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     该论文构建了物流产业集群内部的物流企业竞争要素的量表,并通过专家学者、企业家访谈和小样本预调查加以修改和完善;再通过大范围的问卷调查,获得包括武汉、深圳、浙江等201家物流产业集群内物流企业的有效数据,运用SPSS for windows17.0、AMOS7.0软件,通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法对测量量表的信度和效度进行了检验,并构建结构方程模型进行模型拟合检验,并通过剔除不显著路径和增加自变量与因变量之间的路径方法获得两个比较模型,最终确定基于物流产业集群的物流企业竞争要素对竞争优势的影响机制结构模型。
This paper combines the view of cluster and enterprise interior resource perspective and puts forward a three-dimensional analytical framework. The article argues that logistics enterprises in logistics industrial cluster should make full use of advantage of cluster.By cluster shared resource, the strategic resources and distinctive competences of logistics enterprises, logistics enterprises can effectively win market opportunities, gain a competitive advantage. Not only the enterprise's strategic resources and distinctive competences are competitive facters, but also logistics industry cluster's shared resources which are value, scarcity and difficult to imitate are logistics enterprise competitive facters. On this basis, the paper put forward that the logistics enterprise's distinctive competences act directly on the competitive advantage of the enterprise, and the enterprise's strategic resources and logistics industry cluster's shared resources effect on the competitive advantage of enterprises through the unique ability.
     On the basis of the framework of three-dimensional analysis basis, around the theme of how logistics enterprise in logistics industrial cluster to gain competitive advantage, this paper study on the underside contents.
     (1) Constructing competitive facters system of logistics enterprises in logistics industrial cluster
     This paper combines the view of cluster and enterprise interior resource perspective and comprehensively consider competitive facters of logistics enterprises in logistics industrial cluster, On the base of arranging and drawing on previous research results, through the analysis of logistics industrial cluster structure and the enterprises value chain structure, three-dimensional form competitive facter system which has three conponents of the enterprise's strategic resources, distinctive competences and cluster shared resource.The specific elements are further defined and analyzed in this article.
     (2) Constructing effect theoretical model which competitive advantage factors of logistics enter prise in logistics industry cluster impact on the competitive advantage
     Through induction and deduction as well as logical reasoning, the paper analyzed the evolution of logistics enterprise resource from the longitudinal studyperspective and the types of logistics enterprise competitive advantage.Based on this, the logistics enterprise competitive factors impacting on competitive advantage path are analyzed.So the theoretical model of effect machinism is built and the research hypothesis are put forward..
     (3) The empirical analysis
     This paper works out measuring indicators for all the competitive advantage factors of logistics enter prise in logistics industry cluster.which are amended and consummated,viainterviews with specialist,scholars and entrepreneurs and small-sample pre-surveying. Effective data of201logistics enterprises in in logistics industry cluster are abtained Including Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Wuhan etc. Using SPSS for windows17, AMOS7.0software, the paper check out measuring scale reliability and validity through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and construct structural equation model to have a model fitting test, By eliminating the significant path and increasing the path between variables and dependent variables, two comparative model are obtained. Finally the effect mechanism structure model are determined.
     The results validates direct effect which the distinctive competences act to competitive advantage and indirect effect which the enterprise's strategic resources and cluster shared resource act to competitive advantage. By path coefficient analysis, the paper verifies the specific effects which distinctive competences, strategic resources, shared resources of logistics industrial clusters act to competitive advantages.
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