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With the development of network and information technology technologies, the importance of logistics/MF platforms on resources integration increases rapidly. Because of the diversification of logistics information management mechanism, the information exchanging and sharing are not smoothly as espected. Both academic researchers and industrial participants showed a big interest on how to solve the heterogeneous problem and realize the information interaction. By introducing Semantic Theory and Ontology Technology, this research is trying to solve the semantic-based logistics services discovery without entrapping into the information management diversity, which will improve the operational efficiency of logistics/MF network and the service level of logistics/MF network.
     Existed studies are mainly forcused on information integration of with one Logistics Company, such as the structure heterogeneous problem between sub information systems. Based on Semantic Theory, Logistics/MF Information Network Theory, Ontology Theory, Logistics Service Quality Management knowledge, this dissertation achieved some conclusions as follows:
     1. Networking and integration of logistics resources is the effective method to solve the existed problems and support sustainable development of Chinese logistics industry. Logistics information platform has a positive effect on improving the efficiency of logistics resources integration.
     2. The reason behind the semantic heterogeneity is diversity of logistics information management. In order to exchange information, the semantic description model and matching model of logistics information are designed which is based on Conceptual Semantics Theory, Semantic Web Service and Ontolgoy technology. By using these models, semantic heterogeneity of logistics information can be solved. At the meanwhile, the information sharing between different logistics platforms can be achieved to increase the efficiency of logistics service discovery and reseource integration.
     3. The logistics domain ontology and logistics service ontology based on existing semantic web service standard are the foundation of semantic matching of logistics information. Given the development trend of logistics/MF information network, this study proposes the application structure of logistics/MF domain ontology, which is applicable and operable for logistics industry.
     4. This approach designs a matching arithmetic which includes quality variables of logistics/MF services, because of that the service quality is important for logsitcs service chosing. Meanwhile, this study decreases the computational complexity by dividing the matching arithmetic into3layers.
     To sum up, this approach focuses on the semantic heterogenous information sharing between different logistics platforms. This study takes an important part of the integrity of Logistics Information Network Theory. Theoretically, this study belongs to the engineering basic theory study of Logistics Network Theory. The introducing of Conceptual Semantic Theory, Semantic Web Service and Ontology technology broaden the existed research methods for studing similar questions.
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