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The phenomenon of One House and Two-Buyer is very common in commodity houses business in China currently. House is the necessary means of subsistence with enormous value, on which ordinary people should spend their life savings. Under the condition of One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses, the person who has paid for a house can’t gain the ownership of house. The first reason for this phenomenon is the drive of benefit, for instance, seller may break a contract and sell the house to the third person by high price when the agreed price is lower than the current price for making a bigger profit. In the occasion of selling house in advance, the longer the time of delivering is, the bigger possibility of price fluctuation is. If the real estate price goes up during this time, seller may break a contract and sell the house to the second person, even sell the house to two persons or several ones at the same time. The second reason is the imperfect law, since the system of real estate registration is imperfect as the system of keeping the public informed, the regulation on the relationship among registration, establishment of contact and contract becoming effective is unreasonable and system of registration for record on advance commodity houses isn’t sufficient although china has formulated and promulgated Property Law.
     Therefore, laws should be applied for providing sufficient relieving measures when parties fall in this trouble, which not only can maintain social exchange order, but also maintain social stability. However, the regulations on One House and Two-Buyer in Chinese laws are imperfect and indefinite, which can’t provide sufficient relieving measures for buyers. Therefore, the discussion on One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses from the perspective of laws and regulations is significant in terms of law.
     In this thesis, it is mainly reviewed the legal systems of some countries which belong to Mainland Family of Law, makes deep research on the legal issues related to One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses basing on Chinese real situation and puts forwards his suggestions on restricting this phenomenon in the hope of improving the control of it.
     This thesis can be divided into three parts:
     In the first part, it is summarized One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses; firstly, the analyzed on the significances of analyzing the laws concerning One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses from aspects of realistic significance and legal significance, etc. Moreover, it is discussed the opinions on some problems in Chinese current laws and judicial interpretations and believed that commodity houses should be understood more widely. Meanwhile, basing on analyzing the legal problems and social problems caused by One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses, it is believed that the main causes of this phenomenon are pursuit of interests, imperfect laws and regulations and the crackdown on this behavior isn’t effective deficient and the relieving measures to right owners is deficient.
     In part-2, it is discussed the laws and regulations concerning One House and Two-Buyer of advance commodity houses. Firstly, it is briefly introduced to the situation of advance commodity houses, discussed the legal quality and legal characteristic of commodity houses and believes that unfinished houses can be considered as bid in exchange. Meanwhile, it is discussed the quality of contact and regulations of advance commodity houses regulated by Mainland Family of Laws, compared with the system of forenotice registration of countries which belonged to continental legal system puts forwards his ideas about establishing and improving Chinese the system of forenotice registration. Finally, it is discussed how to prevent the One House and Two-Buyer of advance commodity houses and concrete measures regulated by relevant laws from four aspects of seriously controlling the date of finishing and delivering of advance commodity houses, balancing the legal status of sellers and buyers, perfecting the system of Advance Sales registration and intensifying the management of fund of advanced commodity houses.
     In part-3, it is about the laws concerning One House and Two-Buyer in house available exchange. It is introduced to the property behavior theory of German law, as well as legislation model of property alteration of countries which belongs to Continental legal system; moreover, it is analyzed on the excellence and shortcoming of each law as well as its influence on the regulations on One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses. As for whether there is the third party damaging creditor’s rights or not in One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses, the author believes that there is the third party damaging creditor’s rights under the situation of One House and Two-Buyer basing on analysis. Finally, the author discusses the concrete measures of the laws concerning One House and Two-Buyer in house available exchange; moreover, it is suggested that the system of keeping the public informed concerning property for preventing the phenomenon of One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses since keeping the public informed concerning the current situation of the commodity houses by virtue of certain manners can help public know the real situation. Currently, the method of keeping the public informed concerning property includes delivery for chattel and registration for real estate. However, Chinese registration system has many deficiencies, which should be perfected correspondingly. The first measure is to establish the system of real estate forenotice registration; the second measure is to unify units to register of real estate since repeated registration is ineluctable when there are many units to register. Thirdly, unreasonable charge during registration, the difficulty in acquirement and quality of working staff in the units to register of real estate limit the function o the system of keeping the public informed. Basing on the discussion above, the author believes that Chinese real estate registration system can be perfected by adopting some measures including establishing the system of forenotice registration, unifying units to register of real estate, regulating the charge real estate registration, the acquirement of property registration being open to public, intensifying the training of working staff in units to register of chattel, adjusting the relationship between certificate of authority and registration and unifying legal backing for real estate registration, so as to prevent the phenomenon of One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses, which not only protects the legitimate rights and interests of participants in transaction, but also maintains the safety and order of transaction aiming at convenient transaction and economizing cost of transaction.
     In the discussion on the laws related to One House and Two-Buyer, some problems may involve some regulations of administrative laws and criminal law, and some administrative laws can be established, for instance, as for One House and Two-Buyer of advance commodity houses, relevant administration departments can make administrative penalties to developers who violates regulations; if the offense constitutes a crime, they shall be invested for criminal responsibility according to the law for ensuring normal social and economic order.
     Finally, the author puts forwards that the laws related to One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses involve not only law of obligations but also property law in the conclusion, which is the legal system concerning the property alteration of real estate. In china, the regulations on these of current laws are imperfect and theorists have not reached consensus on some problems. The author believes that legislation model of property alteration should be taken the form of creditor’s rights formalism. Secondly, some measures should be adopted for improving the deficiency concerning the system of real estate registration for record and related managerial problems, for instance, establishing the system of forenotice registration, unifying units to register and legal backing, etc, which can limit the of phenomenon of One House and Two-Buyer of commodity houses, so as to ensure the safety of exchange and nice social and economic order.
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