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     中小旅游城市竞争力是一个复杂的社会经济系统,由于其内部影响要素众多,且各要素间存在较强的耦合和非线性相互作用。本文提出中小旅游城市竞争力系统是在特定的自然和社会环境下,以中小旅游城市所拥有的、集聚或控制的旅游资源为基础要素,由中小旅游城市的魅力、宜居、绿色子系统相互联系、相互作用、相互渗透构成的具有特定结构和功能的立体多层次开放的社会复杂系统,简称MSTCCS(Middle and Small Tourist City Competitiveness System)。剖析了系统结构,阐明了系统要素关联及系统功能。
Middle and Small Tourist City plays an important role in the region and national economy development. With the development of global economy, the country borderline of market, technology and human resource are distinguishing. The competitiveness of tourist city has become more and more impetuosity. Tourist City has attractive tourist resource and ecological environment suitable for living. How to improve the competitiveness of the middle and small tourist city has drawn great attention and become one of the frontier fields of management science and economics.
     Based on the theory of middle and small tourist city competitiveness system, this thesis researches on connotations, structures, contents, environment and functions, analysis operating mechanism of middle and small tourist city competitivenss system, and then establishes the evaluation model of middle and small tourist city competitivenss. Taking Qinhuangdao for example, the thesis analysis the extablished theory and method, validates the competitivenss of Qinhuangdao and 23 tourists city from other provinces in China.
     Aimed at the existing problems in the middle and small tourist city competitivenss, the thesis analysis the middle and small tourist city in our country and classify them into five classes: natural resources driving type, humanistic resources driving type, integrated resource driving type, integrated resource and economic driving type, economic driving type. The thesis puts forward and defines middle and small tourist city competitivenss, which is under the competitive environment, the middle and small tourism city increase city attractiveness, living level of resident, city’s sustainable development by tourism, culture, environment, human, and economy resources integration.
     Middle and Small Tourist City Competitiveness is a complex economic society system and has many internal determinants, which exist strongly nonlinear coupling interaction. The thesis puts forward that Middle and Small Tourist City Competitiveness System, namely MSTCCS, is composed by attraction, suitable for living, sustainable development. The thesis fabricates MSTCCS structural, expounds the MSTCCS functions and its structure and the optimal method of function.
     The structural of MSTCCS is explained with‘the Slope Spheroid Mechanics Model’. Attractiveness is very important to tourist city and knowing what is the most attractive factor in tourist city is the key to improve the tourist city compeititiveness. This thesis analyzes the complex system problem of how to identify the core attractiveness of tourist city, defining the index of core attractive factor of tourist city from the point of view of economics and strategic management by the method of system analysis and pointing out that the index of the core attractiveness of tourist city has the characters of durability and uniqueness. On the basis of this, the thesis development the system analysis model identifying the core attractiveness by improving the method of ELECTREⅠ(Elimination et Choice Translating Reality). The government should improve innovationa ability, develop tourist cluster, improve human resource, enhance on cooperation of regional. Additional, the indeterminance in tourist should also be used to improve the competitiveness of the middle and small tourist city.
     Based on the concept framework of middle and small tourist city competitiveness and the theory of MSTCCS, the index system of city competitiveness evaluation is designed, which includes the indicated index of attractiveness, suitable for living, and sustainalbe ability. The thesis chooses many differences index between middle&small tourist city and big city. For MSTCCS is so complex and is the result of many indeterminacy factors, the importance of the indexes is difficult to distinguish. So MSTCCS is belonged to grey system, the thesis evaluations middle and small tourist city competitiveness by grey relational degree method.
     Finally, Taking Qinhuangdao as an example, compared with other 23 small tourist city using the small tourist city, the thesis studies theory and method of MSTCCS evaluation and management. The achievements of this study indicate that the theory and method are scientific and feasible.
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