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There commonly exist the moving yarns in the production process of textile industry.With the high-speed of textile equipment, the effect on the practical production and productquality becomes more obvious for the dynamic behaviors of moving yarns. The highlyrunning engineering system is very sensitive to foreign interferences, any of which willcause parametrical excitation and consequent parametric vibration. In the engineeringscenario, the moving yarn in the textile production process is modeled as an axiallymoving string. This dissertation focuses on the systematic and intensive research on thestability and control of the parametric resonant with the combination of theoreticalmodeling, numeric analysis and experiment verification. The main respects of the researchare listed as follows:
     1. The dynamic behaviors of the moving yarn are discussed and the Kelvin model isused to describe the constitutive relation of the viscoelastic yarn. Tensile tests and creeptests are conducted on various yarns. The regression equation of yarn creep is establishedand the model’s rationality is verified. The corresponding viscoelastic parameters areobtained for the dynamic model of moving yarn,and so are viscoelastic parameters ofyarns in the production process.
     2. The nonlinear dynamic equation is established for the transverse vibration of anaxially moving viscoelastic yarn using the generalized Hamilton principle. By means ofcombining the Galerkin approach and the multi-scale method, the resonant condition forthe axially moving viscoelastic yarn under the speed excitation is found.How systemparameters affect resonant amplitude and the amplitude-frequency characteristic curve isanalyzed. The time response curves and phase trajectories in resonance region arenumerically simulated. Researches are investigated on the parametric resonance whichmay occur during the spinning process and weaving preparation process.
     3. As a special case, dynamics of homogeneous yarn is studied. The unstable intervalof linear parametric resonance for moving yarn is analyzed. The transverse vibration is suppressed by the speed feedback, and the control effect is simulated. The feasibility of thecontrol scheme is proved. The vibration of a yarn is controlled by combining sliding-modecontrol and parameter control, and by the tensile force whose change rule is designed byLyapunov function. The vibrating state of the yarn and the control effect are simulated bythe finite difference method. In order to remove effectively the buffet of the controllingforce under the sliding-mode control, a fuzzy sliding-mode controller is designed to controlthe transverse vibration of the viscoelastic yarn. The simulation results demonstrate theasymptotic stability and robustness of the system.
     4. The test set-up is designed for signal detection and control, where the stainlesssteel foil is replaced as a moving belt so that the parametric resonance and control of theaxially moving yarn can be experimentally studied. The test system is composed of themechanical, measurement and control components. The speed governing system ofbrushless DC motor uses microcontroller LPC1768as the core and the approximateharmonic speed is produced. The control system of transverse vibration for the moving beltis designed and the fuzzy sliding-mode algorithm is implemented on the digital signalcontroller TMS320F28335.
     5. With the help of the designed test set-up, the system based on LabVIEW isdesigned to accomplish the real time detection and analysis for the speed of motor and thetransverse vibration of the moving belt. The parametric resonance and control of theaxially moving belt are tested. The phenomenon of parametric resonance is analyzed whenthe inherent frequency of system is1Hz and2Hz, respectively. The experimental resultsverify the effect of parametric excitation on the transverse vibration and verify the validityof the designed controller.
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