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The strategy of Supply Chain Management (SCM) had been the core strategy tocreate the competitive advantage for enterprises. SCM realized the whole processmanagement from marketing to supply, strengthened the structure of inter-firmscooperation, and achieved KPI evaluation and management.
     With the development of steel industry, the competition becomes more and moreardent. Steel enterprises could gain profit only to produce qualified products underregular cost control formerly. They had to supply customers super quality andcompetitive price products and services more quickly and more comprehensive thanrivals for gaining competitive advantage now. So the management emphasis of steelenterprises had to take purchase, marketing network etc. into the SCM besidesproduction and marketing management. More-over, with the growth pattern change ofpost financial crisis, steel enterprises are faced with lower ceiling and higher floor.They must strengthen purchase management of raw material and energy to reducecost, and increase communication with customers to response the market fluctuationand decrease the stock risk. So it’s very significant for steel enterprises to strengthenpurchase management of raw material and fuel and carry out purchase SCM forincreasing competitiveness and cost reduction.
     Because of the feature of steel industry, the supply chains of steel enterprisesoften have many node enterprises. It’s necessary to incorporate and coordinate theresource of these supply venders to operate as a whole and realize optimization SCM.On this basis, the finance institutions and logistics enterprises provided services forsupply chain should be taken into Integration system of supply chain. And then thecoordination and cooperation mechanism was studied between upstream anddownstream and lateral enterprises of supply chain. The risk, restraint and thecoordination, optimization between logistics, information and cash flow of supplychain system were analyzed to decrease capital cost of core enterprises and financialdifficulty of the cooperation enterprises, and to realize win-win Cooperation forsupply chain enterprises.
     This dissertation studied the supply chain Integration management of steelenterprises by taking share option and swap theories into SCM of steel enterprises andcombining Process Systems Engineering (PSE) with Financial Planning Theory (FPT).The main research includes seven sections.
     The first section mainly introduced the research background, literature review,research content and method of this dissertation. Firstly the background and problemsfaced by steel enterprises of China in the post financial crisis were analyzed. The mainraw material and products of steel enterprises become more and more financialization.The production sharing of steel enterprises becomes more and moreinternationalization. The steel enterprises need to intergrate logistics, information andcash flow by Integration management of steel supply chain to achieve competitiveadvantage, and combine financial engineering theory with SCM to reduce theoperation difficulty of post financial crisis and gain whole competitive advantage. Onthis basis, the researches of supply chain option and finance were inductive studiedfrom home and abroad, and their research perspectives were reviewed, thecontribution and shortage were pointed out. These help to define research directions.Afterwards, the main research content and method were analyzed, and researchtechnology road map was provided.
     The second section mainly studied the evolution models of supply chaindevelopment of steel enterprises. Different historical models of steel enterprises’supply chain were studied from the schematic diagram mainly includes two typeintergrations of steel enterprises from the1990s to the beginning of the21st century.And the supply chain evolutionary models of steel enterprises were proposed. On thisbasis, the affection on enterprises operations was studied for different Integrationsupply chain styles. And the feature of steel enterprises supply chain Integration wasanalyzed between production, stock and demand model.
     The third section mainly studied supply chain Integration management of steelenterprise. The comprehensive Integration model of steel enterprises supply chain wasprovided from the view of tree flow (logistics, information and cash flows)intergration. And its feature was analyzed on the view of strategy and supply chainfinance. Because the supply chain operation research of steel enterprises had beenperfect, it wouldn’t been studied here. Main research focused on combining operationprocess control with financial planning of steel enterprises to study SCM ofIntegration of production and finance. And the quantitative analysis model wasstructured for this pattern.
     The fourth section mainly studied how to model the upper reaches supply chainof steel enterprises based on Option Contracts and raw material purchase of steelenterprises. The raw material type and feature were analyzed purchased by steel enterprises. And the research emphasis was the option sharing arrangement and swaptransaction purchase of raw material for steel enterprises. When the raw materialpurchase with option sharing was analyzed for steel enterprises, the option pricingB-S model factors were taken into supply chain option coordination model tostructure the supply chain option coordination model with the Option Contracts forbulk commodity purchase. And then the commodity swap transaction pattern wasstructured that the steel enterprises hedge the risk of fluctuations in prices by curbexchange after long association mechanism pricing of iron ore. In addition, the riskaffection on enterprises for iron ore swap transaction was analyzed.
     The fifth section mainly studied the marketing patterns and modeling with thesecurity sales volume for supply chain of steel enterprises. Firstly, the trendency ofmarketing patterns of steel enterprises was analyzed. On the basis of feature of longlead time, large demand fluctuation and funds tied up huge for the steel products, thesecurity sales volume marketing patterns based on Option Contracts was proposedbetween steel mills and agencies. The decision model of steel mills, agencies andwhole supply chain benefit optimization was studied as well as the affection onupstream and downstream enterprises of supply chain.
     The sixth section mainly studied how the steel enterprises to carry out the supplychain Integration management in practice taking TG Group for example. Thebackground of supply chain Integration management and development status of TGGroup were introduced. And then, the strategic procurement, iron ore purchase,shallow flexible manufacturing system and heavy buyer strategic alliances marketingpattern of TG were analyzed as well as effect of supply chain Integrationmanagement.
     The seventh section mainly summarized dissertation, reviewed main researches,summed up main Innovation Points, and took an outlook in future research to pointout the future research direction.
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