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雪柳(Fontanesia fortunei Carr.),属木犀科雪柳属,落叶小乔木或灌木。主要分布于我国东北、华北以及华南地区。目前,雪柳的药理作用以及繁殖等方面已经做了初步的研究。本试验以吉林农业大学校园内的雪柳作为供试材料,利用石蜡切片法、木材切片法、Jeffrey氏离析法、徒手切片法等方法,对雪柳的营养器官进行解剖学研究,并从雪柳的解剖学特性出发,对雪柳的抗旱性加以分析,从而,为雪柳在干旱以及半干旱地区的推广应用提供理论依据。通过试验分析,结果如下:
Fontanesia fortunei Carr.is a perennial deciduous shrub of Fontanesia in Oleaceae. In China. it is mainly distributed in the northeastern, northern and southern regions. At present, it has been primarily studied on its pharmacology action and breeding. The experimental material of this study collected from Jilin agricultural university. The structure of the roots, stems and leaves were studied through paraffin section method, unarmed section method, Jeffrey maceration and so on. And analysis th e drought resistance of Fontanesia fortunei from anatomical characteristics.Thus, provide theoretical basis for it used to arid and semi-arid regions.The results are as follows:
     1.The primary structure of root of Fontanesia fortunei is actinostele. The primary xylem is diarch and exarch. The primary phloem alternate with the primary xylem, and emerge radial arrangement. The sieve tube and phloem parenchyma constitute the primary phloem. The vugs are distributed in cortex.
     2.The secondary root is ring-porous wood. The secondary xylem is mainly consisted of pitted vessel and little of reticulate vessel and annular vessel. The wood rays are heterogeneous II.The multiseriate rays are 2-3 cells wide. There are 34-40 wood rays in 1mm2.And it consist of upright and procumbent ray cell. Ther wood parenchyma is abundant. As well as, it belongs to diffuse parenchyma.
     3.The primary shoot is eustele. It has endarch primary xylem and developed pith.
     4.The secondary stem is ring-porous wood and the the growth ring is very clear. The secondary xylem is mainly consisted of pitted vessel. There are 437 pitted vessels in 1mm2.There is little of tracheid in secondary stem. The wood rays are heterogeneousⅡ. There are little of uniseriate ray and lots of multiseriate ray. The multiseriate rays are 2-3 cells wide. The wood rays consist of upright and procumbent ray cell. The secondary phloem is mainly consisted of sieve tube, phloem parenchyma and phloem ray.The diameter of sieve elements is 18.75μm.There are druse in bast parenchyma cells.
     5.The leaf is dorsi-ventral type. The cuticle of epicuticle is thicker and there is no stomata on the epicuticle. The lower epidermis cells are bigger than epicuticle. The stoma distribute widely on lower epidermis. There is some glandular hairs on the lower epidermis. The number of the stoma in 20×view is 114. The mesophyll consists of palisade tissue and spongy tissue. The ratio of palisade tissue and spongy tissue is 0.97:1.There are druse in the parenchyma of mesophyll, petiole and leaf vein.
     We can get results through the nutritive organ research of Fontanesia fortunei:
     1.The periderm of root is very thick. The multilayer cork layer cells arrange very close, so it can conserve the water of root. The characteristic of roots increase the ability of root sucking and transport water in soil. When the water is insufficiency, the ability of transport water will increase, the entad speed of xylem will accelerate. So it is more benefit to the availability of the water. And the drought-resisting capability will raise.
     2.The stem is similarity to the root. The periderm is very thick. The stem and root are ring-porous wood. Huber considered that the ring-porous wood is common in the plants which grow in drought. So it can be used as the characteristic of the plants fit the drought. Moreover, the number of vessel in spring wood is bigger than autumn wood,this result explained that the ability of dredge water of stem is very vigorous, and adjust the water use ratio when it is in drought environment.
     3.The epicuticle of leaf have waxiness. The waxiness can reduce the water lost in leaf because the waxiness is waterproof. There is no stoma on epicuticle, so it can reduce the water lost to a certain extent.
     The cells of lower epidermis is very close. There are lots of small stoma on it. There are some glandular hairs on the lower epidermis. This is one of the plant's drought resistance characteristic and the mechanism of the plants resist the drought environment.
     The mesophyll of Fontanesia fortunei, the thickness of palisade tissue and spongy tissue is nearly the same. There are some chloroplast in the palisade tissue, it can explain that the palisade tissue participate in photosynthesis. The loose and big spongy tissue has better ability of storing water, thereby the plants can live in drought environment.
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