛主编:《中日民商法研究》(第一卷),法律出版社 2003 年第一版,第 395页。
    1、黄铁基:《论行为能力构成要素》,《前沿》2004 年第 4 期。
    2、王俊杰、曹莉萍、王旭荣、陈瑞珍、林振强:《精神障碍者民事行为能力两分法的理论依据》,《法律与医学杂志》2002 年第 9 卷第 4 期。
    3、慎海雄:《关注老年痴呆病人》,《经济参考报》2001 年 7 月 6 日,第三版。
    4、王竹青:《德国从成年人监护制度到照管制度的改革与发展》,《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2005 年第 2 期。
    5、朱凡:《现代监护法发展趋势及热点问题比较研究》,《重庆大学学报(社科版)》2004 年第 3 期。
    6、李明舜:《民法典的制定与结婚、夫妻法律制度的完善》,《中华女子学院学报》2002 年第 4 期。
    7、和皓:《我国监护制度的缺陷及其立法完善》,《理论导刊》2002 年第 8期。
    8、陈明侠:《关于监护制度的完善》,《中华女子学院学报》2002 年第 4期。
    9、马新彦、李国强:《论成年人行为能力欠缺与成年人监护制度的完善》,《民法九人行》第三卷,法律出版社 2006 年第一版。
    10、【日】宇田川幸则:《浅论日本关于成年人监护制度的修改》,渠涛主编:《中日民商法研究》(第一卷),法律出版社 2003 年第一版。
    1、龙卫球:《民法总论》,中国政法大学出版社 2002 年第二版。
    2、杨立新:《人身权法论》(修订版),人民法院出版社 2002 年第一版。
    3、马俊驹、余延满:《民法原论》,法律出版社 1998 年第一版。
    4、王洪:《婚姻家庭法》,法律出版社 2003 年第一版。
    1、【德】迪特尔·梅迪库斯:《德国民法总论》,邵建东译,法律出版社2000 年第一版。
    2、【日】山本敬三:《民法讲义Ⅰ?总则》,解亘译,北京大学出版社 2004年第一版。
    3、【美】理查德?波斯纳:《衰老与老龄》,周云译,中国政法大学出版社2002 年第一版。
    1、【日】四宫和夫、能见善久:《民法总则》,有斐阁 2006 年第七版。
    2、【日】新井诚、赤沼康弘、大贯正男:《成年监护制度》,有斐阁 2007年第一版。
    3、【日】冈孝:《读中国民法典草案第一编总则——以关于成年人监护制度的若干规定为中心》,《财产法诸问题的考察》,酒井书店 2004 年第一版。
    1、香港法律改革委员会:《医疗上的代作决定及预前指示——香港法律改革委员会代作决定及预前指示小组委员会咨询文件》,香港论坛网:http:www.hkeform.gov.hk/Chinese/reports/decision-c.pdf,2007 年 11 月30 日登录。
    2、陈开农:《监护与信托制度读身心障碍者安养保障之研究》,台北国家图书馆全球资讯网:http:www2,ncl.edu.tw,2007 年 12 月 20 日登录。

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