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  • 英文题名:The Writer's Crisis of Survival in George Gissing's Works
  • 作者:应璎
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:英语语言文学
  • 学位年度:2013
  • 导师:殷企平
  • 学科代码:050201
  • 学位授予单位:浙江大学
  • 论文提交日期:2013-06-20
This dissertation examines the writer's crisis of survival in four of Gissing's works that bring the subject into its sharpest focus. The critical study of the subject in the past decades has proved its significance precisely in that the crisis is an overarching theme in Gissing's works and becomes an integral part of the cultural landscape of the fin de siecle. However, an overview of century-long Gissing studies suggests that this subject requires a systematic treatment because there has been a lack of essays devoted to the subject and no book-length study delving into it, and similar studies are even sparser in China.
     This dissertation argues that an unprecedented crisis of survival that writers encounter in the late nineteenth century finds an abundant manifestation and a profound investigation in Gissing's works in a delicate and effective way. The untimely death of the writer protagonists exposes the intensified crisis to such an extent that their survival is hardly to be secured. The revelation of the nature of the late nineteenth-century literary field expounds the deep-rooted crisis at the transitional moment. The field undergoes a crucial transformation in its scale and structure, and in essence becomes one with low autonomy. The impact of the field on writers becomes most revealing when the representation of the literary field is knit deeply into an examination of the formation of the crisis regarding individual writers through a set of imagery that has rarely attracted critical attention, but has a profound bearing on the issue concerned, and discloses that the crisis has its roots in its connection with the dominant intellectual thought of the era.
     How the writer protagonists respond to the crisis is of equal significance in Gissing's works. Though reading optimism into Gissing still remains a minority approach, this dissertation, based on the research work of a few Gissing scholars, adopts a cultural perspective to discover sanguine responses to the crisis that are concealed beneath the surface of despair. Following eminent Victorian thinkers and brilliant German philosophers, the writer protagonists endeavor to overcome the crisis by way of changing the life both of writers and readers. These responses provide a promising vision of countering the impact of the crisis at a turning point of cultural transformation.
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